Vanessa's Tranny AMA Blog Thread

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Aychamo BanBan

Actually most of his more insane shit is earlier in this thread, but he just denies it all when its brought up. And most of us have dealt with him enough to know its a waste of time digging through his mentally ill posting history. But whenever we get a new Tranny chaser around here, its always fun to watch them go from "OMG you guys are so mean to this womanz!" to actually reading the entire thread and returning in full Hugo Boss after sampling the comedy stylings of Manessa for themselves. I originally tried to be understanding, myself, but completely changed my mind after he spent months pushing puberty blockers on young kids "because one in ten might really be TRanZ!!!111!", but I was already on the way there with his whole cuttlefishing the homeless single mom routine. Even the other forum Troons have noped out with him at this point.

That's fucking hilarious! I wish I had witnessed some of this shit in real time!


Uncle Tanya
How else can I prove that you're a degenerate retard with a record of molesting children and kidnapping women who is only employable at Amazon without a simple background check?
You can't prove non-reality, retard. You didn't get that memo in 2nd grade? Is that how retarded you are? That you think proof exists where reality ends and your batshit delusion ends?

But this is neither here nor there... as it's just obvious excuses why you'd never, EVER debate me because you and me both know the result: You'd get absolutely destroyed on virtually any and every topic conceivable because a retard could never outdebate an intellectual?

FYI: You have an avatar of me and almost 20% of your entire post history here on FoH has been in this thread. Do you *really* think you're not an obsessive, mentally ill retard?

View attachment 425745
Speaking of patterns......
Well look at that... a morbidly obese Godless right-wing SJW atheist rehashing stale "memes" containing things I never said while simultaneously lacking any evidence backing up his slander.

What a common, repeating pattern with you, chubs.

followed by hilariously ill advised posting of posting a pic?
When did this *ever* happen, retard???

What exactly was your strategy posting that DL pic where you look like Bruce Campbell starring in the direct to video sequel to Tootsie?
I already answered this, retard... today. Maybe try reading instead of just being a completely unhinged, lying, slandering retard??? Ever think of that?

Is abused all you really have left to live for at this point?
Grammar, big boy. Try it sometime.

Also, you think you're abusing me??? ROFL, such epic delusion.

Actually most of his more insane shit is earlier in this thread, but he just denies it all when its brought up. And most of us have dealt with him enough to know its a waste of time digging through his mentally ill posting history. But whenever we get a new Tranny chaser around here, its always fun to watch them go from "OMG you guys are so mean to this womanz!" to actually reading the entire thread and returning in full Hugo Boss after sampling the comedy stylings of Manessa for themselves. I originally tried to be understanding, myself, but completely changed my mind after he spent months pushing puberty blockers on young kids "because one in ten might really be TRanZ!!!111!", but I was already on the way there with his whole cuttlefishing the homeless single mom routine. Even the other forum Troons have noped out with him at this point.
^ More slander and lies that you can *never* quote to back up your insane slander and lies. Seriously retard, you literally keep saying *all* this delusional insanity yet cannot and have NEVER backed up your delusional insanity with actual quotes... and even IF you attempted to, it'd just be out-of-context bullshit that you KNOW is bullshit because you're nothing but a Godless atheist who thrives on what God commanded you not to do: Bear false witness.

Again... the pattern with you never ends, and this is one small piece of the puzzle as to why you are going to Hell.

That's fucking hilarious! I wish I had witnessed some of this shit in real time!
Yep, slander is so hilarious. It's almost like all the lies he says exists are never quoted. Ever wonder why? Of course you don't... you're just as batshit as this 350lb Jabba-impersonator.

Aychamo BanBan

You can't prove non-reality, retard. You didn't get that memo in 2nd grade? Is that how retarded you are? That you think proof exists where reality ends and your batshit delusion ends?

But this is neither here nor there... as it's just obvious excuses why you'd never, EVER debate me because you and me both know the result: You'd get absolutely destroyed on virtually any and every topic conceivable because a retard could never outdebate an intellectual?

FYI: You have an avatar of me and almost 20% of your entire post history here on FoH has been in this thread. Do you *really* think you're not an obsessive, mentally ill retard?

Well look at that... a morbidly obese Godless right-wing SJW atheist rehashing stale "memes" containing things I never said while simultaneously lacking any evidence backing up his slander.

What a common, repeating pattern with you, chubs.

When did this *ever* happen, retard???

I already answered this, retard... today. Maybe try reading instead of just being a completely unhinged, lying, slandering retard??? Ever think of that?

Grammar, big boy. Try it sometime.

Also, you think you're abusing me??? ROFL, such epic delusion.

