Vanguard - I don't give a fuck if it's dead, It's still brown as fuck (Download link in 1st post)

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Watcher of Overs
Performance was really poor. They were trying to use a FPS game engine which are all based on loading all required assets up front once.

MMOs of course need to constantly bring new things in and out of vram, and it just wasn't built that way. Every time you walked through Khal and some random clay pot got within 100 meters, it had to to load it off disk, compile the shader (and they had unique shaders for every object), and then cram it all into vram somewhere.

The framerate was good standing still but as soon as you moved around it would freeze up constantly while loading stuff.
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Watcher of Overs
That was right during the era when people hadn't really figured out how to handle the explosion of shaders.

The shader model at the time had very limited instruction counts, and didn't handle branching very well. So it was hard to write something that worked for all assets.

It is much better now. The new model 6 stuff even lets you compile stuff into libraries the way you can with C etc.
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Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Why did this game fail ultimately? Can someone TLDR?
Spaghetti code in an engine not built for MMOs led to complete shit performance. Immediate turnoff for people and mass abandonment very early. Those that did stick it out found there was nothing to do from 40-50+. There was no end game except like 1-2 broken boring quests. Abandoned en masse.

They ended up turning it around and made an incredible EQ successor at the end game and dungeon level. They just had no funding, tiny team of devs so content was very slow. Performance never really improved so new people just weren’t sticking with it. A few thousand (maybe) played it for years, hundreds were very dedicated and they kept putting out content slowly for years for them. They made a level cap expansion from 50 to 55 with really grindy and shitty content, forcing people to do a quest line no one likes. (Everyone hates Silius for this and other horrible design decisions) that drove a lot of people off. Ultimately they added some microtrans stuff that drove some people off and it dwindled so far it wasn’t worth supporting or keeping alive.
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<Bronze Donator>
Why did this game fail ultimately? Can someone TLDR?
Performance, as others have said. I remember getting into the beta and just having my computer murdered. A really cool concept, and world potentially. Alas.

Excited to revisit it with some friends once it gets closer to a soft launch. Still enjoyed playing some of it years later when my PC wouldn't melt.
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Pay to play forum
The Ancient Port Warehouse is my favorite raiding experience ever. That was such a well designed raid dungeon.
It was massive and you would slowly progress through it, gearing up members to hit the next area of bosses and quests and at the end you fought a massive dragon.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Performance never bothered me or stopped me from playing but I understand why it was an issue for others.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
WoW invests millions and millions of budget into raids every expac-- and hasn't been able to produce anything on the scale of Ancient Port Warehouse.

WoW raiding is literally an empty instance zone with a high ceiling. It has no scope or sense of exploration. They can't risk creating art assets for something someone might not like. May as well be playing WoW raids on a mobile with how vapid it is compared to APW and other areas of Vanguard.
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FoH nuclear response team
I saw that they completed the code for monk stances and such but don't see it in game yet, I assume it hasn't been pushed to live yet? I'm really jonesing to play, lol.


Blackwing Lair Raider
WoW invests millions and millions of budget into raids every expac-- and hasn't been able to produce anything on the scale of Ancient Port Warehouse.
Naxx was similar to APW but Bliz never really did another raid like it after. Best thing about APW was the size and scope. A connected wing layout but it was better than Naxx because it wasn't a single themed zone. There were undead, golems, steam robots, spiders, pirates, beholders, strange casters, large humanoids in armor... it was endless. Also the fact that you needed crafters to make some of the gear always made crafting relevant.
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ResetEra Staff Member
I saw that they completed the code for monk stances and such but don't see it in game yet, I assume it hasn't been pushed to live yet? I'm really jonesing to play, lol.
Pushing untested code live is how we got in this place to begin with.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Been leveling some classes past the starter island in preparation for when the next surge happens. Also, for anyone who is interested I figured out how to get Anti-Aliasing to work for my nvidia card. This game is real finnicky with AA, depending on your card and drivers it can decide to never work. You have to install the nvidiaprofileinspector program and force it on with a specific code. Through trial and error I got 0x00001241 to work.

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Trakanon Raider
Any news on this project? I would love to dive back in, but getting up towards level 20 without ever seeing another player made me take a break.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Any news on this project? I would love to dive back in, but getting up towards level 20 without ever seeing another player made me take a break.
That is likely how it will be even when finished. This game has always been best as something that you plan with a few friends and play together as a static group.