Tom Clancy's The Division


Trakanon Raider
I think it would be split on if its really clunky or not. Its not perfect but it isn't awful either. The parkour is definitely lackluster. I want to hit the ground running, not standing straight up. The gunplay is pretty good. Again, could be better but it could be a lot worse.

In my opinion H1Z1/DayZ are clunky, but a lot of people either like or just put up with it. I wouldn't put this in the same category. I would say The Division isn't polished, but clunky is harsh IMO.


Buzzfeed Editor
After newest beta, while improved in some ways I'm opting for possibly on sale or after it hits live and real reviews.

I dont like the amount of hidden content and vague dev promises of so many rainbows and secret suprises. Coming from this company and ubisoft I am not holding my breath. I think it will end up being not much more than it looks like it will be with some vague attempts of keeping people playing with lv 30 stuff like destiny, but on a large scale flop I think.

Did notice, seems like a rather large % of beta people were foreign.

As far as my earlier bitch about wonky balance of some things, including oddball stats. One of my favorites I never mentioned was stuff like 5% increased crit chance skill on weapons after using an ability...... for 5 seconds..... wooo. With such long cooldowns, even with reducing gear, still being at least like 30 second cooldowns if not a minute. Seems largely useless, with the clunkyness you figure lose a second or two with animation and getting back on target especially if they moving. So such a tiny bonus for so few seconds. Similiarly, the toxic, 5% chance to blind target with headshot only.... ok once in a great while you get a blind proc prolly similiar to a gas grenade, but if popping headshots not like mobs lasting long. I do wonder if LMG's that largely seem to suck can suppress bosses or at least the extra elite uber mobs.

I think my big gripe, is that while the DZ is the best part of the game, I still have issues with implementation. There are the points the others made, but I also kinda hate how it's even more frustrating than say a DAYZ style. In dayz in early days sometimes people work toghether. Sometimes they KOS. Sometimes they betray after a while. While they tried doing this in Division, having the way rogue works makes it more frustrating. Namely because if you want to be cautious and KOS, you are the "bad guy". On otherhand someone who is a real "bad guy" can take advantage and strike when they want and pretty much guarantee a kill, then just run a bit or engage in fighting after probably insta gibbing a person randomly or doing the sticky + thrown nade on a group at extraction. Meanwhile all the trolling such as hitting someone once with a sentry out so sentry fires at you and flags the victim as the rogue. Groups running around not fully grouped so they can have rogues with non flagged rogues. (Non flagged then ambushes people trying to chase rogue) Basically just seems to slant things in favor of a group trying to be shitlords vs someone trying to balance being "nice" is in for a rough time because if they gun someone they know is a dick, they still get this game flag for giant kill me sign. (And getting the other carebears to jump them.)


Vyemm Raider
That's wrong. I loved splinter cell, ghost recon, rainbow six. All had ten times more responsive combat and control than this. This is clunkier than shit, the others weren't.
I have Siege, Future Warfighter, and Splinter Cell and the movement is more or less the same across the board. The movement in TD is better than in the last GR by far and i only lasted about a day in Siege before i uninstalled due to the bugs so i cant even consider this in the mix. I still have the last GR, have you recently loaded it up to compare? its really not in the same ballpark but the parkour in TD could be a bit smoother and give you more options on how you leap/land/etc.

I dont really feel its as smooth as GoW but its not bad by any means when it comes to going cover to cover at all.

My only concern is they arent really clarifying things, the answer on content is vague, end game is vague, and the DZ can "not" be the end bc that wont go over well at all.

As far as my earlier bitch about wonky balance of some things, including oddball stats. One of my favorites I never mentioned was stuff like 5% increased crit chance skill on weapons after using an ability...... for 5 seconds..... wooo. With such long cooldowns, even with reducing gear, still being at least like 30 second cooldowns if not a minute. Seems largely useless, with the clunkyness you figure lose a second or two with animation and getting back on target especially if they moving.
Be it D3, WoW, EQ, or insert any game/mmo with progression system and leveling - lowbie gear is always lowbie gear. Even if its a legendary lowbie gear item its still not as good as what you get near or at max level and that includes the benefits. Some of the items had effects that heal you for a % over 5 sec after a kill, which is not bad since you get kills at a frequent pace in PvE and not bad in PVP also. I think all pistols had 100% extra dmg on enemies under 30% life. The benefits arent amazing but they are also for people who are L8 too.


