Vanessa's Tranny AMA Blog Thread

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Log Wizard
Oh, I think the jokes write themselves. Wearhouse.

Figured a tranny lover would. Welcome.

I don't hate anyone. I feel sorry for these retarded hateful, bigoted people, but here's an interesting question for you Body (you do pronounce your name like "Body", right Bodhy?

You're sympathetic about trans people (by your own words) and you ignore all the hate that was directed at ME first by the transphobes, but then you focus on me merely calling out their ignorance and hate. Why don't you take a stroll through the Gamergate/SJW thread to hear how these people view trans people. Tell me if literal genocide sounds like sociopathy, then find the quote of ME saying we should slaughter an entire group of people.

I think calling Trump a racist is stupid; I think you feeling sympathy for a group of people that can't help it is noble (albeit it's a shame that 98% of that group tend to be irrational commies, SJWs, faux oppression experts, and general nutcases, but...). I pick no sides... I merely call out ridiculousness and ignorance on both sides... always have.

Explain how that makes sense to you in a rational manner... that you call me hateful in a cesspool of hate where I'm the enemy here. Go! Let's hear it!
You want to know what I really think of trannys (groomers)?

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Uncle Tanya
You want to know what I really think of trannys (groomers)?
Gee, is it something I already called you literal psychos out on?

Tell me if literal genocide sounds like sociopathy
It's this simple: They are bigots... the worst kind too: irrational bigots that reject mountains of peer-reviewed research and data
Wow... what a shocking revelation. Thanks for the clear-cut spoiler alert reveal that none of us knew up until right now.

You know how SJW leftists say, "All Trump supporters are Nazis" or "All cis white males are evil" or blah blah blah?

Explain what the difference is between you and them? ... Do it.

you right-wing SJW NPCs.
Well look at that... Vanessa is right again. You can only say the things you say in an anonymous safe-space just like the bluehairs with cartoon avatars because you know rational, normal society would tear you in half over your literally demonic views. Enjoy your eternal rest Sevens, Booze, Newbie, and everyone else on the side of Der Teufel.

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Log Wizard
Gee, is it something I already called you literal psychos out on?

Wow... what a shocking revelation. Thanks for the clear-cut spoiler alert reveal that none of us knew up until right now.

You know how SJW leftists say, "All Trump supporters are Nazis" or "All cis white males are evil" or blah blah blah?

Explain what the difference is between you and them? ... Do it.

Well look at that... Vanessa is right again. You can only say the things you say in an anonymous safe-space just like the bluehairs with cartoon avatars because you know rational, normal society would tear you in half over your literally demonic views. Enjoy your eternal rest Sevens, Booze, Newbie, and everyone else on the side of Der Teufel.

View attachment 424254
Oh no, Im going to hell because I believe that groomers / Trannys, furrys and other degenerate pieces of shit should be eradicated. Do you know what people were put to death for in the old testament? I mean at one time your god had bears attack a group of CHILDREN for making fun of a bald dude. God himself refers to trannys as an abomination. You think you are a female, you have fake tits installed, you dress and wear makeup to try your hardest to "pass" as a female but yet we are the ones who deny reality. Fuck you, Steve. I can 100% tell you that if hell IS real and I go there, I will be sure as fuck to see your worthless ass.
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Uncle Tanya
Oh no, Im going to hell because I believe that groomers / Trannys, furrys and other degenerate pieces of shit should be eradicated.
No, you're going to Hell because you reject God and His Son, Jesus Christ.

Do you know what people were put to death for in the old testament?
Who cares? You don't believe in this Book anyway, so what difference is it to you?

I mean at one time your god had bears attack a group of CHILDREN for making fun of a bald dude.
Not a bald dude... a prophet. This is a story that shows how He protects His own without prejudice and how evil is always punished. But what would a Godless right-wing SJW NPC who wishes for mass genocide against everyone he hates know about scripture from a holy God?


God himself refers to trannys as an abomination.
No He doesn't. He said people who crossdress are. Someone hasn't read the book they don't believe in obviously!!!

You think you are a female
No I don't... I never said this. You literal retards keep saying this, and yet have 0 evidence of this. Know what type of people do this? SJWs. "Well I think THIS is the way it is just because of my feefees, not due to any evidence".

^ That's you, SJW.

you have fake tits installed
Millions upon millions of humans do. I guess I need to refer to the Book of The NPC Atheist that says, in Sevens 1-22: "Thou shalt not install fake b00bs, for whosever does this is a sinner even though I'm a Godless atheist who doesn't believe in sin".

^ That's you, illogical atheist.

you dress and wear makeup to try your hardest to "pass" as a female but yet we are the ones who deny reality.
Correct. You deny reality of countless (literally hundreds) of scientific peer reviewed studies. Why? Because you're a retard.

Fuck you, Steve.
No thanks. I'm not a homosexual that's into fat, illogical men.

