Vanessa's Tranny AMA Blog Thread

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Buzzfeed Editor
Are you legitimately dumb Chaos? I mean honestly brother, are you mentally disabled?

Everyone please click that link and notice I'm not even on that page that he linked. Please continue hunting and next time stop being a full-blown retard and actually QUOTE ME like I've asked you to do for the billionth time. The quote you put in your post sounds like something I may have said a long time ago but here again, God only knows because you cannot QUOTE ME for me to even try to defend or rebut myself, you just keep saying "oh yeah, she said this and this and this" without evidence.

Once you quote me, I will retort in a manner that isn't me shitting on your stupidity.
Don't get fucking cute here. You're not shitting on anyone, you don't follow through on any argument or put any amount of thought into anything you put out here, you poisoned whatever legitimacy you could have had here by fishing for attention from the lads with your tits and ass and cock.

I linked to the page. You don't see it because you didn't bother to change your posts per page and didn't bother to investigate why everyone else sees something you don't see. Here's a link directly to the post. In the future, if something doesn't add up, maybe consider that you're fucking up before going off on some stupid ass rant. #Gamergate and all things SJW
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
you poisoned whatever legitimacy you could have had here by fishing for attention from the lads with your tits and ass and cock.

Exactly what I warned about from the get go

And yes, he did in fact say in that post that he was

Long story short, I'm pro-blockers for transgender children because of MY OWN life experience


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Now he's gonna try and hedge that shit now with that no true scotsman appeal to authority double fallacy but we aren't gonna fall for it because its just mealy mouthed forked tongued bullshit talking out of both sides of his goddamn mouth and we all know it


Uncle Tanya
ITT: A tranny posting facts and a buncha SJWs not posting facts.

But yeah, easier just to assume chaos is insane/dumb.
Never called him insane, but dumb? Yep!!! Chaos is an atheist leftist. If that ain't brain-leaking stupid, I can't say what is then.

What Vanessa Vanessa gets but won't admit is we've seen all this before with Tanoomba Tanoomba

Tanoomba Tanoomba would take some article or piece of evidence, skew it wildly out of whack, get told on it, wait a few weeks, then start the debate over, denying he'd ever said what he'd said, denying the article he posted said what it said, and then declare victory like a clown

A few years of this and he finally got banned for it.
I popped in to answer Coleslaw's posts. Who brought up the debate again? Oh that's right... YOU. Proof right here, because unlike y'all, I can actually quote people:

You heard it here first folks, if you tell the tranny that dosing children up with drugs that shrink their genitals and ruin their lives that you think that's wrong, you're trolling.
There's something mentally wrong with you; it's really really sad. You should bring me up in the Amod thread again though. I think a good plan is just skew what I think wildly out of whack, get told on it, wait a few weeks, then start the narrative pushing over.

Sound familiar? Oh yes, it's what you literally just posted that I do here, you projectioning autist LoL.
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I'm pro-blockers for transgender children because of MY OWN life experience

I'm pro-blockers for transgender children because of MY OWN life experience

I'm pro-blockers for transgender children because of MY OWN life experience

I'm pro-blockers for transgender children because of MY OWN life experience

I'm pro-blockers for transgender children because of MY OWN life experience
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Buzzfeed Editor
Now he's gonna try and hedge that shit now with that no true scotsman appeal to authority double fallacy but we aren't gonna fall for it because its just mealy mouthed forked tongued bullshit talking out of both sides of his goddamn mouth and we all know it
Shit is fucking bananas. We discussed this over the course of dozens of posts where Vanessa said she supported using puberty blockers on trans kids and talked about the benefits and minimized any harmful impact. It wasn't one post, it was like hundreds. And now we're debating whether or not she even held the position she quite publicly held, stridently against just about every poster in the fucking thread? shit like this is why motherfuckers have rage strokes on the internet.
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Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Going to upvote you for digging that out of the compost heap, doubt it was worth it though.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Shit is fucking bananas. We discussed this over the course of dozens of posts where Vanessa said she supported using puberty blockers on trans kids and talked about the benefits and minimized any harmful impact. It wasn't one post, it was like hundreds. And now we're debating whether or not she even held the position she quite publicly held, stridently against just about every poster in the fucking thread? shit like this is why motherfuckers have rage strokes on the internet.

