Trying really hard not to fuck anyone or get them fired but...


OP: "Accidents fucking happen but food poisoning from overcooked meat is a dangerous fucking thing."

How is it raw AND overcooked? That's some fucking skills!


Interesting story. I've frequented many a fast food joint and I don't ever recall getting uncooked food. Complaining isn't being "white trash" unless you're trying to obtain unreasonable gains. But, as they say and kinda applies: "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me."

Don't go back.


Tranny Chaser
I wonder how much burger joints fuck up your food or spit in it if you bring them coupons for bitching. I've made a rule of never complaining to burger joints if they fuck up and have to redo. Don't want my food purposely contaminated more than average.


Molten Core Raider
That's pretty much my mindset as well. If I don't like something, I just don't go back to the restaurant, it's as simple as that. I've never sent food back to the kitchen, or complained to the manager about the food. I have complained for service issues or issues with other customers, but not about the food. If the food isn't to your liking, there's PLENTY of other restaurants to give your business to in most cities.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
That's pretty much my mindset as well. If I don't like something, I just don't go back to the restaurant, it's as simple as that. I've never sent food back to the kitchen, or complained to the manager about the food. I have complained for service issues or issues with other customers, but not about the food. If the food isn't to your liking, there's PLENTY of other restaurants to give your business to in most cities.
This is how I generally handle it as well, although if there is a real problem with the food (i.e not simpley "I don't like it", but undercooked, spoiled, etc.) then you should absolutely point it out to someone who can remedy it, even if you don't plan on returning.


Trakanon Raider
I worked for years as a cook for a few places. Not fast food but mom and pop restaurants. Cooks hate when you send stuff back for arbitrary reasons, IE this isn't cooked enough or over cooked when you don't know what the hell your ordering. Had that happen so many times, and its usually people just trying to get free food. Was also a waiter for a while and every saturday had a couple come in and complain their order was wrong and they wanted a manager, and after bitching would pay for the meal with the free coupons from last weeks bitch session and leave no tip. When i gave my two weeks notice I worked a saturday as my last shift and got them. Smiled real big while I carefully wrote down their order and described what each temperature would look like to them. Then i made them sign the paper before I would put their order in. Bitches still tried to complain. Handed the paper to my manager with a smile and ignored them from that moment on. Heard from a friend after I left that they never came back. Was more satisfying to me that I ruined their weekly free burger than spitting in their food.


Molten Core Raider
And that is the problem with complaining at a restaurant(and also in retail), for every legit complaint, there's at least 10 bullshit complaints from assholes either just trying to get a free meal/product, or on a ego trip and they feel like it's time to belittle someone. If you work in a restaurant or in retail long enough, you generally get to the point that you just don't care about why someone is bitching, you just want to shut them up as fast as possible. I don't know that legitimate complaints get much more consideration than BS ones.


Buzzfeed Editor
I have never worked in the restaurant industry. My wife and mother in law did, though, and they don't cry nearly as much as you guys about customers though. I can't imagine the rate of fake complaints to get free shit is really that high.


Trakanon Raider
When I do complain about shit, and I'm not very shy about doing it, I'm always very clear with the manager or waitress that I don't want anything taken off the bill. I just either want whatever is wrong fixed either for that time, or the next time. If the server fucked things up, wrong orders and that sort of thing, then I might stiff them on the tip. Queue outrage.


Buzzfeed Editor
If I go out and something is legit fucked up, I certainly want it off the bill. I wouldn't pay for this dude's raw chicken, hell no. And I don't feel the least bit bad about that. I don't get why I would be expected to pay for that. I don't want anything for free, but I don't expect to be charged for something not representative of what I ordered either.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I have never worked in the restaurant industry. My wife and mother in law did, though, and they don't cry nearly as much as you guys about customers though. I can't imagine the rate of fake complaints to get free shit is really that high.
It depends on where you work. I spent 5 years in a restaurant in a ghetto-as-fuck area and it was insane the number of ridiculous, baseless complaints we'd get about stuff. It was clear that these people just didn't want to pay for their food.

For example, at least 3 or 4 times a month I'd have some asshole eat 90% of his/her meal, then call me over and say "I didn't like it" or that there was some other problem with it. WELL BITCH WHY THE FUCK DID YOU EAT THE ENTIRE THING? Unfortunately, unless you're a mom and pop place that can tell the customer to go fuck himself, you're going to be comping stuff like that.


Clear eyes. Full Hearts. Can't lose.
I rarely complain, but when I do, you can bet they did something horribly wrong.

On the other hand, when I have someone give me awesome service or the food came out fantastic, I will go at lengths to speak with the manager, district folks, or chef to let them know how good of a job was done and that I appreciate it and tip handsomely as well.


Trakanon Raider
If I go out and something is legit fucked up, I certainly want it off the bill. I wouldn't pay for this dude's raw chicken, hell no. And I don't feel the least bit bad about that. I don't get why I would be expected to pay for that. I don't want anything for free, but I don't expect to be charged for something not representative of what I ordered either.
If they fix the problem and bring you properly cooked chicken, then they shouldn't owe you anything. In my opinion anyways. Yeah if you're in a rush and can't wait for them to bring you a second meal then that's fine. But if they bring me out an overdone steak, I send it back and they send me a properly done one, I don't expect to not pay for it.


A Mod Real Quick
I have a stepbrother that was born from a mother with a slew of drug/alcohol problems, so he's mildly retarded - I think he was born with FAS but I can't be sure. Anyways, he would come over on weekends when we were younger and always ask me to buy him McDonalds, Wendys, BK, whatever.. I never did because I knew I would never see the money returned. He came up with a new plan. Each weekend he would pick a random fast food joint (not just those 3), call up and say last night he ordered this meal and there was hair in his burger and since it was so late he just threw it away. They would proceed to give him for free whatever he wanted, no receipt or anything required. He did this for months before a single place even questioned him, and he hit the same places all the time!


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I have a stepbrother that was born from a mother with a slew of drug/alcohol problems, so he's mildly retarded - I think he was born with FAS but I can't be sure. Anyways, he would come over on weekends when we were younger and always ask me to buy him McDonalds, Wendys, BK, whatever.. I never did because I knew I would never see the money returned. He came up with a new plan. Each weekend he would pick a random fast food joint (not just those 3), call up and say last night he ordered this meal and there was hair in his burger and since it was so late he just threw it away. They would proceed to give him for free whatever he wanted, no receipt or anything required. He did this for months before a single place even questioned him, and he hit the same places all the time!
It's sad how easy this is. My brother called Olive Garden corporate once and said (lied) he ate at such-and-such location and invented a bunch of problems. They sent him a $50 Olive Garden gift card in the mail.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm late to the thread so maybe someone has already asked this, but why the fuck wouldn't you want someone fired? How the fuck do you fuck up pressing a couple buttons on the deep fryer to cook chicken fingers or whatever the fuck? Someone that stupid should be fired, and probably put down too.