Vanguard - I don't give a fuck if it's dead, It's still brown as fuck (Download link in 1st post)


Molten Core Raider
If anyone is interested in a couple night per week leveling group let me know. Starting area and classes TBD. Send me a PM with what you want to play.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Vanguard had a really good base for PvP but it was ruined by some ridiculous imbalances & bugs which they could easily have fixed but either never did, or took many months to do so. Like bards invis song making enemies lose target of anyone in their group every pulse even if they could see invis... The ability of some classes to 1 shot other players.. Rampant speed/invuln/etc hacking. Still it had some of the best group PvP I've had in an MMO. Fighting over PvE content like dungeons is the pinnacle of MMO PvP as far as I'm concerned.
Yep, Vanguard Pvp on Tharridon and Sartok was the best PVP I've ever had. The bugs were frustrating as shit, but it was still great because of the contested content.


You know what what would be the greatest thing to ever happen to Vanguard? Someone works out how to run an emulator. Imagine there could even be a pvp server, and a bunch of interesting modifications, and someone working on it who actually gives a crap.


Golden Squire
Is that a joke? Emulated servers have even less population than real servers. Especially when you can play this one for free (just don't expect to equip any quest gear ever).

If Red99 can only get, what, a hundred or so people on it these days, I'd imagine this might have...5.


Is that a joke? Emulated servers have even less population than real servers. Especially when you can play this one for free (just don't expect to equip any quest gear ever).

If Red99 can only get, what, a hundred or so people on it these days, I'd imagine this might have...5.
uh no they don't... p99 has almost a thousand people during its peak hours. That's more than Vanguard has and probably more than any EQ server. Emulated servers are often better because the person who is smart enough to make it run on his own server, is also smart enough to tweak the game and make it better. And Vanguard tweaked by someone who actually gives a shit and isn't just interested in adding more stuff to the shop, would be a great thing.


Golden Squire
Red99 is not P99.

You were talking about Vanguard PVP. The EQ emulated equivalent would be Red99.


Well yeah most people are too pussy for PVP :p

But its my belief that Emus are totally untapped gold. You only need to look at something like Shards of Dalaya and see how a bunch of ordinary people basically created a whole new game, just stealing assets from some old game. It's like an equivalent of a punk rock revolution but which never actually happened, because not enough people got behind it.

But if you gave some old classic like Ascherons Call, UO, Shadowbane, DAOC, EQ or Vanguard and let a team of real people make it as good as it could be, I'd probably enjoy it 10 times more than any new game.


you can't even get paid 'professionals' to fix vg's awful coding. how are you going to get part time people to set up an emu for vg? passion only goes so far.

not that vg hasn't become stale. right now its boring as shit unless you have a static group set up or a super active guild. i'm not sure bringing pvp back to vg is going to help it at all.


Molten Core Raider
you can't even get paid 'professionals' to fix vg's awful coding. how are you going to get part time people to set up an emu for vg? passion only goes so far.

not that vg hasn't become stale. right now its boring as shit unless you have a static group set up or a super active guild. i'm not sure bringing pvp back to vg is going to help it at all.
I would fix that shit if i got my hands on it... i think you would be suprised what you can do with a little motivation and free reign to fix what you want.


<Gold Donor>
Hey, now, I love pvp and I'm not defunct! I'm totally funct!
I too am funct. PvP has so much more replayability than PvE when it's not scripted.

That's why games like LoL thrive. One map can be played a million different ways.

PvE in most MMO's gets stale after a couple of months. Hence the need for constant rollover.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Vanguard had a really good base for PvP but it was ruined by some ridiculous imbalances & bugs which they could easily have fixed but either never did, or took many months to do so. Like bards invis song making enemies lose target of anyone in their group every pulse even if they could see invis... The ability of some classes to 1 shot other players.. Rampant speed/invuln/etc hacking. Still it had some of the best group PvP I've had in an MMO. Fighting over PvE content like dungeons is the pinnacle of MMO PvP as far as I'm concerned.
"Could easily have fixed" is a relative term. I can't speak for what happened after Sigil sold the IP, but prior to that the only resource management was willing (or able depending on how you want to look at it) to allocate for PVP was one programmer- part time. We only got that programmer because I made fixing Vanguard pvp a personal project and begged management for someone to help me. I used players to test various problems and isolate bugs (using one of the actual playtesters was out of the question) and then tried to prioritize which ones needed the most attention and brought those (one at a time) to the programmer when he had time. We made a few fixes, but the overall game itself was in need of so much time and attention that fixing pvp was an afterthought of an afterthought. If you've ever heard the expression "arranging deck chairs on the Titanic" it fits the scenario well. Another employee and I even drafted up an entire design doc about an alternate rules pvp server (with some pretty sweet features if I do say so), but the proverbial ink hadn't even dried on the doc yet before we got invited out for the "company picnic"...
about to hit t2 pota gear.. cave of wonders was projected to release Sept/Oct, hopefully I'll be geared when it finally does premier.


looks like its going in today. i'm trying not to get too excited for this new dungeon, but on test when the area wasn't populated, you could actually see the potential vg had in terms of dungeon size/depth of detail. when stuff was actually in test, everything was buggy as fuck and i don't think people put in enough time looking for broken stuff. i hope this doesn't turn into the cave of blunders.

about to hit t2 pota gear.. cave of wonders was projected to release Sept/Oct, hopefully I'll be geared when it finally does premier.
if you're just hitting t2 gear, might be at least 2 months before you can get into the dungeon.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Thats crazy VG is still a grind like that for faction, doing it when it was packed was a chore. Do you still have to do massive amounts of grinding after your dailies to progress?