FPS noob
the problem with movement is the cover system. Its fine in the other TC games since everything is pretty fixed and scripted, but there were many times in division when I'd want to move from spot A to B, my controller would show me the X button to move to cover, and when I held it down my dude would stand up instead and the jedi enemies would instantly kill me with a million headshots. Or you'd move to the enemy side of a cover spot instead of the other way and watch as your dude dies. Or a million other things that really reminded me of assassins creed, in that "FUCK YOU YOU LITTLE FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT GODDAMN IT WHY DID YOU JUST FALL OFF THE EDGE OF A LADDER AAAAAAAAAA" clusterfuck of a movement system.

Its going to get super annoying in PVP


Vyemm Raider
the problem with movement is the cover system. Its fine in the other TC games since everything is pretty fixed and scripted, but there were many times in division when I'd want to move from spot A to B, my controller would show me the X button to move to cover, and when I held it down my dude would stand up instead and the jedi enemies would instantly kill me with a million headshots. Or you'd move to the enemy side of a cover spot instead of the other way and watch as your dude dies. Or a million other things that really reminded me of assassins creed, in that "FUCK YOU YOU LITTLE FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT GODDAMN IT WHY DID YOU JUST FALL OFF THE EDGE OF A LADDER AAAAAAAAAA" clusterfuck of a movement system.

Its going to get super annoying in PVP
Oh weird, it may have happened but i havent noticed that happen to me just yet. The only thing that annoys me is the at times button confusion where i end up jumping on top of a car instead of crouching behind it and i get shitted on by the now crack shot AI enemies. I also hate the fact that its hard to know why my guy stops running and goes into a jog half the time. When im running from bitches in the DZ id like to constantly be running and not randomly go into a jog. For console id rather it be a button press that would always make me run and not pushing the analog button in bc it seems it doesnt work always unless there is a hidden duration for running.
I like it , pre-ordered from gmg with a 28% discount so im happy with that price. Also in case people were wondering , you can get BiS gear from either the DZ or PVE areas. But fun game and like the mod system and curious about the crafting/perk system.


Vyemm Raider
I like it , pre-ordered from gmg with a 28% discount so im happy with that price. Also in case people were wondering , you can get BiS gear from either the DZ or PVE areas. But fun game and like the mod system and curious about the crafting/perk system.
Problem is in alot of the videos the tards keep saying that DZ will have the best loot, but then they also say to create some of the best items you need some tech from the DZ and it just clashes and causes confusion. They just need one voice to be heard who can give clarity and stop having every dev chime in giving info thats not concise.


Vyemm Raider
After newest beta, while improved in some ways I'm opting for possibly on sale or after it hits live and real reviews.

I dont like the amount of hidden content and vague dev promises of so many rainbows and secret suprises. Coming from this company and ubisoft I am not holding my breath. I think it will end up being not much more than it looks like it will be with some vague attempts of keeping people playing with lv 30 stuff like destiny, but on a large scale flop I think.

Did notice, seems like a rather large % of beta people were foreign.

As far as my earlier bitch about wonky balance of some things, including oddball stats. One of my favorites I never mentioned was stuff like 5% increased crit chance skill on weapons after using an ability...... for 5 seconds..... wooo. With such long cooldowns, even with reducing gear, still being at least like 30 second cooldowns if not a minute. Seems largely useless, with the clunkyness you figure lose a second or two with animation and getting back on target especially if they moving. So such a tiny bonus for so few seconds. Similiarly, the toxic, 5% chance to blind target with headshot only.... ok once in a great while you get a blind proc prolly similiar to a gas grenade, but if popping headshots not like mobs lasting long. I do wonder if LMG's that largely seem to suck can suppress bosses or at least the extra elite uber mobs.

