Underrated science fiction movies


Avatar of War Slayer
I don't think any of those are underrated... most of those are rated right where they belong. haha.
A few are "not well known", or "forgotten". I'll give you that.

But yeah, moon. Rated really well. but yeah, its an indie movie, with Sam Rockwell. sure you're average dudebro or soccer mom never heard of it.
Dark city, Strange days. basically up there with Blade runner among critics and cult followings. but yeah, again, not as well known.

Dune, is highly flawed. Alot of valid complaints on that. interesting in that it had a HUGE goal. tried for epic movie making. But kindof fell short. much of criticism comes from "not mah book"

Sunshine great for 45min, falls completely flat at the end. My favorite part is Johnny Storm is a giant asshole, but completely right the entire movie. Its nice to see the asshole, "stay on mission, don't take stupid risks" guy be correct, and NOT some strawman for secretly evil or always wrong. like startrek, etc. "screw your mission protocols, my hunch will be correct 100% of the time!"


Molten Core Raider
I liked the Island as well. It was so close to delivering something great. Then it turned into, "lol story, time for explosions and chases!"


Avatar of War Slayer
I liked the Island as well. It was so close to delivering something great. Then it turned into, "lol story, time for explosions and chases!"
Pssh. That was the best part.
Micheal Bay not being offensive. not adding racial steroetypes, bigotry, misogynism, or general dialogue written by a 4yr old. Just a 90min chase scene, and not even pretending to be anything else. (20min of product placement)


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
When you say underated, do you mean movies that did poorly at the box office but were still good? If that is the case then I will post:

John Carter(Yes some of the acting was pretty bad, but the story, effects and music were well done).
Dredd(The new one)
Firefly(Not underrated persay, but it did not do as well at the box office as it should have and so we did not get another movie.)


<Bronze Donator>
Someone mentioned Pandorum already but I think that's a pretty good answer. Some silly moments with the space ninjas but overall I really enjoyed that flick and it definitely didn't get very good reviews.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
Equilibrium sucks. It's like The Matrix if the Matrix sucked. It should be in the list of over-rated sci-fi films along with Aliens.Alien > Aliens. How-to turn a deep and ominous sci-fi masterpiece into a summer popcorn flick? Call James Cameron.
Fuck off and die of cancer asshole. Not only is aliens fucking amazing, its quite possibly the most underrated movie ever.


Registered Hutt
How could it possibly be in any way underrated? It's the most popular movie in the series and it was profitable.

Running Dog_sl

Dune, is highly flawed. Alot of valid complaints on that. interesting in that it had a HUGE goal. tried for epic movie making. But kindof fell short. much of criticism comes from "not mah book"
Dune looked fantastic but was a mess of a film otherwise, as you'd expect from something that got re-written seven times followed by the studio forcing Lynch to cut over an hour off the running time. And if David Lynch hadn't directed Dune, he was in the running for Return of the Jedi...


Millie's Staff Member
i have never seen Dune, i dont even know what its about. all i know is the trailer at the time put me off.


Shitlord, Offender of the Universe
<Bronze Donator>
No mention of The Last Starfighter?

Chronicles of Riddick. i thought it was gonna suck, but it didn't. people pan it for being 'pop sci fi' but it's a really solid movie.
I like Chronicles of Riddick, but watched Pitch Black later and realized that Chronicles underachieved; when compared to the first movie it is pretty much 'pop sci fi'. A lot of one liners wrapped up in special effects.