^ More slander and lies that you can *never* quote to back up your insane slander and lies. Seriously retard, you literally keep saying *all* this delusional insanity yet cannot and have NEVER backed up your delusional insanity with actual quotes... and even IF you attempted to, it'd just be out-of-context bullshit that you KNOW is bullshit because you're nothing but a Godless atheist who thrives on what God commanded you not to do: Bear false witness.

Again... the pattern with you never ends, and this is one small piece of the puzzle as to why you are going to Hell.

Yep, slander is so hilarious. It's almost like all the lies he says exists are never quoted. Ever wonder why? Of course you don't... you're just as batshit as this 350lb Jabba-impersonator.



Uncle Tanya
NPC with my photoshopped face in his own avatar with 20% of his posts being in this thread does NPC thing by reposting unfunny, un-factual thing... news at 11.

Also, you do realize that if you need me to doxx myself to prove your insane thoughts about me, that you are admitting you are a lying, slandering retard, yes? You DO understand this basic fact about yourself, correct?

Nope... I don't think much sinks in with you about facts and reality.

Ask Phazael to post his full body picture btw. If he doesn't today I'll hook you up tomorrow.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Yep, slander is so hilarious. It's almost like all the lies he says exists are never quoted. Ever wonder why? Of course you don't... you're just as batshit as this 350lb Jabba-impersonator.
So just to start here, you are going to claim that shit with the homeless single mom you let camp on your couch while not telling her you were a troon (but hey, lets be honest, she probably knew but was too desperate for shelter) now didn't happen? You spent a week being pissed about her reaction when you told her "Surprise! Penis!" while the bulk of us just fucking laughed about it. Reality is that woman was probably desperate for shelter for her and her kid and she was ignoring the fact that you were a tranny until you brought it up (which is inevitable in your case) and could not pretend otherwise anymore. Pretty sure its in this fucking thread, but as I said going back and quoting your posts never amounts to shit, so why bother. The puberty blocker shit was also true and you were spreading that shit all over the forum, at the time. I guess when you can convince yourself you pass as a woman looking like a 80s movie bodyguard for a cocaine dealer, you can just pretend shit never happened too.

And seriously, drop the Christian act. I live more by the rules of the bible than you ever have, and I don't even consider myself religious. You are just using the Bible like you use your fake tits, as an excuse to hide behind for morally bankrupt choices and behavior.
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Uncle Tanya
Wow look... an entire Phazael post with 0 quotes. What else is new on this day that ends in a "Y" ?

So just to start here, you are going to claim that shit with the homeless single mom you let camp on your couch while not telling her you were a troon (but hey, lets be honest, she probably knew but was too desperate for shelter) now didn't happen?
Correct, you Godless, low IQ retard with shit reading comprehension. ...and you will NEVER post a quote because you're a retard who cannot read.

You spent a week being pissed about her reaction when you told her "Surprise! Penis!" while the bulk of us just fucking laughed about it.
Wrong again, retard.

Reality is that woman was probably desperate for shelter for her and her kid and she was ignoring the fact that you were a tranny until you brought it up (which is inevitable in your case) and could not pretend otherwise anymore.
You don't know what reality is... you're an atheist who thinks matter just created itself.

Pretty sure its in this fucking thread, but as I said going back and quoting your posts never amounts to shit, so why bother.
Quoting my posts? Oh you mean the thing that you never do and never will do because you're just a slandering liar? Oh... shocking.

Spoiler alert: The only thing you're possibly "sure of" is what your next meal is going to be.

The puberty blocker shit was also true and you were spreading that shit all over the forum, at the time.
The only thing true about this constant, endless bullshit you peddle is your (as usual) shit tier reading comprehension.

I guess when you can convince yourself you pass as a woman looking like a 80s movie bodyguard for a cocaine dealer, you can just pretend shit never happened too.
I do... Again, pass ANY of my pics through an unbiased AI. Go ahead, do it. I enjoy reality... unlike you reality deniers who are triggered by me.

And seriously, drop the Christian act.
The Godless Hellbound atheist says "drop the Christian act". ROFL
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Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
It is an act, one you adopted recently. Unless you can point out to me in the brand new Book of Jerle where it says "Blessed are the Dick Choppers and the Bolt Ons", I am pretty sure everything relevant to your life choices is covered by the events at Sodom and Gomorrah and in the Book of Leviticus, among NUMEROUS places in the bible. Like everything else about you, it is fake. Have you even set foot in a church this year?
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Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Wow look... an entire Phazael post with 0 quotes. What else is new on this day that ends in a "Y" ?
Also, the post you are bleating about literally starts with a quote. Not Zero. But hey you never let reality and truth stop you before, so why start now?
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Uncle Tanya
It is an act, one you adopted recently. Unless you can point out to me in the brand new Book of Jerle where it says "Blessed are the Dick Choppers and the Bolt Ons", I am pretty sure everything relevant to your life choices is covered by the events at Sodom and Gomorrah and in the Book of Leviticus, among NUMEROUS places in the bible. Like everything else about you, it is fake. Have you even set foot in a church this year?
It's odd... it's almost like this is another post of 0 quotes backing up your insane slander.

