Uncharted 4: A Thief's End


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
The game is hilariously beautiful. It is almost the whole reason I stopped looking for the treasures. If you spend 90% of the game staring at the ground or the nooks and crannies you just miss the forest for the trees. And it was pretty much rock solid fps wise too.


What a fucken fantastic game. An absolute masterpiece. Left me hollow when it all ended. Beautiful piece of art.


Vyemm Raider
God the areas with crazy terrain to climb/grapple while dealing with enemies are so terrific. I stealth as much as I can but if I have the Condor I just want to swing somewhere close and start blasting.

I hope I have to go back through this Pirate town just to get to have a shootout in it. Because that was a crazy amount of detail for something you just walk through / pick up treasure.

I accidentally set off a firefight by firing at a wall against the largest group I've seen yet. Instead of dropping back to stealth I just went with it. I think I went through seven or eight types of guns just getting through one fight. AI of course kept me moving with grenades so it never felt like Generic Cover Shooter. The quality of the terrain and scope of the areas is what really sets the bar above the original 3.


Just a Nurse
Around chapter 17 or 18, on the way to

New Devon with Elena in the truck. There's an area where all noise cuts out and you just hear music -- this was probably one of the best parts of the game for me. Just absolutely stunning. Another section is when Elena and Nate are going up the elevator with the car and they overlook the mountain.

Biggest gripe with the game and it's just a common issue in all games:

When you've got all of the clues to places, where you seem like you're the first one in a specific area, Shoreline always seems to be ahead.

^ I know they have to do this to provide additional gameplay...but, it feels a lot like filler. The one time that really seemed to fit with the fighting was the auction. In any case, it's a beautiful game and I love the climbing. The ending scene in the cave was just...phenomenal.

Starts at 54 minutes 38 seconds for the part that I mentioned earlier.



FPS noob
full of spoilers, don't watch if you haven't finished:


For anyone who hasn't played yet, if there is one single thing I'd recommend and wish I had done - play the game on normal your first time. No matter how pro a gamer you are, the crushing difficulty radically changes the combat segments and you are pretty much forced to hide behind walls always whereas in normal you can flow through the environment in a much, much more natural way that is obviously how the game was designed to be play. Crushing just kills that though, and the game is way more fun in combat when you are flying on ropes and shooting and jumping around and using the entire environment, which you can't really do on crushing.


Not Woke
<Bronze Donator>
I just finished the other night, and I have it as my second best single player gaming experience behind The Last of Us. Naughty Dog is incredible.
Sure, you can nitpick some of the mechanics and parts of the story, but I found myself losing hours just playing the game and really looking forward to continuing the story when I wasn't playing. That's well worth the money spent, and it makes a joke out of some of the other decent games I have played lately.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Since Uncharted 2, Naughty Dog has been using the same formula/template for Uncharted 3, Last of Us, and this one refining it each time.

It works though, it's a perfect blend of combat, exploration, cut scenes, etc...creating what is is probably the best paced games ever.

The story is just compelling enough to enjoy it, and want to see what happens next.

It's as good as it gets really.

Loved it.


Vyemm Raider
I dunno about that, my raging souls addiction has kept me playing this sparingly but it seems to me normal is tuned well below the level of the UC collection and even my crappy stick skills should bump it up to hard.

It's not like you can plant your ass behind a waist high wall for an entire gunfight when they toss grenades and sometimes even flank you (mostly with respawns)

Hell, WAY into the game and barely even encountering armored enemies or any type of aggressive AI.


Got something right about marriage
My raging souls addiction has kept me playing this sparingly but it seems to me normal is tuned well below the level of the UC collection and even my crappy stick skills should bump it up to hard.
What chapter are you on? I cruised through the chapters on Crushing until like chapter 9 or 10 or something, then it got way, way harder.

I don't remember any of the levels in any of the other UC games being as frantically paced as some of the stuff in this one. Some of these levels seem to have just nowhere to hide and enemies come from all sides.


