How else can I prove that you're a degenerate retard with a record of molesting children and kidnapping women who is only employable at Amazon without a simple background check?
You can't prove non-reality, retard. You didn't get that memo in 2nd grade? Is that how retarded you are? That you think proof exists where reality ends and your batshit delusion ends?
But this is neither here nor there... as it's just obvious excuses why you'd never, EVER debate me because you and me both know the result: You'd get absolutely destroyed on virtually any and every topic conceivable because a retard could never outdebate an intellectual?
FYI: You have an avatar of me and almost 20% of your entire post history here on FoH has been in this thread. Do you *really* think you're not an obsessive, mentally ill retard?
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Speaking of patterns......
Well look at that... a morbidly obese Godless right-wing SJW atheist rehashing stale "memes" containing things I
never said while simultaneously lacking any evidence backing up his slander.
What a common, repeating pattern with you, chubs.
followed by hilariously ill advised posting of posting a pic?
When did this *ever* happen, retard???
What exactly was your strategy posting that DL pic where you look like Bruce Campbell starring in the direct to video sequel to Tootsie?
I already answered this, retard... today. Maybe try reading instead of just being a completely unhinged, lying, slandering retard??? Ever think of that?
Is abused all you really have left to live for at this point?
Grammar, big boy. Try it sometime.
Also, you think you're abusing me??? ROFL, such epic delusion.
Actually most of his more insane shit is earlier in this thread, but he just denies it all when its brought up. And most of us have dealt with him enough to know its a waste of time digging through his mentally ill posting history. But whenever we get a new Tranny chaser around here, its always fun to watch them go from "OMG you guys are so mean to this womanz!" to actually reading the entire thread and returning in full Hugo Boss after sampling the comedy stylings of Manessa for themselves. I originally tried to be understanding, myself, but completely changed my mind after he spent months pushing puberty blockers on young kids "because one in ten might really be TRanZ!!!111!", but I was already on the way there with his whole cuttlefishing the homeless single mom routine. Even the other forum Troons have noped out with him at this point.
^ More slander and lies that you can *never* quote to back up your insane slander and lies. Seriously retard, you literally keep saying *all* this delusional insanity yet cannot and have NEVER backed up your delusional insanity with actual quotes... and even IF you attempted to, it'd just be out-of-context bullshit that you KNOW is bullshit because you're nothing but a Godless atheist who thrives on what God commanded you not to do: Bear false witness.
Again... the pattern with you never ends, and this is one small piece of the puzzle as to why you are going to Hell.
That's fucking hilarious! I wish I had witnessed some of this shit in real time!
Yep, slander is so hilarious. It's almost like all the lies he says exists are never quoted. Ever wonder why? Of course you don't... you're just as batshit as this 350lb Jabba-impersonator.