Underrated science fiction movies


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Riddick was basically "Warhammer 40k the movie" and very entertaining. I can understand why people did not like the tonal shift from Pitch Black, however.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Sunshine was great until the psycho Russian showed up. That ruined the movie.

Idiocracy is one of those movies that got better with time and is probably the last solid Mike Judge movie.


Millie's Staff Member
How the hell is it underrated? If it wasnt for the success of Aliens there would have just been that one 1979 movie which wasnt that good in comparison and probably not as succesful. Aliens is a classic film which made and remade quite a few people's careers. It also spawned a decade of aliens clones.


<Prior Amod>
I saw an early vote for Primer and i have to say it is the most underrated good sci fi movie i've seen. Let's just break it out, it deals with time travel/butterfly effect blah blah. Those sci fi movies have been done with that premise easily! and let's just use inception levels... most movies deal with time travel 1 layer deep, the good ones deal with with time travel 2 layers deep (and this is where your normal middle american get's lost and can't follow a simple timeline and you spend hours explaining it to him/her if you associate with primates). The best big budget triple A movies go 3 layers deep in time travel...

But Primer, it goes to like 11, my first viewing, i actually couldn't keep track of it!

i don't know how to embed images on this forum, but i found a chart for primer you could just google image search "primer movie chart" and find others, this seems to be the most detailed.



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm also going to throw inOutland, Red Planet, and The Cube which was pretty trippy.
I'm assuming you actually mean Outland, so I'll throw inOutlander. Space man(Jim Caviezel) crash lands on....Earth I guess. Back in time to Viking times. So space Jesus + Vikings vs. Glowing Alien death tigerwolfmonster.



Avatar of War Slayer
we appear to just be naming every scifi movie in the last 20 years, that wasn't outright horrible..

I thought Lockout was decent. it gets shit on quite a bit. I'm not sure what people expected from it. I put it right on par with Pandorum.


Registered Hutt
Yea, I think Primer is the easy winner.

Some guy at TIME made a list that was basically Primer, Dark City, Serenity, Gattaca, Silent Running. I haven't seen Silent Running, but I don't see how Serenity makes the top 5. It was alright, but it didn't really look that deeply at anything. I also didn't feel it was underrated. It was a well made space-cowboy action film, and it was received well for that. I'd put The Thirteenth Floor up there in place of it. Strange Days/Brazil are a bit redundant with Dark City. It's hard for me to accept that Gattaca is underrated since I figured it had broad appeal, but I just asked my friends on vent and none of them have seen it.


Trakanon Raider
More would be great, but I won't complain about the 5-6 hours of good Dune awesomeness that was the miniseries.

The saga of Dune is far from over...


Vyemm Raider
I'm assuming you actually mean Outland, so I'll throw inOutlander. Space man(Jim Caviezel) crash lands on....Earth I guess. Back in time to Viking times. So space Jesus + Vikings vs. Glowing Alien death tigerwolfmonster.

Don't know where you get "Space Jesus" from. It was a sci-fi take on Beowulf. Thought it was a great movie, and the witch chick was smokin hot.

Edit: Got my hotties confused, meant the king's badass daughter. Witch chick was from Centurion I think, another underrated movie.


Karazhan Raider
don't get why dune received bad reviews. i like the movie a lot more than the miniseries myself, so it's definietly underrated imo. then again it's one of the first movies i ever saw. objectively though, lynch did a great job capturing the world and tone, while the series was more extensive.

i'd heard of Moon but not Primer. that time chart. looked it up a bit and Primer sounds terribly interesting. it's on instant play for whoever's got netflix