I think my big gripe, is that while the DZ is the best part of the game, I still have issues with implementation. There are the points the others made, but I also kinda hate how it's even more frustrating than say a DAYZ style. In dayz in early days sometimes people work toghether. Sometimes they KOS. Sometimes they betray after a while. While they tried doing this in Division, having the way rogue works makes it more frustrating. Namely because if you want to be cautious and KOS, you are the "bad guy". On otherhand someone who is a real "bad guy" can take advantage and strike when they want and pretty much guarantee a kill, then just run a bit or engage in fighting after probably insta gibbing a person randomly or doing the sticky + thrown nade on a group at extraction. Meanwhile all the trolling such as hitting someone once with a sentry out so sentry fires at you and flags the victim as the rogue. Groups running around not fully grouped so they can have rogues with non flagged rogues. (Non flagged then ambushes people trying to chase rogue) Basically just seems to slant things in favor of a group trying to be shitlords vs someone trying to balance being "nice" is in for a rough time because if they gun someone they know is a dick, they still get this game flag for giant kill me sign. (And getting the other carebears to jump them.)
I couldn't agree more, and the sad fact is they have examples of great PvP systems all the way back to Ultima Online. Anyways the lack of a single random world event, or npc/item initiated quest is extremely concerning. Not to mention the long ass walks to encounters with basically nothing in between. Don't even get me started on the dark zone item extraction system. I feel like with The Division there was a lot of "good enough" being said, but little else when discussing the game internally.

Before anyone starts throwing a tizzy yes I realize it's beta, but let's be honest here. If you were going to host an open beta weekend weeks before release wouldn't you try to make it as cool as fucking possible? I know I've personally played a lot of beta tests, and they have always been a great representation of the end game. Shit even Blizzard who typically does a great job let us play the Diablo 3 beta and it was extremely limited like the Division. I personally told myself it was just because the game was so awesome, and they didn't want to spoil it. We all know how that shit turned out, and how many years it took them to make the game even remotely entertaining. That's not even considering the fact that I trust Blizzard a hell of a lot more than Ubisoft.


Blackwing Lair Raider
The most fun I had in this game was playing it in a way that was completely unrewarding from a gear/level standpoint and insanely punishing.

PVE sucks dick. PVP is fun. But if you PVP you'll never gain levels.


Vyemm Raider
The most fun I had in this game was playing it in a way that was completely unrewarding from a gear/level standpoint and insanely punishing.

PVE sucks dick. PVP is fun. But if you PVP you'll never gain levels.
I agree, but gear in this game has a pretty profound effect on your PvP success or failure.


Log Wizard
Since beta is almost over...

Pro tip: Team of 4. 3 people go Rogue, as deep level as you'd like. Run to northwest alley. Have 4th un-rogue person stand in doorway of the alley fence. Body blocks all other players. They have to go rogue to kill them and move them and then you and your team kill rogues for free profit. Repeat. Be biggest douches of beta.

Also funny to trap people in fenced alleys using the same trick with two people.


Vyemm Raider
I couldn't agree more, and the sad fact is they have examples of great PvP systems all the way back to Ultima Online. Anyways the lack of a single random world event, or npc/item initiated quest is extremely concerning. Not to mention the long ass walks to encounters with basically nothing in between. Don't even get me started on the dark zone item extraction system. I feel like with The Division there was a lot of "good enough" being said, but little else when discussing the game internally.

Before anyone starts throwing a tizzy yes I realize it's beta, but let's be honest here. If you were going to host an open beta weekend weeks before release wouldn't you try to make it as cool as fucking possible? I know I've personally played a lot of beta tests, and they have always been a great representation of the end game. Shit even Blizzard who typically does a great job let us play the Diablo 3 beta and it was extremely limited like the Division. I personally told myself it was just because the game was so awesome, and they didn't want to spoil it. We all know how that shit turned out, and how many years it took them to make the game even remotely entertaining. That's not even considering the fact that I trust Blizzard a hell of a lot more than Ubisoft.
If youre to compare it to UO then you must remember all the great times griefing and pissing people off just because you could and wanted to, and fame/karma was much more harsh than anything in TD. Once you started down the path in UO it could take days or longer to reverse. Actually OU PVP was notorious for epic douchebaggery on the levels that i dont think many other games will ever reach. Sure some of this was quelled by alot of people running off to the Abyss server but UO PVP was glorious, and it had no extraction system to whisk away your loot, and your homes and castles werent safe either(hello nightmare mount!). There is no comparing the state of carebear pvp has taken to the golden days of UO. Everything else is true, there needs to be more "stuff" and enemy density - they said they increased enemies in the DZ but aside from like 1 pack at an extraction point its more of the same. There are some scattered things in the game that dont have waypoints but im not sure if any of that shit ties into anything worth a shit. If these recordings would offer up something more it would be pretty cool also.

