Vanguard - I don't give a fuck if it's dead, It's still brown as fuck (Download link in 1st post)

SOE Live 2013: Looking at the future of Vanguard

"The little game that could" is how Mark Tuttle introduced Vanguard at the SOE Live keynote, and although the game has had its share of struggles through the years, it forges on with a strong community, lots of recent changes, and a roadmap of future endeavors. Now that the free-to-play transition is up and running, the team took some time at SOE Live to give fans a rundown of what it's been up to and what players can look forward to seeing.
Producer Harvey Burgess began with a look back at what the team has accomplished over the past year. One of its goals was to retool the starting experience a bit in order to give the wave of new players (thanks to free-to-play) a better chance of running into others and having a good starting experience. The result was a revamped Lomshir Plains; the devs revised many of the quests to give polished themes to the area. After that, they worked on Old Targonor, an area that helped fill a content gap that players ran into in their 40s after they finished the Swamp. The revamp gave players a chance for good gear and a taste of raid-style mechanics as they reach level 50. Burgess added that as he's been playing the game, he's seen areas that are still really devoid of content, and he recognizes that they need to work on filling those areas.

In fact, over the past year, the team has undergone some changes in the staff, so the current team needed to go back and "know the game inside and out" before it was able to move forward. The team has stabilized and even grown in size. Now the devs feel better able to pinpoint problem areas like lag, buff stacking, bugs, and raid mechanics and improve them. Going forward, they also hope to continue to take in ideas from the players to better help them proceed with fixes that make the game better.

For current players who might have been frustrated with the recent run changes, Burgess announced that things didn't quite go as planned, so the designers will be adjusting running in a way that should come as a relief to players. They also are working on mount changes as well, so they might feel even faster than before.

Coming up, the team will be unveiling Cave of Wonder, an endgame area that should make longtime fans happy. The Cave of Wonder was actually a zone that was available to mid-level groups of players back in beta but never made it to launch. At the time, it was a visually stunning zone, and while the content might be higher level, hopefully the devs preserved the natural beauty of the zone for players to appreciate. They plan to put it in game around the end of September or early October. Another area they're working on is streamlining the game's back end to enable the team to create recipes to put in game with much less time. Normally, it takes about a half hour to create each new recipe, but they're getting close to the point that it will only take about a third of that time. Because the team is relatively small, it'll be able to add much more crafting content for players in the future. The devs will also make the recipes a little less of a mystery so players will have a general idea of what items they can make with certain components.

SOE Live
Pankor Zhi was on the to-do list, but unfortunately there are so many issues with the geometry and pathing in the area that the team has had to put on the "longer term" list. Hopefully now that things have settled down for the team, it'll be able to knock out some of the near-term goals fast to be able to look at zones like Pankor Zhi and make them work well in game.

Lastly, Burgess wrapped up with a look at some new things on the way. The first is the addition of fun new plushies. SOE has been able to expand the team and add new artists, so fans will see more of these new types of items in game. The devs are also adding new weapons, which is a welcome addition for longtime players. And for those who want their player or guild to stand out, the game will soon offer unique banners that can be placed in player homes and guild halls. The team really wants to push the great system of housing and decorating, so there's priority on providing players with ways to show their talents. Last but not least, the devs showed a new house item. Those in attendance last year took a picture at the green screen, and this past year, the team turned it into a housing item that all attendees will receive to place in their homes and guild halls. And they were working on scheduling another group picture of Vanguard attendees this year to make a second house item in the near future.

The panel overall was a mixture of sincere honesty from the team and a hopeful tone about what's planned for the future. And the game has seen more activity and improvements over the past year. The transition to free-to-play, as well as its launch on Steam, seems to have helped set up a stable development team focused on adding content and game improvements for new players and longtime veterans of the game. As usual with SOE Live, there was an impressive turnout of Vanguard fans who have stuck with the game through the years, and it's nice to see the game endure despite some tough times. Based on the news from the convention this weekend, there's plenty of reason for fans to be excited for the future of Vanguard.


A Mod Real Quick
I still hold some hope this game will be turned around.. maybe it's foolish. Too Much Brown was so much fun to be a part of. This game is indeed good, it just doesn't get the love it deserves. It's what an MMO should be (minus the bugs).


Silver Knight of the Realm
One big turn off for me is how the characters move in the game. It looks so generic they need to redo the animations so it looks like a modern day mmo instead of something taken from the early 90's.


A Mod Real Quick
Doesn't helped that they used uni-body or whatever the terminology was? Basically the same body with a different head for every race?


