Valve adds paid modding


Molten Core Raider
I don't think it's bad that we can now buy mods. I worry about companies releasing half finished games, having the community fix it and charge to get the fix. What if you had to pay $20 to get DSFix for Dark Souls? Also apparently you can just steal a free mod and put it up for sale on Steam.

It's especially worrying when it comes to Bethesda, who always releases their games fucked.

So many problems with this. What the fuck Valve.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
mods are premium content, and premium content should come at a premium price.

Yeah, no. Fuck you valve. I sometimes donate to a good modder, but i sure as fuck aint paying for one ever. Infinite dlc for games? No fucking thanks.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
"Let's take something awesome that's been free for years and charge people for it. Brilliant!"

Yeah ...



Trakanon Raider
Well, if this wasn't such a money grab I'd have no issue with it. Providing for a NEW game, a way for modders to create mods and price them as they see fit, with valve/bethesda only getting 5-10% of the sales each, will only foster a wonderful mod community for that game. Doing it for Skyrim is a fucking shit move, though.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
"Wouldn't it be cool if we could sell Skyrim hats" turned into the biggest shitstorm ever.
Valve isn't taking a 75% cut you guys can't fucking read.
^ this. Correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I've read:

- publishers must decide if users can sell mods and they decide the cut modders get
- Bethesda decided modders only get 25% of Skyrim mods, not Valve
- Valve only gets its standard cut just like every other transaction

Bethesda is who people should be mad about only giving 25% to modders. Anyway, this sounds awesome imho. Good mods take a lot of work and I don't see a problem with selling them (assuming there is a way to police selling other people's work).


Poet Warrior
Well, if this wasn't such a money grab I'd have no issue with it. Providing for a NEW game, a way for modders to create mods and price them as they see fit, with valve/bethesda only getting 5-10% of the sales each, will only foster a wonderful mod community for that game. Doing it for Skyrim is a fucking shit move, though.
Yeah. This whole things seems done wrong. It just seems amateurish a little bit.

It should've been like what Senator What's-His-Name wanted to do with the border in the US back whenever; make everyone that's already here legal, then shut it all down.

They should have left the current mods alone and began the program from scratch with maybe a handful of pre-arranged starter-mods. Open it up, like others have said, with HL3 or whatever. Own it. Quality control it. Filter it. Be a leader.

Steam really has slowly been turning to shit, hasn't it? It seems to happen so subtly over long spans of time but the place I once loved is sort of a cesspool lately.

They're starting to run out of money hats.


On the verandah
Regarding stolen mod content being resold on the Workshop, and the refund policy. Read the entire post (by Darkone) over at Nexus if you like:Skyrim Nexus - mods and community

but this part really got my attention.

Unless the thief is pants on head stupid they're not going to talk about stealing assets from other mods or put up pictures that would suggest assets have been stolen. The only way the authors of the assets that have been stolen will know it's happened is if someone buys the mod and then tells the author. At which point the author is either going to have to engage in the new world of mod piracy (which began yesterday in earnest) or they're going to have to buy the mod for themselves. So you want to say, "But Dark0ne, the author can buy the mod, investigate, then ask for a refund, as there's a refund system!". Yes, there's a refund system. A refund system that refunds you in Steam Wallet money that you can never take out of Steam. So once you've bought that mod, that money will always be Valve's from that point on. Refund or not. That, I'm sorry to say, is batshit. Freaking. Crazy. Add to that the fact that the mod may have made substantial sums of money before it's spotted, some of which may have already been paid to the thief, or alternatively has been removed from the thief's account before they could get the payout and, guess where the money goes then? That's right. Valve's coffers.


Mario Speedwagon

Gold Recognition
<Prior Amod>
It takes a special kind of person to take a look at the extra sales and longevity that a vibrant mod community bring to game and think to themselves "Why aren't these people giving us more money?"

This industry is pathetic.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I have a feeling there are gonna be some pretty epic lawsuits that come out of this shit eventually. Steam may have shit the bed, though I'm sure their legal butt hole is puckered tighter than a prisoner with really nice tits tattoo'd on his ass, and sealed with legal document disclaimers and contracts galore.


Potato del Grande
Now, back in the real universe, is there a PC gamer alive that doesn't find something like SKYUI mandatory? 9 million Nexus downloads says... unlikely.
Just for the record, i've never used a single mod for Oblivion or Skyrim (or any other PC game for that matter).


I'm Amod too!

Pop ups now added to free versions of a mod.


Things seem to be devolving fast. The makers of SkyUI (arguably the single-most essential mod out there, and the one mod that most other mods rely on as a framework to run) have decided to make the latest version of it a Paid Mod only. Nearly all other mods require SkyUI to run, so in the last few hours nearly half a dozen of the major mod creators have removed their mods from the internet in protest. I really doubt the Skyrim modding community is going to come back from this.


On the verandah
Things seem to be devolving fast. The makers of SkyUI (arguably the single-most essential mod out there, and the one mod that most other mods rely on as a framework to run) have decided to make the latest version of it a Paid Mod only. Nearly all other mods require SkyUI to run, so in the last few hours nearly half a dozen of the major mod creators have removed their mods from the internet in protest. I really doubt the Skyrim modding community is going to come back from this.
Well, I never...

I had just reinstalled Skyrim a couple of weeks ago, after nearly two years of not having touched the game. Wanted to see if a couple of years of mod evolution had made it worth a revisit. I had forgotten just how ugly, clunky and PC unfriendly the Vanilla game was/is, and as usual had re-downloaded several Gig of mods to have another look. LOL at the timing, I haven't even made it to Whiterun yet.

Un-installing, for good this time, and referring to my original post on the matter, garbage Bethesda console ports are now automatic bargain-bin fodder from here to eternity.