Curious, is there any clear way to get 2 groups of friends into a same DZ?

Also Pretty sure Xevy will be that one guy to avoid at all cost in the DZ due to his knowing so many ways to anger the casual players.


Buzzfeed Editor
I agree, but gear in this game has a pretty profound effect on your PvP success or failure.
This was the point I forgot to make with my pvp rant on top of everything else. Just looking at a person especially moving hard to tell how uber they are. And even in just this small ecosystem we had the disparity in power from DZ weapon and armor to someone with all blues was huge. So you run into the guys who you have the perfect drop on but even a full magazine half to the head doesn't drop then they annihilate you during the reload. (or if they were farther you were in cover but probably just did that much less damage. This is where the skill can trump gear if they are retarded like people that run into my nades I threw ahead of them, but it sure makes it a big uphill climb.)

So basically the stuff I said above, + gear disparity, it just doesn't translate well to something that is gun based. And that's why I think it's why those types of things are always in fantasy games and/or shit like star wars where melee lightsabers is an option and theres space wizards.


This was the point I forgot to make with my pvp rant on top of everything else. Just looking at a person especially moving hard to tell how uber they are. And even in just this small ecosystem we had the disparity in power from DZ weapon and armor to someone with all blues was huge. So you run into the guys who you have the perfect drop on but even a full magazine half to the head doesn't drop then they annihilate you during the reload. (or if they were farther you were in cover but probably just did that much less damage. This is where the skill can trump gear if they are retarded like people that run into my nades I threw ahead of them, but it sure makes it a big uphill climb.)

So basically the stuff I said above, + gear disparity, it just doesn't translate well to something that is gun based. And that's why I think it's why those types of things are always in fantasy games and/or shit like star wars where melee lightsabers is an option and theres space wizards.
This is part of why I have continually complained that the game needs to be rebalanced around weapon mods and convenience and not +better'er damage/health. Only damage model changes should be based off caliber/ammo types and armor type /weight. Still plenty of ways to trick your gear and progression to be worthwhile without removing the value of tactical play.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I have Siege, Future Warfighter, and Splinter Cell and the movement is more or less the same across the board. The movement in TD is better than in the last GR by far and i only lasted about a day in Siege before i uninstalled due to the bugs so i cant even consider this in the mix. I still have the last GR, have you recently loaded it up to compare?
I never bought Siege or Future Warfighter. My experience with was with past games that definitely hit the mark before Ubi started being worse Ubi (There was a time when I really looked forward to anything they launched) Xbox: Ghost Recon, Rainbow Six, and Rainbow Six Vegas for the 360, along with every Splinter Cell game (Admittedly a little different because of the stealth focus) from the original through Blacklist. I do not know whether it is the hit detection, animations, response, or all three combined. But the combat for me is definitely the clunkiest around from what I have played. Especially when comparing other 3rd person shooters (Regardless if it is an "RPG" or an action based shooter) - the combat has to be fluid.

As you stated though later in your post, I would be more worried if I were you and picking this up and not seeing any of the content yet they are promising. From the sounds of it here, a lot of people got bored of the game within a couple hours. Base building I am sure will be fun - but there is more of an indepth version of that within Fallout 4.


Not Woke
<Bronze Donator>
There seemed to be just as much stuff locked as available within the beta, and I definitely liked what I saw enough to give the full version a try. Amazon prime members get 20% off all new releases, so it's already down under $50, which will definitely give me my money's worth.


Trakanon Raider
I am going to buy it. Unsure if PC or PS4 version. If it was just me, I'd get the PC version, but if a friend gets the PS4 version I will get that instead.

Are there guilds or something similar in this game? And if so, will there be a Rerolled guild?


Buzzfeed Editor
So far no clam support that I've seen. There's line a match making group mechanic for a party of 4, and a friend list.


Trakanon Raider
I am going to buy it. Unsure if PC or PS4 version. If it was just me, I'd get the PC version, but if a friend gets the PS4 version I will get that instead.

Are there guilds or something similar in this game? And if so, will there be a Rerolled guild?
The devs stated it would be coming, but not available at release. Probably a mistake to do it that way, but time will tell.