I can 100% tell you that if hell IS real and I go there, I will be sure as fuck to see your worthless ass.
It is real, and no, you're wrong as usual. Enjoy your stay, Godless atheist.

Anything else you'd like to get decimate (as usual) with?

Told you so.
Never done coke in my life. Was offered a couple times, but nah... I have an addictive personality and know it... I'd probably like it too much then I'd be a Hodj having heart attacks on FoH.

I was a social bar-goer in my prime, not a junkie who ran to the bathroom hitting rails.
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Uncle Tanya
Just imagine if the joy I take in decimating retards like Sevens is the reason I try to bargain with the Napoleon-dick dictator to reinstate my account to normal and start posting again, triggered all the clowns yet again as I accurately predict Kenobi's ending and other things only intelligent people do: Be consistently correct about things.


Uncle Tanya
Bud, you smear shit on walls.

You're a Democrat that saw mud on the walls of the Capitol on a very specific day that the blueberries cannot let us forget about??? Yikes.

What radical beliefs does B Bodhy have with Covid? I can't read the thread. Anyone can pitch in and tell me... even B Bodhy himself (though the challenge I offered above is still outstanding... you haven't explained yourself sir).

Bodhy's existence on this forum from this Bodybuilding group (Which, btw, hahaha, just that thought alone is funny... because this is the group that the bluehairs called incels too... holy shit this universe works in magnificent ways... God is so good), is another I told you so kinda thing. He, like me, has 0 interest in blending in but merely sharing his points of views. He said trannies are people. We are (duh). I told him he wouldn't fit in here and everyone just thought it was high-larious and yet it's true. This forum has a very specific path of "Do as we think or else you are not a part of the hivemind".

This is the most leftist way of thinking I can think of, but as I have said COUNTLESS times, what do you really EXPECT from the people that voted for Obama back then?


Stock Pals Participant
<Gold Donor>
@bodis trying to argue that the vaccines were not rushed. He linked the following as proof.

He likes to say attacking the author as a medical student is an ad hominem fallacy.

He also goes in hard for support of long covid.

If he didn't ignore people arguing against him he probably would get less vitriol but also the dog pile effect is real.

And that's where we look at the pharmacovigilance data, because the drug was inside bodies as part of this process--nothing was skipped in terms of the clinical trials phases WRT safety-- and make arguments that long-term side effects of the vaccine are negligible or nothing to really worry about, given what we know about vaccines. That goes doubles for these vaccines given the nature of the biotechnology.

And don't fall into the hackneyed trope that someone who disagrees with your view has some nefarious motives. Kind of why I'm starting not to bother with anti-vaxxers. It's just straight to the angry petulance at the first sign of dissent and refusing to take on board a scientific counter-argument. Because scientifically literate anti-vaxxer is pretty much an oxymoron.

I ultimately concluded that anti-vaxxers don't believe in this conspiracies because they follow the evidence. They believe them because they simply want to believe them.
An example of one of his posts.
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Uncle Tanya
Thanks buddy... all I know is that China had serious problems with their people taking to the streets to protest Democracy in 2019 and shortly thereafter Covid hit the world coming from Wuhan where a fucking VIROLOGY LAB was centered at.

Doesn't take an Einstein to see the hinky correlation. These are big-boy-pants things on the world stage that, honestly, us plebes will likely never understand but I don't for second doubt that China intentionally released this plague upon the world for multiple reasons. 1) their own people to quell uprising of Democracy 2) insert chaos into a pivotal American election year when Trump was flying high.

Regardless... if Bodhy said the vaccines were not rushed even though it was called "Operation Warpspeed" (derp) then wow... this guy is BB's Lumi it seems.
  • 1Picard
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Uncle Tanya
2 quick things:

  • I had no idea how badly this one block would cause so much confusion in my Twitter feed, so ya... this block actually hurt. I <3 you June, you weirdo.

  • What's the TL;DR for Mr. Sox and Pantheon? Is he a dev or a crazy-guy-that-thinks-hes-a-dev or what? That thread is 2k pages about a game that doesn't exist. Yikes.
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Aychamo BanBan

Just imagine if the joy I take in decimating retards like Sevens is the reason I try to bargain with the Napoleon-dick dictator to reinstate my account to normal and start posting again, triggered all the clowns yet again as I accurately predict Kenobi's ending and other things only intelligent people do: Be consistently correct about things.

Where do you think you "decimated Sevens"?

You are literally mentally ill. You write these insane posts where you just ramble and at the end declare "I WON!" Every post of yours is like a train wreck. Half the posts here are just people baiting you to write shit so we can laugh at it afterwards. You're clearly unhinged again. Wow!!

Steve - I truly hope you can get some help. I know you're on all your female hormones, but I truly think you need to see a psychiatrist and get some further help.
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Uncle Tanya
Where do you think you "decimated Sevens"?
Literally -> here <- but also the past 100 pages or so.

