Tom Clancy's The Division


FoH nuclear response team
Gave it another shot this morning and it just feels off and boring. Character models look strange and I'm not a fan of the setting, Winter time in the city was really cool.

World still feels empty which was my biggest complaint in D1, 4 city blocks and you see 3 enemies which die too easy. This feels like an expansion and not a new game, I'll check it out in a year or so.
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Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Man...This game feels exactly like I'm playing TD1 in summertime. That's good I guess, don't fix what ain't broke. But I did a couple missions and started playing Frostpunk.
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Trakanon Raider
Played with friends. It was a good time. Luckily for us, we stopped playing Division 1 earlier than later so we aren't burned out.

Should be a good time with some optimizations.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Gave it another shot this morning and it just feels off and boring. Character models look strange and I'm not a fan of the setting, Winter time in the city was really cool.

World still feels empty which was my biggest complaint in D1, 4 city blocks and you see 3 enemies which die too easy. This feels like an expansion and not a new game, I'll check it out in a year or so.
Completely agree. Felt like D1. Didn't feel like anything new, and was just flat out boring. I'm not asking for a re-invented wheel but they should put something new in.

Utnayan Utnayan And why does every game these days feel optimized for console and PC gets shit controls? Should I just be playing all of these on ps4 with LG OLED, Dolby atmos, and a recliner?
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That guy
Console UI on PC gives me brain cancer. Even though I think I'd easily get my money's worth out of Anthem, the interface is so god awful. Division 1 on PC was pretty ass as well.
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Tranny Chaser
I tried out the 'endgame' they opened up and I see why they did this as the 'specializations' tweak the main skills and add in the new weapon for each. This seemed to be genuinely different from Div1, but then again we didn't end up playing Div1 too long.

I enjoyed myself with the beta. I think it may end up being a bit more group-friendly than Anthem as you do have the ability to come across people out in the world.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Gave it another shot this morning and it just feels off and boring. Character models look strange and I'm not a fan of the setting, Winter time in the city was really cool.

World still feels empty which was my biggest complaint in D1, 4 city blocks and you see 3 enemies which die too easy. This feels like an expansion and not a new game, I'll check it out in a year or so.
Yea, don't look at the character models legs. Just don't.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Completely agree. Felt like D1. Didn't feel like anything new, and was just flat out boring. I'm not asking for a re-invented wheel but they should put something new in.

Utnayan Utnayan And why does every game these days feel optimized for console and PC gets shit controls? Should I just be playing all of these on ps4 with LG OLED, Dolby atmos, and a recliner?

That’s what I did buddy. :) also bought those turtle beach headphones and the atmos app. (Until I get my atmos speakers in).

That’s why I converted a while ago. Can’t beat it. :)

Oh tip of the day. Remember when putting SPF 30 all over yourself before snorkeling and sailing all day that even though you have round one and two of lotion throughout the day, you don’t want to forget to put it on your face for round one.

I just went from pirate plundering the open seas to a carribean raccoon plundering the trash bins. 🍺 need some beer to numb this up.
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Tranny Chaser
<Gold Donor>
Anthem didn't pan out so well but at least it tried something new.

I played the beta and it's just TD1 in a different setting. In fact in many ways it feels like a step back from 1.8.3.

I guess I'm not playing a looter shooter this year.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Anthem didn't pan out so well but at least it tried something new.

I played the beta and it's just TD1 in a different setting. In fact in many ways it feels like a step back from 1.8.3.

I guess I'm not playing a looter shooter this year.
I'll probably just go back to Destiny 2. Have a big group of friends that still love that and didn't really try Anthem or Div 2.

One thing Massive does have going for it though is at least since this was beta, and not a demo, they were able to push fixes.


Maximum Derek
<Bronze Donator>
Here is a free business idea for the entrepreneurial spirited here. Form a company that does UI/UX for the games industry. Make engine addon modules so they can plug them in to their platform versions XBox, PS4, Nintendo, PC, etc.

Anyway, played a couple hours last night, it was not bad. Did not play Div1, as the theme of the game does not usually do it for me. I did not wake up looking to jump back in like the Anthem demo got me (even in it's buggy state). Friends could drag me into it, but that is about the only way I would buy into it.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Finally got around to doing the endgame mission for my arm patch. Soloed it using the demo spec, only died once when I got caught out the the open and all of a sudden there was a mech right on top of me.

Guns are actually fine for the most part, just different from Division. In Division I almost never use anything but ARs, and haven't since at least 1.6 (I think that was the patch I switch off of my dual-LMG AlphaBridge build because they nerfed AB into the ground?). ARs in Div 2 suck ass though imo. So much garbage in there because Massive can't be bothered to add select fire to their guns, and now it's even worse than Div 1 because they made sure all the civilian rifles like the LVOA-C are semi-only and somehow we can do all these other mods but a full-auto trigger conversion is asking too much. Semi-auto is fine in a game like Ghost Recon, where enemies die in one shot, but it's stupid here. All the ones I tried made the recoil of the Div 1 Police M4 seem perfectly reasonable too, hell even the LMGs in Div 2 are far easier to control. I got through the mission using the two shotguns (SPAS-12 and AA-12, since I had a high end one of those drop) and swapping MMR and LMG in the other slot as needed. Only the dog-robot enemy felt like a bullet sponge--especially since it was only a purple--everything else was pretty good.

Gun mods, however, are retarded. I can't believe some idiot actually thought it would be a good idea for every mod to have a downside. They've said on twitter that they will be toning down the magnitude of the negatives, but they need to just get rid of that shit entirely.

