Vanessa's Tranny AMA Blog Thread

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Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
Also atheists dont believe that god doesnt exist. Ugly men need to understand the meaning of words they use imo.


Uncle Tanya
It isn't all the same. I don't justify anything, I don't have any claim to back up, and I don't reject anything. I haven't been given anything to reject.

Now, if god were real, and came down here tomorrow, I'd hope I'd have old Hitch's courage and walk right up to him and admonish him for his many grievous, unforgivable sins against humanity. If god does exist he is history's greatest monster. Ironic.
List the sins against humanity that God has committed chaos... I'm here to tell you how Dad punished his bad kids listen.

Before I read anymore of your reply, lets deal with this.

Here is EXACTLY why you are ignorant of my stance.

"I am my own god."

That was an ignorant stance to take. I explained why it was an ignorant stance to take.

I might have said something as ignorant as "you are the gender you are born with" and expected you to just capitulate. But I actually want you to talk it through. I want every piece of data, experiential life memory and contextual minutia to be put on full display here for why you want to stand in judgement of me.

You can either agree or disagree. If you agree, then I will be more than happy to continue down the rabbit-hole of logistical grmynastics you have constructed. If you disagree, then by all means you can "clarify" your statement with a bunch of qualifiers I will be more than happy to dissect piece by piece.
ONE qualifier before I get to the meat and potatoes of what you want out of this post. You know I'm a shitlord too, yes? I can be a Christian Conservative Tranny AND be a shitlord that posts stuff to merely get a rise out of the peanut gallery too, right?

With that said, I'm giving you what you want out of this post and am happy doing so.

It was an ignorant stance to take. Please continue.


Buzzfeed Editor
Since god, in all likelihood, doesn't exist, and any god that does exist surely bears no resemblance to the utterly weird and fictitious mix of religions that modern christianity represents, the list would be none.

If a god did exist, the list would literally be endless. Right now, while we sit in comfort and serenity owning fucktards on the internet, brutal acts of rape and murder are happening to the innocent and they are screaming and crying out for god, any god, someone please help them. And the answer is silence. That's cold as fuck. We may all be a bunch of internet shitlords but not even so low as us would just sit by and let that shit happen.
  • 1Mother of God
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Vanessa Vanessa did you pick up anything for Black Friday/Cyber Monday?

I debated some new PC stuff/TV, but convinced myself I don't need them
  • 1Faggotry
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The Dirtbag
List the sins against humanity that God has committed chaos... I'm here to tell you how Dad punished his bad kids listen.
God murdered humaity in wholesale NUMEROUS times in your papyrus texts.

Remember when god killed EVERYONE except for the one dudes family because "reasons"?

Have you actually read the bible?

Thou Shall Not Kill.

God Kills.


ONE qualifier before I get to the meat and potatoes of what you want out of this post.
You have zero qualifier. Stop being such a Lithose and just say what you mean and mean what you say.

You know I'm a shitlord too, yes? I can be a Christian Conservative Tranny AND be a shitlord that posts stuff to merely get a rise out of the peanut gallery too, right?
See, you have NO idea what that means. According to most of the people here, you would have offed yourself years ago. That would actually make you a shitlord. You're a sheep. A bleating, fawning follower that takes whatever whims the current populi sctructure dictates and you run with it. It just so happens you got born into an age where that line was blurred and decided to run with it.

You are the FARTHEST thing from a shitlord. We have posters on here that literally suck dick for the US government that have more cred than you as a "shitlord". I would page Lithose and khorum in here but they would report me for abuse and I would get LLR on my ass again.
  • 1Worf
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Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
All those murders were totally righteous because God is totally righteous. By definition, it's impossible for him not to be! Such an easy out. Phew, lucky Christians!
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Uncle Tanya
This is my only alias.
I was taking a shot in the dark; they love their alts here on the forum (yeah I don't get it either).

I mean, read if you want, use google, that has nothing to do with ears. The cornerstone of "agnostic" belief is that the thing is not or can not be known.
Was hoping I'd just get it straight from the horse's maw (you and wormie) but I keep forgetting that wormie is like a boneless pizza: useless for uselessness sake.

Obviously anyone not lacking arms can google info; it's more fun to engage, wouldn't you agree?

Speaking of google, this is what I ripped from it:


Not sure if this is too plebeian for your taste or not but the lower left quadrant is what I'd call Agnostic and the upper left quadrant is what I'd call Atheist based on their descriptions and how I view those types of mentalities which aligns with my previous posts. (Yes I'm the gnostic theist walking into the light) Anyway... if you say this pic is too basic for this shit I'd agree with you, but it's a baseline. It's something on the table to discuss heh.

Vanessa Vanessa did you pick up anything for Black Friday/Cyber Monday?

I debated some new PC stuff/TV, but convinced myself I don't need them
I was a few clicks away from getting an Echo Dot but Cyber Monday came and went; complacency got the better of me and want vs. need is a thing, especially when you're poor.

God murdered humaity in wholesale NUMEROUS times in your papyrus texts.

Remember when god killed EVERYONE except for the one dudes family because "reasons"?

Have you actually read the bible?

Thou Shall Not Kill.

God Kills.


You have zero qualifier. Stop being such a Lithose and just say what you mean and mean what you say.
Y'all need to stop blaming Dad for your mistakes.

