Vanessa's Tranny AMA Blog Thread

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Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
Vanessa's going to a straight pride parade?

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Poet Warrior
It's a troll chaos chaos . You had it right.

It's nothing more than that. It's not actually intended to do anything other than show hypocrisy. Someone will attend these parades if they want to go full-troll.

It's all in the superhappyfunamerica post. "By including straight people, we are even more inclusive!"

I honestly think you're reading too deeply into it. Maybe some of its supporters are as well, but it is my understanding that it is nothing more than a giant political troll. Like the Draw Muhammad events, only slightly less deadly.


Buzzfeed Editor
It's a troll chaos chaos . You had it right.

It's nothing more than that. It's not actually intended to do anything other than show hypocrisy. Someone will attend these parades if they want to go full-troll.

It's all in the superhappyfunamerica post. "By including straight people, we are even more inclusive!"

I honestly think you're reading too deeply into it. Maybe some of its supporters are as well, but it is my understanding that it is nothing more than a giant political troll. Like the Draw Muhammad events, only slightly less deadly.
I assumed it was a troll, Dom was the one who said it was something bigger than that. I get why people would want to troll the left I just dont get why normal ass people would waste their time on all this outrage stuff.

Mario Speedwagon

Gold Recognition
<Prior Amod>
You could be devoting time to your community to actually improve the world
Repudiating homosexuality and letting fags know they aren't welcome is building your community and improving the world. I mean, unless you're a fan or something.
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No, I see issues. I don't see what you see, though. Entire groups of people being victimized and unable to speak? You start off saying "this is a small problem in its infancy, important to nip it in the bud" which actually isn't a bad argument. Then proceed directly to detail widespread, institutional oppression against, apparently, 95% of the population. "Standing up and forcing acceptance" ... of being straight...

Regardless of what I see, doesn't really matter. If your plan to combat identity politics is to engage in identity politics, you already lost whatever battle it is you think you're having.

It isn't about gaining acceptance of being straight, it's about forcing people to accept that it's acceptable to be vocally proud of being straight, which is something that simply is not acceptable for straight people to do now without being attacked for being fragile homophobes, or mocked such as you're doing.

You speak as though there is an option other than to join the ID politics fight. The word for people that refuse to participate in a war that is being waged around them is victim.


Poet Warrior
I assumed it was a troll, Dom was the one who said it was something bigger than that. I get why people would want to troll the left I just dont get why normal ass people would waste their time on all this outrage stuff.

I could sort of get it. Not because it's sooper-serial, but because if you're gonna troll, by god, go all out. For that reason I am all for it.

I think I would only go to one of these things if I was younger, single, bored, looking for pussy, or looking to encave Antifa skulls. I am none of these things so I will never attend, but I fully support the concept behind the troll itself.


The Milo thing isn't the only straight pride movement, so calling it all a troll based on him alone is nonsense.
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Buzzfeed Editor
It isn't about gaining acceptance of being straight, it's about forcing people to accept that it's acceptable to be vocally proud of being straight, which is something that simply is not acceptable for straight people to do now without being attacked for being fragile homophobes, or mocked such as you're doing.

You speak as though there is an option other than to join the ID politics fight. The word for people that refuse to participate in a war that is being waged around them is victim.
Of course there are alternatives to becoming what you fight against. If the only way yo fight assholes was to become a fucking asshole then the world would just be nothing but assholes. You cant claim virtue by engaging in the same behavior you oppose.


Poet Warrior
Of course there are alternatives to becoming what you fight against. If the only way yo fight assholes was to become a fucking asshole then the world would just be nothing but assholes. You cant claim virtue by engaging in the same behavior you oppose.

You're missing it.

Dom would only be doing that by stating that Gay Pride should 'not be allowed to be a thing'.

This is what the Lefties are saying about Straight Pride. Why? Because the Straights don't have enough points accrued in the Lefty Oppression Olympics rubric.

It's like how, in most places, a person is allowed to say "I am proud of my African Identity" and most people clap like seals. But if someone said, "I am proud of my German or American Identity?" You get the Brando types, "Racist! Nazi! White Supremacist!"
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Of course there are alternatives to becoming what you fight against. If the only way yo fight assholes was to become a fucking asshole then the world would just be nothing but assholes. You cant claim virtue by engaging in the same behavior you oppose.

This is a nice sentiment and all, but we live in the real world, and the world IS filled with assholes.
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Poet Warrior
This is a nice sentiment and all, but we live in the real world, and the world IS filled with assholes.

I sort of agree. I've recently been neck-deep in dozens and dozens of hours of Civil War lectures (not documentaries) and it took Union assholes to confront the Confederate assholes.

It took American assholes to confront Japanese assholes.

Sometimes, it takes dicks to fuck assholes Chuck.


Buzzfeed Editor
You're missing it.

Dom would only be doing that by stating that Gay Pride should 'not be allowed to be a thing'.

This is what the Lefties are saying about Straight Pride. Why? Because the Straights don't have enough points accrued in the Lefty Oppression Olympics rubric.

It's like how, in most places, a person is allowed to say "I am proud of my African Identity" and most people clap like seals. But if someone said, "I am proud of my German or American Identity?" You get the Brando types, "Racist! Nazi! White Supremacist!"
Theres literally a song called "Proud to be an american" that my rdc in boot camp used to play on repeat and make us stand at attention and salute the flag during, for hours on end. You are absolutely allowed and encouraged to say that. If you'd said "white pride" you'd have a point but theres a very good reason that one is frowned on.

It's just inconsistent. If id politics is the problem, id politics isnt also the solution, it's only adding to the problem.
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The_Black_Log Foler

Stock Pals Senior Vice President
Repudiating homosexuality and letting fags know they aren't welcome is building your community and improving the world. I mean, unless you're a fan or something.
This. You're improving your community.
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The_Black_Log Foler

Stock Pals Senior Vice President
Also how does this thread still exist gfc
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JunkiesNetwork Donor
If the only way yo fight assholes was to become a fucking asshole then the world would just be nothing but assholes.
Have you not been paying any kind of attention to how the world is now? The world IS absolutely nothing but assholes. It's your responsibility to pick which flavor of asshole you enjoy. Or never pick a side, pretend you're above it all, and then finally get mad when one flavor of asshole destroys something you hold dear because you chose to stay on the sidelines when it counted.
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Buzzfeed Editor
Have you not been paying any kind of attention to how the world is now? The world IS absolutely nothing but assholes. It's your responsibility to pick which flavor of asshole you enjoy. Or never pick a side, pretend you're above it all, and then finally get mad when one flavor of asshole destroys something you hold dear because you chose to stay on the sidelines when it counted.
I'm not old enough to be that cynical yet.

The_Black_Log Foler

Stock Pals Senior Vice President
Have you not been paying any kind of attention to how the world is now? The world IS absolutely nothing but assholes. It's your responsibility to pick which flavor of asshole you enjoy. Or never pick a side, pretend you're above it all, and then finally get mad when one flavor of asshole destroys something you hold dear because you chose to stay on the sidelines when it counted.
My favorite flavor is chocolate.
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