True Detective


privileged excrementlord
Surprised they didn't have him pull off a set of green earmuffs when Papania and Gilbough pulled up.


Rust said he was just carrying Marty and didn't need him. He does need him, to deal with the human element. Rust could never get to the files or the sheriff if it wasn't for Marty.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
Seven episodes in, one left and True Detective has been absolutely flawless. I'm so glad it hasn't turned into some Lost-type shitshow full of blind alleys that go nowhere and mystical bullshit that's never explained. It seems like any mysticism is strictly in the heads of those twisted fucks in the cult and anyone expecting some supernatural twist at the end will be disappointed. There does need to be some sort of explanation about Hart's daughter and the hard-on pictures she drew, but as good as this thing's been so far I have no doubt it will be resolved.




Molten Core Raider
I'd like to think this show helped win him that.

I don't think this is going to be a Fuck You ending. At least not as far as the investigation goes. Their lives are such a fucked up wreck anyway that even a victory is depressing. I think they'll expose the whole family, on up to the Senator, in a way can't be covered up. No silly twists that cheapen the whole thing.

When it's all over though, it'd be hard to say which one is going to eat their gun first. Rust seemed to be spelling out his intentions to check out at the end of all this. And Maggie sure as hell thinks Hart is ready to.

Be careful what you get good at. Christ what a fucked up show.
I don't think Marty is going anywhere. He couldn't even finish that tape because he doesn't want the images to stay with him. Rust watched it because he knows he won't have to live with it for long.


Still a Music Elitist
Be careful what you get good at. Christ what a fucked up show.
That line was great. "Life's barely long enough to get good at one thing." I have a feeling this will be one of those shows I'll rewatch often.


Millie's Staff Member
they seem to have left some things open that i dont think will be sewn up in 55 minutes for the finale. the daughter, the father in law the whole yellow king, devil trees, antlers, flat circles carcosa thing with the rituals and killings left for people to find. Rust's past and his ten years "in alaska" seems vague as hell. im going to guess they finished the whole subplot with the biker gang and the elusive leader, but i thought for sure it would play into this somehow because ledoux was so connected to them. oh well that was a hell of a good episode. the hour just flew right on by.

and yes i noticed the circular lawnmower pattern at the end.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm really looking forward to the answer to all the questions surrounding Marty's kids. Super young Audrey and Maise are playing dolls and talking about how a girl's(and now we find out it's Fontenot) parents died in a car accident. Then we see the video the girls are acting out with the dolls on their bedroom floor.

So I guess the kids(or just Audrey) knew about everything that happened to Fontenot? So the idea behind the story is scaring the molested kids into silence once the cult realizes not all the kids are keeping quiet/know the story is being investigated? Or is that completely off, and the cult has gotten good enough at hiding everything that finding Lange was a coincidence?

All up in my head right now.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I'm really looking forward to the answer to all the questions surrounding Marty's kids. Super young Audrey and Maise are playing dolls and talking about how a girl's(and now we find out it's Fontenot) parents died in a car accident. Then we see the video the girls are acting out with the dolls on their bedroom floor.

So I guess the kids(or just Audrey) knew about everything that happened to Fontenot? So the idea behind the story is scaring the molested kids into silence once the cult realizes not all the kids are keeping quiet/know the story is being investigated? Or is that completely off, and the cult has gotten good enough at hiding everything that finding Lange was a coincidence?

All up in my head right now.
I'm not too big on following symbolism and the super subtle things of the show. But there is a recurring theme about the "Detective's Curse." Which is essentially the same as not being able to see the forest for the trees so to speak. He is so "involved" in this case/whatever that he was unable (or unwilling) to pay attention to his family. Where, ironically the evidence was staring him in the face all along.

He even mentions it earlier in the series when he was being interviewed by the other detectives. He outright says that it was all right under his nose. Which, although out of context is very pertinent. I'm thinking the obvious connection will be made next episode when they close the season out. But that was one of the more glaring things I caught in the show and I don't particularly look for such things.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
they seem to have left some things open that i dont think will be sewn up in 55 minutes for the finale. the daughter, the father in law the whole yellow king, devil trees, antlers, flat circles carcosa thing with the rituals and killings left for people to find. Rust's past and his ten years "in alaska" seems vague as hell. im going to guess they finished the whole subplot with the biker gang and the elusive leader, but i thought for sure it would play into this somehow because ledoux was so connected to them. oh well that was a hell of a good episode. the hour just flew right on by.

and yes i noticed the circular lawnmower pattern at the end.
Why are you so fixated on the father in law? There's nothing to tie up with him. He was in one two minute scene and there was no allusion in that scene that he was anything other than an old rich asshole. Nothing else. It's not like they found an antler mask in his closet or something. I think Lost has permanently scarred some people into looking for clues and symbolism in everything and everyone that comes onscreen.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Father in law just seemed too interested in the case plus fits the check box on being a) rich elite b) goth hating c) asshole


JunkiesNetwork Donor
If you are old, white, rich, and hate goth kids then you fit the profile to be in a child raping cult. It is known.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
This show has been so good and I'm very happy that it seems to be wrapping up nicely. They covered so much ground in this last episode, that I feel another 3 or 4 episodes could have worked very well, but I won't complain. We get 8 completely engrossing episodes with no filler. I'm happy there is going to be another season, but they are setting the bar so high on this first one, I'm a little worried about the success of the next.


Molten Core Raider
The only surprise I could see would be the wife's involvement in the entire conspiracy...She had a number of interactions with the detectives that derailed, or overcomplicated the case. I don't think that will happen, but given some of the facts: her daughter's issues, her douche father, she drives a wedge between the detectives right as Tuttle investigation heats up, she is now rich, once the new investigation begins she shows up at the bar to question Rust....None of them taken singly are that sinister, but taken together...They make a fine Red Herring.

Noble Savage

Kang of Kangz
<Bronze Donator>
I don't expect a lot of these loose ends to be tied up simple because they are only loose ends in our minds.

Biker Leader - don't expect to see him or hear anything more about him.
ex Father-In Law - Just the typical dickhead dad of the girl you are banging.
Harts daughter - Prolly just the typical whore daughter raised by a pyscho mom.
Harts wife - typical pyscho passive/aggressive spoiled bitch.

These were all just characters to help flesh out the two main guys. I am starting to believe that's all there is too it and any deeper involvement is just our wild imaginations.


Trakanon Raider
Two things to keep in mind about the short run of this show:

1. Nick Pizzolato is practically an unknown. He's written a book and a couple episodes of The Killing before this project. When you consider the kind of money HBO had to sink into talent and production, it's sortof astounding we even got 8 episodes.
2. Using film actors is going to truncate the season because their availability is shorter and they cost a lot more.

Personally, I am fucking ecstatic about the idea of a show with a proper three-part story arc and a reasonable run time. I hope they keep it this way.


Gunnar Durden
There is literally no factual evidence to backup the idea that the father in law is involved. Anything about he daughters just points to the cult, not the father in law. We as viewers assumed he was involved and speculated ourselves. The Rapist father in law is a construct of our curious minds.

Could it be that our precognition of the involvement of the Father in law is not in fact something based in rational thought, but is instead nothing more than the result of cultural programming?