ultra beta male virgin shoots up hot girls at UC Santa Barbara at least 7 dead


Musty Nester
So he's kinda the kid from The Sopranos IRL.

I wonder if his parents even care beyond the bad press this gives them.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
He's literally just a spoiled rotten shithead that was disconnected from any semblance of reality. there's no use trying to understand his "pain" when he literally had no concept of earning/appreciating what you have.
This dude was not MRA, forgot to say that. Probably a PUA. If he had found Warren Farrell, he wouldn't have done any of this shit. He put pussies on pedestal like a holy grail and get frustrated when he couldn't get it. At both women who rejected them and men who got them.


This kid needed Jesus, literally. He had a severe god-complex judging from the first few pages of his manifesto. He praises his intelligence, how early he was a traveler, etc. He felt so incredibly proud of himself and it's that pride that blinded him. He had major blind-spots and in-competencies that prevented him from having success with Women. His pride however, prevented him from seeing any of that. In the sense that most of us view our "right not be murdered", his pride demanded that his sexual desires be handed to him on a silver platter. In terms of pride, Hollywood breeds this kind of culture: A God-less, man-centered society where this kind of behavior is unpreventable. Many of the Hollywood stars of old grew up in Christian homes with Christian parents and friends. Many abandoned or simply gave lip service to their upbringing and now we are seeing what successive generations of godlessness is bringing about. It will unfortunately get worse, of that I have no doubt.

Edit: Just wanted to add: I was fascinated by this kid and reading through his "manifesto" I think it's pretty clear the kid had some serious emotional issues from a very young age. His relationship with his father was non-existent other than as a provider. I feel sorry for the kid in a way because it's obvious the kind of help that he needed was not given to him or even identified as a need in his life. Given his emotional issues and instability of his family, he learned to cling to his intelligence and sense of superiority but that only fueled his psychosis and anger. I'm just thankful that he wrote so much about his "life" because I think it will help wise doctors / counselors / teachers and hopefully parents to identify signs of this behavior and know how to correct it. In my view though, the parents are almost as much to blame as he is, more-so his father from what my amateur opinion can tell.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
He's literally just a spoiled rotten shithead that was disconnected from any semblance of reality. there's no use trying to understand his "pain" when he literally had no concept of earning/appreciating what you have.
Sad but true. I picture him as one of those kids, who I want to reach through the comp and cunt punch, who bitch that they got a Lexus for Christmas but it was a 4-door instead of a 2 door and how stupid their parents are and how they just want to die. It only sucks he had to ruin a few other lives before taking his own.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Remember kids:

A fapping a day, keeps teh crazie away.

Also his hollywood father his surely to blame for this, as just a one time casting couch present for his psycho son wouldve been the best "gun control".


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
FFS, he didn't go psycho from being a virgin,he was a virgin because he was so fucking pscyho!!!!


Irenicus did nothing wrong
What an idiot. I think that's his problem, more than his parental issues, or psychiatric issues, he's just plain stupid and completely incapable of introspection if he's 22, passably looking, well off financially and unable to get laid.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Someone didn't tell the kid that there's a difference between confidence and creepiness


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Well we have seen pictures of his father, ie: the photo of killer + father + other hollywood celebs at red carpet event...

But I think quinloe was just being retarded
I thought one of the sorostitutes being shot was his sister. Oh well.


Avatar of War Slayer
Didn't read his faggot manifesto. Didn't read anything he wrote. Trollface, you should be ashamed of yourself. This is where MRA leads, bro. If you want to be the worst goddamn fucking pussy on this planet of Earth? Be an MRA tard.
has nothing to do with MRA.
100% pure narcissism. Kid was textbook. narcissistic personality disorder.
Even the misogyny isn't real. its just the outlet for his 100% need to control, and attack everyone/thing around him for being "inferior". He constantly insisted all men around him are also ignorant buffoons, also incapable of making any rational choices. The fixation on women, is likely tied to some repressed sexuality issue.
Total lack of empathy.

his irrational fear of women, is odd. Literally no idea how to handle himself around them. Possibly gay or trans, honestly. Without wanting to lump any undue hate towards either group. shit can mess you up though, leave you with no idea who you are, or how to relate to anyone around you.

Spree killings are suicides. And an act of cowardice. Had a friend asking about why he didn't rape someone. Thought perhaps he must have had some semblance of right and wrong. but no, that's not why at all.
Fear is why. rape is an act of power, and dominance. This kid was 100% coward. Rapists think they can get away with it. have control. Rape+suicide basically doesn't exist.
Murder/suicide however. They are first, too afraid of living as they are, in misery. This is why they do it in the first place. They are afraid of prison/reprisal. This is why they ALWAYS suicide before getting taken alive. (or at least thats the plan). They are also afraid of death. Most will plan on an out, in an attempt to weasel their way out, if magically they can get away with it. Which almost never happens.)
But really actions like this need to be viewed as elaborate suicides. Public to get as much attention as possible. Killing others is all about making as big of a mess and show as possible before going out via cop assisted suicide, or straight up gun in the mouth.


Avatar of War Slayer
Curiously enough, I bet this helped feed his rage. His sister probably had plenty of guys approaching her and he couldn't figure out why the same didn't happen for him.

He totally comes across as a closeted homosexual trying to mask it as religious superiority/indignation, though.
Reading the manifesto. I am also certain he was in denial gay, or trans.

Friend shows him naked ladies as a kid. his own words. afraid, shocked. Stopped talking to that friend.
Bumps into a girl at a summer camp. she pushes him down. He is paralyzed with fear.
These aren't narcissism. This is something else. Not just being Beta either.

Wanting to be blonde. Jealousy of his female friend as a child wanting to play with his sister. Alienation from his male friends.
The fixation on his sister all around.


has nothing to do with MRA.
100% pure narcissism. Kid was textbook. narcissistic personality disorder.
Even the misogyny isn't real. its just the outlet for his 100% need to control, and attack everyone/thing around him for being "inferior". He constantly insisted all men around him are also ignorant buffoons, also incapable of making any rational choices. The fixation on women, is likely tied to some repressed sexuality issue.
Total lack of empathy.

his irrational fear of women, is odd. Literally no idea how to handle himself around them. Possibly gay or trans, honestly. Without wanting to lump any undue hate towards either group. shit can mess you up though, leave you with no idea who you are, or how to relate to anyone around you.

Spree killings are suicides. And an act of cowardice. Had a friend asking about why he didn't rape someone. Thought perhaps he must have had some semblance of right and wrong. but no, that's not why at all.
Fear is why. rape is an act of power, and dominance. This kid was 100% coward. Rapists think they can get away with it. have control. Rape+suicide basically doesn't exist.
Murder/suicide however. They are first, too afraid of living as they are, in misery. This is why they do it in the first place. They are afraid of prison/reprisal. This is why they ALWAYS suicide before getting taken alive. (or at least thats the plan). They are also afraid of death. Most will plan on an out, in an attempt to weasel their way out, if magically they can get away with it. Which almost never happens.)
But really actions like this need to be viewed as elaborate suicides. Public to get as much attention as possible. Killing others is all about making as big of a mess and show as possible before going out via cop assisted suicide, or straight up gun in the mouth.
Exactly how far up your ass did you have to reach to find all this? Fixation on women tied to repressed sexuality issue? Jesus christ. A+ good psychobabble though. Definitely CSI-level writing.