The Zionists are whining thread

It would be better to say that the German in you doesn't allow us to see eye to eye on this topic rather than agreeing with Osiris. Agreeing with Osiris, especially considering his historical arguments, implies that you have missing chromosomes and a grade school education, and we both know that not to be the case.

But can we agree on one thing? If this shit was going down in or around the US there would be no Palestinians. They would be ground hamburger by this point. People here can hardly even deal with Mexicans, and they're harmless belly-lint compared to crazy Muslims. Again I've been to Israel, and people here have no clue about the daily shit people have to deal with over there.
Why dont you read more into History and see who have treated Jews with more respect over the course of civilization. Do yourself a favor and learn to not spew bullshit and actually know History before accusing others of not knowing it. Fuck , discussing anything with you is a lost cause , you are just that fucking stupid and short sighted. That fucking magizine you posted just shows how far you will go to push that insane mind of yours even further into believing the bullshit that you spew. That second paragraph is just gibberish of some sort that is trying to get what kind of point across....cause last i checked the US believes in due process and not vigilante justice. Man i regret even typing a response cause its pointless.


Tranny Chaser
clicked on this thread for the first time, it's funny how every single Israel/Palestine thread on the internet always has someone who is so fervently/rabidly pro Israel that nobody can take them, or their points, seriously


Unelected Mod
clicked on this thread for the first time, it's funny how every single Israel/Palestine thread on the internet always has someone who is so fervently/rabidly pro Israel that nobody can take them, or their points, seriously
Funny how every single Israel/Palestine thread on the internet always has someone who is so fervently/rabidly anti-Israel that nobody can take them, or their points, seriously.


Musty Nester
Wombat, just pointing out -- Germans have killed more Germans than they ever have Jews, and you could say that the Jews they killed were German Jews. The ones who did the killing said that. Germans have a slightly amoral personal sense when it comes to killing. And a largely amoral one when it comes to mass killings. That's kinda part of the psyche. It makes a lot of sense if the "if you're going to do a thing, then fucking DO IT" ethic has been beaten into you and reinforced in all the subtle ways that it gets reinforced. Work hard play hard love hard, if you have to kill hard, and when you rest... rest hard.

I do think that Speilberg really did get it. The one scene I remember most (even more than that beach sequence that started it up) from Private Ryan was when the giant german was on top of the little jew and right before he killed him goes, "Hush now, little Jew. Sleep." I think that's probably about right. There's not even any hate in it.

Which makes it more horrifying rather than less. And I think your hardcore zionists have reached that point as well. I think Germans probably get it better than you might think.


Musty Nester
It's still basically a warrior/warlike culture. It's just been subverted and redirected.

Which is a good thing.

I dunno. Maybe my experience is just weird and atypical. That is entirely possible. I really like my German relatives. We do nothing but fight with each other, even when we agree with each other. And that's how it should be.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Why dont you read more into History and see who have treated Jews with more respect over the course of civilization. Do yourself a favor and learn to not spew bullshit and actually know History before accusing others of not knowing it. Fuck , discussing anything with you is a lost cause , you are just that fucking stupid and short sighted. That fucking magizine you posted just shows how far you will go to push that insane mind of yours even further into believing the bullshit that you spew. That second paragraph is just gibberish of some sort that is trying to get what kind of point across....cause last i checked the US believes in due process and not vigilante justice. Man i regret even typing a response cause its pointless.
So instead of shit talking, why not try to scrape together a few of your illiterate mongoloid brain cells and form a cogent argument?

Ossoi_sl said:
clicked on this thread for the first time, it's funny how every single Israel/Palestine thread on the internet always has someone who is so fervently/rabidly pro Israel that nobody can take them, or their points, seriously
Yeah, it must have been the guy that actually travelled there instead of forming his opinion off of Electronicintifata and the Guardian.

Cracks me up just how much hatred and vitriol is spewed at such a tiny country that by most metrics is one of the most productive per-capita wise on the entire planet; and that despite the fact that everybody around them wants to kill them and they have little to no natural resources. Nobody gives two shits about the 3000 Palestinians greased by Assad in 2015, or the thousands of Palestinians held in REAL refugee camps in Jordan where they are treated like slaves, but fuck, some Israeli shoots some 16 year old rock thrower that's been raised to martyr himself? In rushes the fucking BBC HD cameras and the call for an emergency session at the UN. It's a fucking joke, and everybody knows it.