Elisha Dushku
I still hold some hope this game will be turned around.. maybe it's foolish. Too Much Brown was so much fun to be a part of. This game is indeed good, it just doesn't get the love it deserves. It's what an MMO should be (minus the bugs).
I just hate the changes to the start game. I liked the racial starting zones /mourn. I'll probably pick this or eqmac up again as something to do until EQN beta finally shows up.


I noticed they jacked with starting areas. I wanted to check out Ca'ial Brael the other day and when I opted out of the Isle of Dawn, I started out with the Half Elf scenario. Don't get me wrong, I love that opening event, but my main dude is a Half Elf and I just wanted to climb around in a tree city for a minute.

Basically I just logged into my ranger and stone ported nearby so no big deal, but what the hell prompted that decision?


Elisha Dushku
I noticed they jacked with starting areas. I wanted to check out Ca'ial Brael the other day and when I opted out of the Isle of Dawn, I started out with the Half Elf scenario. Don't get me wrong, I love that opening event, but my main dude is a Half Elf and I just wanted to climb around in a tree city for a minute.

Basically I just logged into my ranger and stone ported nearby so no big deal, but what the hell prompted that decision?
Directed gameplay. They want you to have a set of quests to do in a set order instead of looking around for them. No going off the rails.


The guy who ruined the game is now gone at least, but his changes still remain. I made a new character a few weeks ago and having like 5 spells at level 9 was just painful. Also you can use the old starting areas but getting to some of them is a real chore. I wish SOE would stop giving their games to interns to do whatever they want with.


Just started playing this game with some guys at work. Gnome dread knight. If anyone wants to join me my name is Grandoise and level 4 as of this post.

Loving this game and anyone looking for an old EQ style game should give it a try. It doesn't even look that bad either.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I would love that, I started a toon up bored this weekend and forgot how huge the world is. This is something to play around in part time until FFXIV for me.


Trakanon Raider
This game still has my favorite Diku-style classes. But god damn are the character faces ugly.
Just downloaded this again (highest I ever got at release was level 26). Did they nerf the graphics? I am sure it looks worse now than what it did when I played last. The character customization seems to be fairly limited as well compared to what it used to be. However, the main problem I had originally with the game is still here, hitching. I am running it off a laptop, no SSD, and... ouch. It almost seems worse now, because I remember a stutter happening, where it seemed you went forwards a bit, then stutter back a step or two. Now it is full on graphical + audio standstill/stuttering for 2-3 seconds maybe once or twice every minute.

To compare it to EQ2. When I played that at release, it came close to blowing up my desktop computer unless you made sure to tailor the graphical options to your exact spec. It was not optimized, so what worked for one person might not work for someone else. It is now smooth as butter on high, no need to micromanage the performance sliders. EDIT: But character models in VG are nearly better than the EQ2 ones. They look like luclin models vs alternate even worse luclin models.


They nerfed the graphics and the character creation. Graphics are mostly the same but they killed off a few features like transparency and stuff which was causing frame rate trouble for people. And the character models got remade and some time around that time, the character creation tool ended up screwy so that half the sliders dont even do anything anymore.

Performance seems ok now though.


If you're starting a new character, should you do the Isle of Dawn? I really don't want to. It seems like the EQ tutorial and I'd much rather start in an actual starting city.


If you're starting a new character, should you do the Isle of Dawn? I really don't want to. It seems like the EQ tutorial and I'd much rather start in an actual starting city.
I'm doing it and it's not that bad. You still wander around but it's more linear I would think.


Elisha Dushku
I'm doing it and it's not that bad. You still wander around but it's more linear I would think.
I always preferred the Kojani starting area. I'm debating whether to start a new toon - I'm just trying to get a feel for when the EQN beta is going to start. Rumours are that FnF is soon. If it looks like early 2014. I'd be up for something in VG.

And yes I wish they hadn't nerfed the graphics so badly - I got used to the chunking and the 360 spin when you ported somewhere. Just a good time to get a drink.


someone should buy this game, take it off the market for 2 years, fix / polish it up real nice and re-release it.
If only a well known and admired former SOE designer were to become CEO of a major MMO company and have his options open for doing just this.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Back when you wanted to do IoD because completing it provides a diplomacy bracer with a buff that scales as you level up (think it might even be faction). People were going nuts as I quit though that old toons couldnt have access to such a nice item.

Most likely now there is some alternative to it but I have no idea honestly.


Pay to play forum
You get the bracer from all starting areas now. You just have to complete the main quests up to level 10 or something. Edit: To clarify, from IoD and the 3 continental starter areas.

With a few people starting again, feel free to send me a tell on Keikoo / Ridas / Hokaru if you need help with something. I can help with quests, questions etc.