Trakanon Raider
I don't remember any of the levels in any of the other UC games being as frantically paced as some of the stuff in this one. Some of these levels seem to have just nowhere to hide and enemies come from all sides.
Forgot if there are any in 3, but for Uncharted 1, I got fairly stuck in the area where you jump into the room in the sewers with the pillars on the hardest difficulty. For Uncharted 2, the part where you're pinned down in the train was a chore.

Then again, I am a bad at aiming, so they might have been a breeze for others.

Uncharted 4 has way more sections of multiple enemies around you though. The others were more wave based, where they appeared from different angles. In 4 it seems all the waves are there from the start.


Got something right about marriage
Uncharted 4 has way more sections of multiple enemies around you though. The others were more wave based, where they appeared from different angles. In 4 it seems all the waves are there from the start.
This is the problem with 4 on crushing. In the others you could actually work your way through a level and could regroup at certain points. And you could actually stealth if you took the time to learn movement patterns and really sneak around. In 4 they just surround you all at once and you just have to firefight out. It's not nearly as fun.

So I finally finished this game. I think I was playing a different game than Ut. Don't get me wrong this is a really great game but the story, action, levels, puzzles, everything about this game was subpar when compared to UC1 and especially UC2.

Having played all 3 when I first got my Playstation 4 in December they are all still fresh in my mind and this game doesn't stack up to 1 and 2 for me. 2 being the best in the series. There's not that same story shift, build up, explanation and expose of characters. The levels aren't as involving and enticing and there just is not enough explanation about things that happened towards the end of the game.

How exactly did they steal the treasure from the colonists?
How exactly did New Devon get flooded?
Why the hell would the pirate founders just accept a letter to come drink and eat after all the supposed betrayal?
How exactly did Avery rig mummies to explode from just walking near them and have that still function after 300 years?

In all the other games there was a sense of the supernatural, or at least a plague/virus/chemical reaction that caused supernatural like tendencies and the villains and fight for survival changed as you found out more about what really happened.

In this game it was just... dead pirates and a rich kid who wanted to play treasure hunter. And you don't even really know exactly how the downfall of Libertaria occurred. You know why, and then you just get a mundane, run of the mill betrayal story as an explanation. No real intricate detail like in the other games.

I had not played a console game since the days of PS2 so UC1 and 2 were like eye opening, amazing gaming experiences for me. I'd never played a game that felt like a movie before and it was a movie with a really compelling script. This certainly had its moments and it was still good but it wasn't as good. I was especially let down by the puzzles here. They were few and far between and were entirely too easy to figure out.


Trakanon Raider
These are my thoughts
Well, theres a lot of assuming here but...
1. I figured they obtained the treasure through normal pirate ways aka raiding ships.
2. Avery designed New Devon to be flooded if I'm not mistaken. Thats why his house was higher than the others. He probably just blew up the dam to flood the city. I don't remember where I got that information but there was back story through hidden notes on dead pirates and conversation points. I still need to find all them.
3. Well, they may have not come easy but when the leader, who had kept himself out of all the distrust of the lower captains, summons you I guess you go because treasure? Avery made his first mate poison them. There was a note talking about how Avery was going mad from the treasure. I'm assuming it was all in the plans from the beginning or it was the backup plan for when things started falling apart.
4. The mummies felt out of place for me, also. At first I thought it was going to be the opening of the supernatural part known to be in the Uncharted series which I think would of fit. But once the game ends and you realize he was just mad with greed and nothing supernatural occur, you're left wondering.
5. I was so shocked they didn't kill anyone off. I really thought someone was going to die the whole game and was pleasantly surprised when it was a happy ending.
All in All I enjoyed the game and its still my favorite series. I enjoyed how they wrapped it up and left me feeling a little emotional inside. I felt connected to the characters.


Just a Nurse
Gator is correct. In some of the notes you find, Nate and Sam speculate that...

Avery flooded New Devon intentionally so it would only be he and Tew.

