Thief (2014)


Golden Squire
Thief dev explains why it ditched original Garrett voice actor • News •


"With the new visual of Garrett we'd created, we found that there was a disconnect that we couldn't ignore between the concepted character and Stephen's voice today," Gallagher explained.

"And to answer your question directly, the actor playing Garrett needed to be able to perform his own stunts," Verbert said.

"Garrett's a really athletic guy. We could have pasted Stephen's voice on top of the actions and stunts of someone else, but this wouldn't appear natural. It really wouldn't make any sense to capture the full performance for our other characters, but not for our star."


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>

Perhaps the most interesting reveal in the video is how they plan on handling difficulty modes - removing navigation markers, possibly failing missions on detection (unless they remove quick save, probably won't be much of a difficulty add and will cause players to quick save around every corner).


<Gold Donor>
My first couple of runs through Thief:The Dark Project and Thief: The Metal Age had saves around every corner, but those games were no fucking joke on expert. While it can be frustrating the thing I loved most about the Thief games was that you had to be patient and I hope Thief 4 lives up to the old challenge of the series.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I wouldn't expect Thief 4. They're rebooting the series so, while it will hopefully be very recognizable as Thief, I would expect it to have more in common with Deus Ex: Human Revolution than Thief: The Dark Project.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
I'll be quite upset if this comes out as an Assassins Creed/Deus Ex styled action "stealth" game. The best thing about all the Thief games was that youcouldn'tjust slaughter your way out of a problem.


Trakanon Raider
Complete shit that they're not using the same voice. I fully expect this to be a Dishonored clone where I can face roll guards and never touch a shadow. I sure hope I'm wrong cause I loved the shit out of Thief 1 and 2. I was 14-15 at the time of Thief and still have my copies with god knows how many play throughs. I loved sitting there with all the lights off watching guards path for 5-10 minutes until I figured out when was clear. Hope to shit they keep with Pagans/Hammerites as the enemy and dont introduce some new shit. Hammerites are awesome.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
They haven't gotten into too much detail about the world except to say that it wouldn't be high fantasy like the first three Thief games. Everything else they've said has been pretty generic: there's a new Baron in town making everyone miserable, the poor are poor, the rich are rich, and Garrett likes to steal things.


They haven't gotten into too much detail about the world except to say that it wouldn't be high fantasy like the first three Thief games. Everything else they've said has been pretty generic: there's a new Baron in town making everyone miserable, the poor are poor, the rich are rich, and Garrett likes to steal things.
Thief was high fantasy? I remember somewhat surreal arrows that would extinguish torches and stuff like that. Or maybe I am not clear on the definition of high fantasy. Magic swords, dragons, Gandalf right? Or is it just the "world that's not our own" definition?


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Well, there's fantasy and then there's high fantasy. I don't know that there are strict definitions of what makes something fantasy andnothigh fantasy, but the combination of zombies, dinosaurs, clockwork creatures, giant spiders, and magic speaks more of high fantasy than run-of-the-mill fantasy to me. Feel free to disagree; I don't feel like googling the definition (assuming there is one).


<Silver Donator>
Maybe it's me but my first reaction is "how the fuck do you hide in these places, too much light".


Registered Hutt
I've never played Thief before. I love stealth shit though. Is magic involved? I played through Dishonored a while back, and it was full of overpowered magical abilities that reduced my enjoyment.


<Silver Donator>
I've never played Thief before. I love stealth shit though. Is magic involved? I played through Dishonored a while back, and it was full of overpowered magical abilities that reduced my enjoyment.
As far as I remember, magic is only involved in types of enemies and stuff, as in at some point in the story you start fighting monsters/demons/whatever the fuck. But other than that no. I haven't played in years but all I remember is sword(which was really last resort shit), blackjack to remove guards silently(have to move corpses and shit), bow+arrows with various heads like noise arrow(get guards to check it out), water arrow to extinguish torches etc and I think that was it? Maybe some other stuff but no magic. In higher difficulties you couldn't melee your way out of a paperbag so it was pure stealth more or less.


Trakanon Raider
Trailer looks dumb, real thief wouldn't stop and pull out a bow in the middle of the hallway.


Most people who have tested it don't have a lot of positive things to say about it. I was skeptical the moment one of the developers said they were sacrificing interaction with the environment for graphics. It's too bad because this was one of my favorite series of the late 90s/2000s.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
That's the complete opposite of the impression I have of the game based on previews published in the last few days by sites like Joystiq and Polygon, which have been very positive. Hard to judge the graphics yet based on badly-compressed PS4 (PS3?) footage, but the environment looks like it has plenty of interaction.

The level of granularity in the difficulty selection screen alone made me optimistic enough about the game to pre-order it. And I say that as someone who played (and loved) the first two Thief games when they were new.


Silver Squire
I'm going with a Dishonored type game. I enjoyed that so while its not exactly what I wanted it will still be worth the play through. Thief of old I doubt we will see here.