Murder Apologist
The Germans are smart enough to know not to start shit again tho. It was a German who wrote"Great Carthage fought three wars. After the first she was still enviable. After the second she was still habitable. After the third she was untraceable."

If the fourth reich thinks third time's the charm again we will fucking glass them.
I understand I can be an ass , but when i was younger religion intrigued me greatly. So much so that I fervently read as many books as i can on the subject and a majority being Islamic history books. Being as most if not all people in my bloodline were Muslim. it was what I read the most about and it only reinforced me to read more as i read about people like Salladin and the rulers that existed right after the death of the prophet of Islam. Because thats when you can truly understand the essence of something when his influence and teachings were the strongest.

So that being said , nowadays though its a cesspool of representation of what it was or can be. I stood by that belief for so long that Islam will once again flourish as it did centuries ago , but then it dawned on me that Humankind is barbaric in nature and emotions cloud judgement and it would be impossible and then my faith dwindled as i began to think if there was a God why would he let it get to this point. But it still stirs inside me and thats where my thought process gravitates towards that time period. I ignore what it is today , or what it has became to be more specific. So it clouds my judgement many times when i enter discussions with people like Frenzied or hell anyone on this board and how they just flat out suck the Israeli dick and dont even try to convince you why they believe that supporting Israel in their bullshit actions is the right thing to do and just say idiotic shit as "I hate Muslims" or other neanderthal responses.

Now I need to be clear to a majority of you idiots and let me make this perfectly clear to you mongoloids , I do not support what Islam is today nor stand by it and nor do i support Israel and never will till they stop acting like they are entitled to the world. Fuck both of them , ISIS is a mockery along with Al-Qaeda and so is the Saudi Empire and its other neighbors and the idiotic Hamas and its other support groups.What fucking irks me is blanket judgement of people , thats my stance....what is yours?


Unelected Mod
I do not support what Islam is today nor stand by it and nor do i support Israel and never will till they stop acting like they are entitled to the world.
Islam today thinks they are entitled to the entire world. Israel just wants 8,000 square miles.

There is no moral equivalence between the two.


Israel just wants some lebensraum and to be able to shove people into ghettos based on their religion and ethnicity. Is that so wrong?


Murder Apologist
Well the goatfuckers will have plenty of lebensraum when Corbyn invites them all to move to Manchester, Itz. Get hyped!

There's plenty of time for sensitivity training for your women to acclimate to their dhimmitude, don't worry. Just remind them that it's only "gangrape" if there's privilege involved. Otherwise it's "distributed-consent" due to cultural insensitivity. Just some preparation and you can avoid having to censor news ortelling girls that reporting rapes is racist.

The fuck , do you even know what a Dhimmi is......I dont mean its adopted meaning that is was given but its original and only meaning. Was given to the "People of the Book" meaning followers of the Bible and Torah that lived in the Islamic Empire. They were allowed to practice their faith and were given rights to open shops and other practices as opposed to i dont know Ahmed that worshipped his statue of a goat the opportunity to profess his faith to his goat god by fucking a goat and to open a shop where more goatfuckers can come and practice their goat faith. Where do people get this shit from , is there some sort of Sam Harris out there that makes books of this garbage and people swallow it up and go spew it elsewhere to infest other peoples minds?

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Even if that means taking other peoples homes and land to achieve that goal and to deny people a place of worship?
Deny them a place of worship? Oh the irony.. Three million Muslims visited and prayed at the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem last year. Do you know how many Jews were allowed to visit (not pray) at the Temple Mount situated at the same location? 12,000, under guard no less. Do you know what happens to non Muslims that try and visit?This. The only people that deny the freedom of worship to other religions are the Muslims, this is pretty well documented by now if you've been paying attention.

As for the land, are you referring to the area shared by Jews/Muslims that became Israel, or Gaza/WB that belonged to Egypt/Jordan respectively before it was taken in reparations over the fact they attacked Israel for the 3rd time and failed? Because personally, I consider that Israeli land-- it's what happens when you wage war, multiple times, and lose.