Also, the post you are bleating about literally starts with a quote. Not Zero. But hey you never let reality and truth stop you before, so why start now?
Dear retard... I'm talking about you PROVING the insane shit you say about me from the past (which you never do because you can't).

If you post one more post here without quotes backing up your slander, you are just openly admitting to being a batshit lunatic liar (which... you are... I just want to see you prove me right for the 1,422nd time.
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Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Dear retard... I'm talking about you PROVING the insane shit you say about me from the past (which you never do because you can't).

If you post one more post here without quotes backing up your slander, you are just openly admitting to being a batshit lunatic liar (which... you are... I just want to see you prove me right for the 1,422nd time.
Why would anyone bother trying to dig through your posting history when you just hand wave it and act like it never happened/you meant something else for the 1000th time? We all know the truth. At some level deep down in your shriveled manlet balls you know it too, or you would not sperg out at the slightest provocation. At this point all that's left is for us to smack the hornets nest around so new users can witness what a fucking dangerous lunatic you are for themselves. If they want to deep dive on this and stare at your noodle and bolts on, that's their choice and prerogative. Our job is to just swing by and remind people not to feed the mentally ill animals periodically.
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Uncle Tanya
If you post one more post here without quotes backing up your slander, you are just openly admitting to being a batshit lunatic liar (which... you are... I just want to see you prove me right for the 1,422nd time.
Why would anyone bother trying to dig through your posting history when you just hand wave it and act like it never happened/you meant something else for the 1000th time? We all know the truth. At some level deep down in your shriveled manlet balls you know it too, or you would not sperg out at the slightest provocation. At this point all that's left is for us to smack the hornets nest around so new users can witness what a fucking dangerous lunatic you are for themselves. If they want to deep dive on this and stare at your noodle and bolts on, that's their choice and prerogative. Our job is to just swing by and remind people not to feed the mentally ill animals periodically.
This dude is just a walking, 350lb "Please Vanessa, own me more" batshit lunatic liar.

Proverbs 6:16-19 --- These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

Gee, wonder who this personifies???
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Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
How Christian of you, Steve.

My work here is done. Feel free to pat yourself on your manlet back for "owning everyone" again. See you at your next regularly scheduled sperg out.
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Uncle Tanya
How Christian of you, Steve.
Says the guy guilty of 4 of the 7 things that God hates/deems an abomination. Also, yes, it is very Christian of me to tell you the truth. The truth is literally what Christianity is all about (unlike Godless atheism which thrives in irrationality and delusion).

My work here is done.
Says the guy who didn't back up a single word of his slander. None.

Feel free to pat yourself on your manlet back for "owning everyone" again.
It's a gift. Thanks for being my victim for the 1,423rd time.

See you at your next regularly scheduled sperg out.
Says the guy posting 9 times in ~2 hours in MY thread today. Sperg out indeed...hahaha :)

Aychamo BanBan

Wow look... an entire Phazael post with 0 quotes. What else is new on this day that ends in a "Y" ?

Correct, you Godless, low IQ retard with shit reading comprehension. ...and you will NEVER post a quote because you're a retard who cannot read.

Wrong again, retard.

You don't know what reality is... you're an atheist who thinks matter just created itself.

Quoting my posts? Oh you mean the thing that you never do and never will do because you're just a slandering liar? Oh... shocking.

Spoiler alert: The only thing you're possibly "sure of" is what your next meal is going to be.

The only thing true about this constant, endless bullshit you peddle is your (as usual) shit tier reading comprehension.

I do... Again, pass ANY of my pics through an unbiased AI. Go ahead, do it. I enjoy reality... unlike you reality deniers who are triggered by me.

The Godless Hellbound atheist says "drop the Christian act". ROFL
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Aychamo BanBan

View attachment 425766

So, time on the debate? FoH's discord is the place. Allow a few days to announce the time so we can share it and get a crowd to overhear me wipe the floor with you, okay NPC?

It’s honestly enjoyable watching you have a melt down, Steve.

Sure, PM your real name and SSN and I’ll do a background check on you and then we can talk about your history of raping children.


Uncle Tanya
It’s honestly enjoyable watching you have a melt down, Steve.
It's more enjoyable watching an unhinged lunatic:

...calling getting decimated a "meltdown" on my part. Classic.

Sure, PM your real name and SSN and I’ll do a background check on you and then we can talk about your history of raping children.
Wow, another lunatic on par with Phazael saying the same batshit crazy things like an NPC parrot.

So... about that debate, scared pussy...
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