God is totally righteous.
LoL Dick is a Christian after all! Woop woop!

According to most of the people here, you would have offed yourself years ago. That would actually make you a shitlord.
I desperately want to follow your train of thought and why I can't be a shitlord unless I killed myself but nah... doesn't compute. What drugs do I need to ingest to make this all compute? I WILL TAKE THEM TO TRY AND UNDERSTAND YOU!

You are the FARTHEST thing from a shitlord. We have posters on here that literally suck dick for the US government that have more cred than you as a "shitlord". I would page Lithose and khorum in here but they would report me for abuse and I would get LLR on my ass again.
Paging Dr. Lithose Lithose
Paging Dr. khorum khorum

Your presence is needed to weigh in on this matter (why I don't know) because Scream here is toeing the line.

I like you so far Screamfeeder... I really don't want to dislike you! Don't give me reasons to; I promise I'm a kind, pure soul if you are too. Let's be fwiends?

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
I was taking a shot in the dark; they love their alts here on the forum (yeah I don't get it either).

Was hoping I'd just get it straight from the horse's maw (you and wormie) but I keep forgetting that wormie is like a boneless pizza: useless for uselessness sake.

Obviously anyone not lacking arms can google info; it's more fun to engage, wouldn't you agree?

Speaking of google, this is what I ripped from it:

View attachment 236043

Not sure if this is too plebeian for your taste or not but the lower left quadrant is what I'd call Agnostic and the upper left quadrant is what I'd call Atheist based on their descriptions and how I view those types of mentalities which aligns with my previous posts. (Yes I'm the gnostic theist walking into the light) Anyway... if you say this pic is too basic for this shit I'd agree with you, but it's a baseline. It's something on the table to discuss heh.

I was a few clicks away from getting an Echo Dot but Cyber Monday came and went; complacency got the better of me and want vs. need is a thing, especially when you're poor.

Y'all need to stop blaming Dad for your mistakes.

LoL Dick is a Christian after all! Woop woop!

I desperately want to follow your train of thought and why I can't be a shitlord unless I killed myself but nah... doesn't compute. What drugs do I need to ingest to make this all compute? I WILL TAKE THEM TO TRY AND UNDERSTAND YOU!

Paging Dr. Lithose Lithose
Paging Dr. khorum khorum

Your presence is needed to weigh in on this matter (why I don't know) because Scream here is toeing the line.

I like you so far Screamfeeder... I really don't want to dislike you! Don't give me reasons to; I promise I'm a kind, pure soul if you are too. Let's be fwiends?
Learn to read and understand basic sentences fag. Until then shut up.
  • 1Faggotry
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The Dirtbag
I dunno what this is about but I can't recall Screamfeeder Screamfeeder being right about anything.
Well, I'm right about one thing.

You and Vanessa might have the same hardware between your legs, but you'll always be the bigger pussy.

Also, I was right when I got your bitch ass unbanned you ingrate cuck.
  • 1Salty
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Murder Apologist
Well, I'm right about one thing.

You and Vanessa might have the same hardware between your legs, but you'll always be the bigger pussy.

Also, I was right when I got your bitch ass unbanned you ingrate cuck.
Postcount + 1 and nope, still wrong about everything.
  • 1Picard
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Buzzfeed Editor
Was hoping I'd just get it straight from the horse's maw (you and wormie) but I keep forgetting that wormie is like a boneless pizza: useless for uselessness sake.

Obviously anyone not lacking arms can google info; it's more fun to engage, wouldn't you agree?

Speaking of google, this is what I ripped from it:

View attachment 236043

Not sure if this is too plebeian for your taste or not but the lower left quadrant is what I'd call Agnostic and the upper left quadrant is what I'd call Atheist based on their descriptions and how I view those types of mentalities which aligns with my previous posts. (Yes I'm the gnostic theist walking into the light) Anyway... if you say this pic is too basic for this shit I'd agree with you, but it's a baseline. It's something on the table to discuss heh.

No, to me it isn't more fun to ask people things I could easily find out for myself.

Yeah, it's too basic. More than that, it seeks to classify atheists according to typical similar classification associated with religious sects. It misses the whole point. Trying to classify a thing according to a group it doesn't belong to is weird, this shit only happens because religion is still considered by many people to be the "default".

Also, I don't think that "claims" of knowledge are especially important. People are liars, whether intentional or not. Their claims aren't something you can validate. And their claims aren't important, tbh. A claim is meaningless without validation. The day that someone shows verification of their claims regarding a god, that will change the game, up to this point though no one has done so.

But, I've said here before, more and more I don't think anyone truly believes. Or such a small number as to be kind of absurd. I know people make claims, and people participate in religious events, and people are raised to believe things and not question things. But I've never met anyone who lives their life as if they were being judged and their eternity relies on how well they adhere to the tenets of their religion.

Granted, I haven't met too many jihadis so maybe I just haven't hung out with the right people.
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Uncle Tanya
But, I've said here before, more and more I don't think anyone truly believes. Or such a small number as to be kind of absurd.
Matthew 7:13-14 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
giphy (1).gif


Orator of Superfluous Nothings
Hyphenated atheism is for narcissistic intellectual failures and dullards too embarrassed of their stance to lift their hand from the righteous fence upon which agnostics sit. Get bent, faggots.
  • 1Worf
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