You are literally mentally ill.
As far as technically having been diagnosed with and having Gender Dysphoria, yes, but you are (as evidenced by the handful of posts I've read from you, newbie) just as ignorant as all the rest of the regulars.

It's strange that you could ask me what 2+2 is and I answer 4.

You write these insane posts
To a lower intellect individual like yourself, I'm sure they certainly can appear so, heh.

and at the end declare "I WON!"
Oh really, and when did that happen exactly? Please screenshot or quote this. (Projection is gross)

Every post of yours is like a train wreck.
See 2 clips above. I'm sure they certainly can appear so, heh.

Half the posts here are just people baiting you to write shit so we can laugh at it afterwards.
Really? I see no worfs on my posts in this thread. (again: Projection is so gross)

You're clearly unhinged again. Wow!!
If your definition of unhinged is laying back in my chair, smiling, and replying to posts... yes, that's OBVIOUSLY what's happening.

Steve - I truly hope you can get some help.
I'm sure... thanks for you clear sympathy and overt concern. You're a true pal and not at all a lair and a lunatic.

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Aychamo BanBan

Literally -> here <- but also the past 100 pages or so.

As far as technically having been diagnosed with and having Gender Dysphoria, yes, but you are (as evidenced by the handful of posts I've read from you, newbie) just as ignorant as all the rest of the regulars.

It's strange that you could ask me what 2+2 is and I answer 4.

To a lower intellect individual like yourself, I'm sure they certainly can appear so, heh.

Oh really, and when did that happen exactly? Please screenshot or quote this. (Projection is gross)

See 2 clips above. I'm sure they certainly can appear so, heh.

Really? I see no worfs on my posts in this thread. (again: Projection is so gross)

If your definition of unhinged is laying back in my chair, smiling, and replying to posts... yes, that's OBVIOUSLY what's happening.

I'm sure... thanks for you clear sympathy and overt concern. You're a true pal and not at all a lair and a lunatic.

View attachment 424435

Honest question...

You think you are "intellectually superior" to everyone... Why is it that the most you could achieve in life is working in an Amazon packing warehouse?


Uncle Tanya
Honest question...

You think you are "intellectually superior" to everyone...
I don't. I know I am a very intelligent individual. Everyone who really knows me knows that too. But there are so very many others who are much smarter than me. Difference is, I don't try to tear down more intelligent people than me due to some kind of weird projection based upon my own foibles and insecurities like less intelligent people try to do.

Why is it that the most you could achieve in life is working in an Amazon packing warehouse?
Matthew 19:24 says hello, friend!
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Aychamo BanBan


I don't. I know I am a very intelligent individual. Everyone who really knows me knows that too. But there are so very many others who are much smarter than me. Difference is, I don't try to tear down more intelligent people than me due to some kind of weird projection based upon my own foibles and insecurities like less intelligent people try to do.

Matthew 19:24 says hello, friend!

So.. Your answer to why the only thing a man of your intellectual prowess can achieve is being an amazon picker is .... you'd rather be poor and enter heaven, than be rich and be corrupted?
  • 1Worf
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Uncle Tanya
So.. Your answer to why the only thing a man of your intellectual prowess can achieve is being an amazon picker is .... you'd rather be poor and enter heaven, than be rich and be corrupted?

Next, go to John 1:5 to figure out why you don't understand.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Thanks buddy... all I know is that China had serious problems with their people taking to the streets to protest Democracy in 2019 and shortly thereafter Covid hit the world coming from Wuhan where a fucking VIROLOGY LAB was centered at.

Doesn't take an Einstein to see the hinky correlation. These are big-boy-pants things on the world stage that, honestly, us plebes will likely never understand but I don't for second doubt that China intentionally released this plague upon the world for multiple reasons. 1) their own people to quell uprising of Democracy 2) insert chaos into a pivotal American election year when Trump was flying high.

Regardless... if Bodhy said the vaccines were not rushed even though it was called "Operation Warpspeed" (derp) then wow... this guy is BB's Lumi it seems.
There's a big difference between being fast tracked with the utmost priority versus taking shortcuts that undermine safety and disregard normal protocols (the actual insinuation by anti-vaxxers). Using the name as evidence for the latter boggles the mind.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
So.. Your answer to why the only thing a man of your intellectual prowess can achieve is being an amazon picker is .... you'd rather be poor and enter heaven, than be rich and be corrupted?

Trying to reason with or understand the mentality ill is an effort in futility.
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Uncle Tanya
Trying to reason with or understand the mentality ill is an effort in futility.
I agree... that's why mentally ill people who are pushing for genocidal atrocities for no other reason other than a demonic hatred toward something tend to wallow in anonymity in safe spaces instead of the sunlight of reality. No one sane wants to deal with them.
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