Vanessa's Tranny AMA Blog Thread

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Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Transgender girl says she regrets beating classmates

Why you should never bully trannies. Especially not if you're a girl. Oh hey look, there's someone who's really strong and has mental problems. Lets needle them till they crack. WCGW?

That was one savage fucking beating. I heard that the boys standing by were afraid to step in because it was technically a 'girl fight'.
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The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
. I heard that the boys standing by were afraid to step in because it was technically a 'girl fight'.
Or they were afraid of getting their ass beat by she hulk.
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Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I don't know. Getting your ass beat by a girl is embarrassing for sure. But I'm pretty sure getting your ass beat by a tranny is the stuff of legends. Like if you're going to get your ass beat, that's the best possible scenario.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
I don't know. Getting your ass beat by a girl is embarrassing for sure. But I'm pretty sure getting your ass beat by a tranny is the stuff of legends. Like if you're going to get your ass beat, that's the best possible scenario.

Depends on how she beats your ass....
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Uncle Tanya
Well boys, with the dust basically settled and the house being lost, I was absolutely positive that there would be much rejoicing and happiness over at the leftist hive of /r/asktransgender.

I need to stop assuming things about my bizarro brethren apparently; Have a look:




Not happiness... but still living in irrational fear because... I guess it's not good enough to win the house; it needed to be a blue wave to "smash nazis" I assume? Or hell, what's clearly needed is a 100% blue victory. NO RED IN AMERICA... NONE!!! LoL

The last post by the OP themselves is the worst imo. The "as it (America) becomes less white" part. Y'know, I was banned for supporting Trump over there but it's totally okay to be a racist piece of shit and hope white people disappear in the country.

"The tolerant left"
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<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I can't help but picture that dude walking around with the original EQ walking animation
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Musty Nester
Good to see you haven't suicided, Vanessa. Keep being one of the not crazy ones.
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Uncle Tanya
Good to see you haven't suicided, Vanessa. Keep being one of the not crazy ones.

I think the mere fact of having gender dysphoria period is crazy enough by most standards, but as far as living a life of social ostracism / mistreatment or suffering from any other mental illnesses such as depression / bi-polar, I am blessed that those factors are thankfully a non-issue in my life... especially considering that studies have shown that co-morbidity of different mental illnesses are high amongst trannies. I've been a very happy and content person since transitioning indeed!

But... I also think we're ALL capable of suicide if pushed to that level... whether through internal or external means. Depression is a horrible way to swim through life, and can come on seemingly with no triggers. Life can go to shit in a matter of days too. I'd honestly start questioning my will to live if I got fired, my mom died, I totaled my car, and my place burned down in a matter of a few weeks, y'know? All I can do (hell, all any of us can do) is pray to whatever God we believe in or hope for the best luck possible if you don't have a God that things will be okay. We ultimately can't control a lot of what happens to us in life... we can only control how we respond to it.

Oh, just to add since I'm posting... More humor from /r/asktransgender:


^ This person is terrified they might be normal (i.e. not trans). Oh the horrors of life!!!
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Potato del Grande
I'd honestly start questioning my will to live if I got fired, my mom died, I totaled my car, and my place burned down in a matter of a few weeks, y'know? All I can do (hell, all any of us can do) is pray to whatever God we believe in or hope for the best luck possible if you don't have a God that things will be okay. We ultimately can't control a lot of what happens to us in life... we can only control how we respond to it.

If any of those tragedies occur the average dude that wasn't raised on soymilk doesn't start questioning their will to live, pray or hope for luck and be comforted by empty platitudes, but steps up, takes care of business, continues to protect and provide, and finds new meaning through those acts.

No homo: you seem very much a woman to me. Well, okay, a little homo.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Well our girl Blaire is stopping hormones for long enough to produce enough baby batter to conceive. With a surrogate as she's engaged to a man obviously.

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