The one thing that really irked me about the mummies:

I couldn't figure out how to trigger them. I walked right up to them, touched them, and they would not spark. It's a shame you have to get right past them to trigger them.

For those who are interested in chapter 17/18 song when they drive up to New Devon:

Uncharted 4 OST: TRACK #3 - ListenOnRepeat


Can't remember which one it is cause they sound so alike, lol. Wish the song would have repeated itself until you got to a certain part of the map rather than just finishing after the 2 minutes.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
These are my thoughts
Well, theres a lot of assuming here but...
1. I figured they obtained the treasure through normal pirate ways aka raiding ships.
2. Avery designed New Devon to be flooded if I'm not mistaken. Thats why his house was higher than the others. He probably just blew up the dam to flood the city. I don't remember where I got that information but there was back story through hidden notes on dead pirates and conversation points. I still need to find all them.
3. Well, they may have not come easy but when the leader, who had kept himself out of all the distrust of the lower captains, summons you I guess you go because treasure? Avery made his first mate poison them. There was a note talking about how Avery was going mad from the treasure. I'm assuming it was all in the plans from the beginning or it was the backup plan for when things started falling apart.
4. The mummies felt out of place for me, also. At first I thought it was going to be the opening of the supernatural part known to be in the Uncharted series which I think would of fit. But once the game ends and you realize he was just mad with greed and nothing supernatural occur, you're left wondering.
5. I was so shocked they didn't kill anyone off. I really thought someone was going to die the whole game and was pleasantly surprised when it was a happy ending.
All in All I enjoyed the game and its still my favorite series. I enjoyed how they wrapped it up and left me feeling a little emotional inside. I felt connected to the characters.
Yeah I was really upset for a minute when
Elena went down... I thought she was going to die FOR sure. I was literally happy when she was just playing a joke on him


Got something right about marriage
Gator is correct. In some of the notes you find, Nate and Sam speculate that...

Avery flooded New Devon intentionally so it would only be he and Tew.
Well that much is pretty obvious. But how?

And why? Why lure all these people and spend all this money building a grandiose "free" city. They mention how expensive it must have been several times and even question if there was any money left. I guess that would be the only real, logical explanation for why Avery tried to steal everything and flee. He was out of money? Otherwise why go through all that just to steal shit from people and then burn it all to the ground?

Like I said the game is still really good, but it doesn't really stack up to 1 and 2 for me. I'd put it on the same level as 3. Things in the story just kind of happen and there is never that big "Oh shit... A HA!" moment.


Just a Nurse
I think that was also mentioned in one of the notes found around New Devon. They had suspected that Avery had eventually gone mad. He wasn't like it in the beginning.

As Sam and Nate said...pirates will be pirates, lol.


Got something right about marriage
Well that's the problem with the story for me. "Pirates will be pirates" is literally the explanation. I've come to expect more from Naughty Dog storytelling than just "Hah, shitty pirates".

There were a lot of other holes in the story too

Avery set up these huge, elaborate tests to recruit other founders. The founders and their crews were not the colonists, they were separate. Why were there colonists? Where did they come from? How did they get there? Why have all these tests for the founders if they were going to just randomly invite other people? It also seems Avery only went mad AFTER the revolt. But the revolt started because they cleared out the treasury and stole everything for themselves. The notes in the treasury indicate the founders had the most expensive crap in there anyway and the colonists didn't contribute much on a grander scale. They let us know New Devon has high walls because it was their plan all along to steal this stuff, but again, why? Why invite people into your own home to steal from them instead of stealing from them at their home and disappearing without a trace?


Vyemm Raider
I was going to badmouth the (honestly kinda bad) pacing of the game but I just did the ship graveyard sequence and holy shitballs that was fun. Everything good about UC combined into one long battle. I can't wait to bash my balls with a hammer on brutal there.

The best shooting bits in UC are the ones that feel like a puzzle to solve rather than just a shooting gallery to waltz through in one try.