Titan has been cancelled.


Musty Nester
Oddly, a lot of the music that I liked when I was younger... I am fully aware of how much it sucks. And I'm not even ashamed that I liked it because it wasn't about the music so much as it was about who was sitting around listening to it.

Its strange, but there's a lot of good music out there. And there's still plenty of shit that utterly sucks. But it's not supposed to be good. It's geared for teenagers sitting around in a room gettin rickety-rick-wrecked, son.


Buzzfeed Editor
I don't understand the focus on AI. We have humans -make use of them. Massively social interactions have continually taken a back seat to everything else for the sake of casualness. Fucking Ultima Online had more massively interactive gameplay than anything EQN will likely have..
AI is not just about NPC's; there are jobs in the world humans would be poor atbecausethey are humans with a knowledge that extends beyond the game world. Project M was hilarious and fun for a few days, but having a group of players be orcs and avoid fighting people actually trying to fight them, so they could run into to town and Allah Ackbar on some crafter? Would get old pretty quick; especially if said orcs had no tangible losses for doing so and the only rational for them behaving that way is because a human in front of the keyboard knew it was just some mob, that he could easily re-spawn. Yes, ideally you want most of the strife to be between players--and in UO, the various Orc PvP guilds were cool. But mobs have their place; especially because if AI was advanced enough the mob would act as IF it were in the world (While a human would clearly be playing from outside of it.). Not to mention it extends to things like how fauna react to player actions, or even changes in things like the pattern of a river. These are concepts that are completely out of the question without a good AI.

Anyway, having a dragon that reacts to you? That alters it's behavior depending on what your group tries to do? Such an AI would eliminate the concept of "how to" videos. Just think about how interestingthatwould be. AI, essentially, will allow for MORE freedom; since the developers won't have to be concerned with how idiotic scripts can be exploited and so won't have to lock down everything and it's mother just to make sure you do encounter X way. Yes, again, we are decades away from the technology but even just extremely advanced, adaptive scripting; would be a huge change in the very foundation of MMO's.

Long and short, you can "make use" of players all you want; they still aren't a replacement for various aspects that fall under AI purview. AI is such a huge, ubiquitous problem in games today that I think it marches by almost unnoticed. But again, just imagine if a group of mobs was so advanced that depending on your actions, whatever conflict you had with them could have resolutions evenbeyondcombat? (IE similar to how players are dealt with.) Really advanced AI opens up more possibilities, I believe, than any other advancement in gaming.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
So much hearthstone hate in here.

Did a handlock run a molten giant train on yo moms?


Vyemm Raider
To be fair COH, EQOA, and sort of Vanguard had pretty thriving communities - and in the case of COH and EQOA for quite a good time. I'd be content with making those games and knowing people enjoyed them for so long.
EQ:OA had a thriving community? Wat?

Not saying the game was completely dead, but the game barely had enough people for 1-2 small servers for the vast majority of the time it was online.


Trakanon Raider
I see a lot of nerds in this thread who have spent thousands of hours playing blizzard games the last 10 years saying all blizzard games have sucked the past 10 years. Stop kidding yourselves. Admit to yourself you got old and cynical, tell the kids to get off your damn lawn and listen to your korn album because all music nowadays sucks!
Bullshit. Has absolutely nothing to do with age. D2 was/is better than D3 in every way possible. That is a fact.


what Suineg set it to
I see a lot of nerds in this thread who have spent thousands of hours playing blizzard games the last 10 years saying all blizzard games have sucked the past 10 years. Stop kidding yourselves. Admit to yourself you got old and cynical, tell the kids to get off your damn lawn and listen to your korn album because all music nowadays sucks!
I've gone back to play SC and D2 and WC3 from time to time after their successors came out. They are still way more fun. You can't say the same when you play most games and immediately go 'oh, yea now I remember'. SC is a timeless classic, D2 had exactly the right bite for a hack and slash and WC3... what can I say besides the fact that DotA the original still plays better than most MOBAs released years and years later.


what Suineg set it to
I don't hate it. I just don't see how many permutations of casting cost/attack/defense/keywords they can really put on cards.
But they can name things different and make new tribes with the same effects...


Avatar of War Slayer
MMDOC is mechanically a much much better game. Its lane system alone creates a MUCH better dynamic then Hearthstones shitty taunt system for defending.
The Might, Magic, Fortune, and resource gain/turn as well is handled better.
UI is not as good.
Ubisofts management is pretty terrible. Aka, access to cards/factions as a new player. Not on Android yet. No arena/card draw.

I don't HATE Hearthstone. But, it really just couldn't keep my interest. It was just unsatisfying and a bit of a let down.


The former WoW design team making parlor card games. I mean I can't say I don't enjoy bathing in that sea of hilariousness, but it's so sad. Forget the Frozen Moses; the real prophet is Mark 'We killed a genre' Kern.



AI is not just about NPC's; there are jobs in the world humans would be poor atbecausethey are humans with a knowledge that extends beyond the game world [...]
I fundamentally disagree with this. The onus is on the designers (and engineers) to encapsulate and insulate the player in the world with its rules and mechanics. AI is awesome and needed, sure, but it's tertiary at best and not the essential element that is missing in MMOs today: the massive social interaction. Recall the AI in UO, for example: it was absolutely the worst AI in the history of intelligence. I mean khalid and zzyy are smarter than the liches in Deceit were, and that says a lot about those liches.

But it didn't matter because Ultima Online was almost exclusively focused on players and their interactions. All NPCs were really just supporting casts to all those interactions. That's what this industry has lost almost completely, and it's been replaced with limited muliplayer experiences with scripted mobs and RL cash transactions injected everywhere in-between. It's objectively garbage, and every dev should be ashamed.

There's too much cash injection in this industry. Too many bean counters have infected it. It needs to crater, to bottom out, for us to have any semblance of a massively multiplayer experience again.


Counter: Most people on the internet are fuckin idiots, so why pay for a game where the main (or only) interaction is dealing with fucking idiots? I put up with enough of that shit in my day job.


We all know the elephant sitting in the forum, Itzena. It's why I was banned from FoH. There's no reason for WoW to be massively muliplayerat all. It would work perfectly fine with an openraid lobby and a SP/MP world experience like D3. It essentially is D3 in the open world already. There's nothing about the gameplay that necessitates a massively muliplayer label.

If you don't want to deal with people, then why are you playing an MMO? Single, multiplayer games are perfectly suited to the experience you want.

I want, MMO gameplay demands, aworldagain: Britannia, Norrath. A place I can respect. Feel danger. Feel a sense of depth, a sense of scale. Not a fucking UI to a bunch of scripted parlor games. If WoW is massively mutiplayer, then Yahoo games is too.


Tranny Chaser
We've gone a long way from 'there is a big dragon in that room, don't get breathed on and avoid the tail swipe' to that craziness I saw with the new conveyor belt raid.


It's no longer a massively immersive, social experience. It's a collection, a parlor, of quick twitch experiences. Even the gear you collect, which you can't name and will get replaced tomorrow anyway, doesn't matter because much of the parlor experiences are gear normalized.

The bean counters need kicked out, and the retarded devs need a kick to the head.