Skills are still my biggest issue with the game, for both players and NPCs. Player skills have ridiculously long cooldowns, do basically fuck-all even when you do get to use them, and having to manually aim most of them is the worst idea ever. I don't think I got a single kill with the artillery turret when I tried using it. For one thing the things are so fragile that a couple times I threw it out and a red hp bar dude killed it pretty much instantly. So much for cancelling the skill early to get 50% shaved off the cooldown. Plus there's the fact that you have to keep hitting R1 to shoot the thing manually, which means you aren't using your guns (which do vastly more damage so what's the point anyway). The assault turret is better, but it's still extremely fragile. And then there's the enemies, who can spam their skills all goddamn day with little to no cooldown, and the ones that shit out drones spawn them 2 at a time. Edit: Grenade spam is just as bad as skill spam too.

Specializations... also terrible from what I've seen and I'd rather they just kept signature skills. The sniper ones gets ammo from headshots, but the damage isn't anything special. The other two might be ok, but you only get ammo from applying status and then killing (xbow) and explosive kills (launcher). Suffice to say, I never got a single launcher ammo during my entire run. They also get unique versions of the base skills, but at least with the skills/specs we have available now I didn't see any I would use over the basic versions. I didn't try the xbow spec though, maybe it has one that doesn't suck ass.

Overall, I'd say the endgame mission brought me a little closer to buying the game, but The Division with skills being almost an afterthought (and an extreme fucking annoyance on the enemy side) is not a game I see myself playing for very long.
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Vyemm Raider
No need to write a lengthy post. This is another industry money grab. I see no improvements over D1 at all. How is this not some sort of DLC?
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Vyemm Raider
Gun mods, however, are retarded. I can't believe some idiot actually thought it would be a good idea for every mod to have a downside. They've said on twitter that they will be toning down the magnitude of the negatives, but they need to just get rid of that shit entirely.

Completely agree. Not only is having negatives retarded, the actual negatives make zero sense. On top of that, I've actually read post where people have defended some of them by saying shit like "I can understand why having an extended mag would increase reload times." Like, WTF? I get that you've never handled a firearm before, but you've at least seen one get reloaded on tv or a movie? What exactly do you think having a longer mag does to change/lengthen the mechanic of replacing the mag?

How does adding a laser sight that weighs a few ounces lessen the stability of a weapon? How does a fucking GRIP lessen the stability? Why would any mod do less headshot damage or less damage to elites?

This is the kind of boneheaded idea that gets brought up at an early design meeting and thrown out immediately, then later recalled and laughed about.

"Hey, man, you remember when Dave wanted to put negatives on weapon mods? LOL."
"Hahahahha, yeah, Dave, what a character. Whatever happened to him anyway?"
"Well, last I heard he was working at McDonalds, but was fired."
"What the hell? How do you get fired from McDonalds?"
"Well, he had this crazy idea. He wanted to put the meat outside the bun..."


Ssraeszha Raider
Completely agree. Not only is having negatives retarded, the actual negatives make zero sense. On top of that, I've actually read post where people have defended some of them by saying shit like "I can understand why having an extended mag would increase reload times." Like, WTF? I get that you've never handled a firearm before, but you've at least seen one get reloaded on tv or a movie? What exactly do you think having a longer mag does to change/lengthen the mechanic of replacing the mag?

How does adding a laser sight that weighs a few ounces lessen the stability of a weapon? How does a fucking GRIP lessen the stability? Why would any mod do less headshot damage or less damage to elites?

This is the kind of boneheaded idea that gets brought up at an early design meeting and thrown out immediately, then later recalled and laughed about.

"Hey, man, you remember when Dave wanted to put negatives on weapon mods? LOL."
"Hahahahha, yeah, Dave, what a character. Whatever happened to him anyway?"
"Well, last I heard he was working at McDonalds, but was fired."
"What the hell? How do you get fired from McDonalds?"
"Well, he had this crazy idea. He wanted to put the meat outside the bun..."

You do have to load the bullets into the extended mag at some point, I guess.

I get the idea that mods are more about customizing playstyle than straight upgrades, but the right way to do that is just bigger bonuses to the mods. Smaller upgrades with drawbacks makes it feel pointless to even upgrade even if the end result is the same.


Vyemm Raider
You do have to load the bullets into the extended mag at some point, I guess.

Fuck no, I don't. What do you think all those homeless hobos do at the settlements all day? Gotta earn their fucking soup.
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a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
It's not reality. Negatives makes sense for the balancing of any other rpg style game, but folks get so fuckin confused when it involves "real" guns. A magazine having any effect other than increasing round capacity is already incredibly unrealistic. Increased reload time, increased stability, bullet rpm, any positive related other than mag size is stupid. Yet all of those are potential stat boosts from something that simply holds extra bullets....

What's more stupid? Expecting realism from an rpg shooter where faggot npcs have headshot precision aim from an uzi, or expecting an item to have less affect... Maybe no one cares and looks at the stats of said item. And the fact that you're level 1, and NPC's don't abide by the same rules as the player.


Why, when I down a high level NPC, can't I scavenge every single bit of their gear and become their power level?
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Vyemm Raider
There are many way to achieve gameplay balance that don't involve having a fucking grip make your weapon LESS STABLE. That's just plain stupid.

As far as extended mags, they need to not have any fucking negatives because with the amount of HP the harder mobs have if you don't have an extended mag you have to reload 12 times instead of 6 to kill one dude.

I'm also genuinely curious what rpgs you are referring to that have gear with negative effects that players actually use? I think I recall some game, maybe PoE that has some that are used by very specific builds, but you make it sound like it's a genre standard.