Its the Tanoomba Tanoomba cycle playing out exactly as predicted. Nothing more. Nothing less.


Uncle Tanya
Don't get fucking cute here.
Fuck you, moron :)

Yout can't even post a quote, you keep posting it as pages. How ass-achingly dumb are you? Hodj had to do your dirty work and actually QUOTE ME correctly... THAT is how dumb you are.

Thank you Hodj.

You're not shitting on anyone, you don't follow through on any argument or put any amount of thought into anything you put out here, you poisoned whatever legitimacy you could have had here by fishing for attention from the lads with your tits and ass and cock.
Buddy, I have offered time after time after time to debate your dumbass like a man via a podcast. When I have time to destroy people on this forum via text, I do so, but I simply don't have time to reply to EVERY. SINGLE. POST. that you obsessives come at me with. I'd much rather actually debate you in voice. Too pussy to do that? Then shut the fuck up.
  • 1Cringe
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Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Shit is fucking bananas. We discussed this over the course of dozens of posts where Vanessa said she supported using puberty blockers on trans kids and talked about the benefits and minimized any harmful impact. It wasn't one post, it was like hundreds. And now we're debating whether or not she even held the position she quite publicly held, stridently against just about every poster in the fucking thread? shit like this is why motherfuckers have rage strokes on the internet.

Not that long ago you weren't aware of the source of frustration people in this thread express.

Welcome to the club.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Literally post two of his quotes contradicting himself and he just can't help but try to lie to our faces some more.

Not that long ago you weren't aware of the source of frustration people in this thread express.

Welcome to the club.

Dude same exact shit happened with chaos chaos and Tanoomba Tanoomba in the gamergate thread at one point. Its insane how closely the two events match


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
And then he tries to condescend to chaos chaos over not directly linking the post because of a fucking forum bug that DickTrickle DickTrickle already pointed out

You cannot make this level of crazy up it can only come about because of a several milligram per day dosage of estrogen induced psychosis


Buzzfeed Editor
Fuck you, moron :)

Yout can't even post a quote, you keep posting it as pages. How ass-achingly dumb are you? Hodj had to do your dirty work and actually QUOTE ME correctly... THAT is how dumb you are.

Thank you Hodj.

Buddy, I have offered time after time after time to debate your dumbass like a man via a podcast. When I have time to destroy people on this forum via text, I do so, but I simply don't have time to reply to EVERY. SINGLE. POST. that you obsessives come at me with. I'd much rather actually debate you in voice. Too pussy to do that? Then shut the fuck up.
Debate me via a podcast? Who do you think you are talking to? You've never offered to do that to me. And no, I wouldn't. This is a total waste of time, you've proven time and time again you aren't interested in looking at it rationally. Imma take time away from my family for you to try and do a terrible "Furor circa 2002 but with titties" impression on a podcast that no one but you even wants? Yeah no thx. You could just respond to the actual fucking point here. You're saying "I never said that I supported giving kids puberty blockers" when, you clearly did, and there's tons of posts of you saying that, a couple of which I linked directly to you. If you read my post instead of transraging you'd have seen that the line hodj quoted was in my post, quoted, from you.

You don't destroy anyone. You sidestep inconvenient questions you don't want to answer and assault people with text that has no real point.

I am embarrased at how much time i spent in this thread today on this nonsense. This is some shameful shit.

I wish we had an actual, rational trans person to talk about this stuff with because there's so much I'd be interested to ask about and debate.
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Buzzfeed Editor
Not that long ago you weren't aware of the source of frustration people in this thread express.

Welcome to the club.
This is some next level shit right here though. We debated this AT LENGTH. This was pretty much the main interaction Vanessa and I had, where she defended this practice and I was questioning and eventually got enough background to see it's unethical and immoral as fuck. Like 9/10ths of my posts in this thread directly relate to Vanessa's position on using puberty blockers on kids.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Vanessa Vanessa do you have a good chili recipe?

My gf and I tried a slow cooker one. It was good, but it felt like something was missing to make it just right
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