Vicodin, Cigarettes, and My Fake Tits - from the diary of the Megan Fox of Ohio

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I was really curious, with this waiting for her, why Rav came back home to this wreck, but yeah, guess it wasn't that clear when plans were being made.

But man, you show up, get deathly ill the go through this mess? Time to go back to California... or anywhere else, where you are is cursed :p


Poet Warrior
Why not flush his drugs down the toilet when the cops are on the way? Get him raging right before they get to the door.
That's quite a gambit! High risk high reward. I approve.

Got kind of boring at work and it occurred to me that my advice about calling the ambulance might not work. It might not work if your local firefighters are also your local paramedics. One 'burrough' of St. Louis, Des Peres, has FF/Medic/Cops. They rotate jobs every week. That is not normal, granted, but it illustrates the connected nature of the jobs. I promise you every one of them in Des Peres has a picture of a badge or an eagle or the Twin Towers or the American Flag or some fucking shit as their cellphone background. There are a breed of us that just plain want to be paramedics. Not because of anything other than the purely human element of it all. I am an animal 'doctor' (poetic license) that specializes in one species of primates. I do not identify with the cops or the firefighters in any meaningful way. However, people like me are not in the majority. Not at all.

I will tell you, it appears to me that most of 'us' work in the private sector. So without rambling too much about unions and blah blah, I'll just say that you would certainly increase the chances of him being immediately removed from the house (if the need should arise) by finding out who your local private ambulance company(s) is and foregoing 911 to call their dispatch directly.THATis what will insure that you get cops who are on 'guard the medic' mode instead of 'shut that lady up' mode. We aren't plugged in. We didn't go to that one 'badge' picnic that one time. We're just here to help.

TLDR; I think calling a private ambulance directly with your emergency will increase your chances of getting a (yeah I said it) 'real' paramedic, not one who's trying to play one on TV. Of course, I can't say any of this is a guarantee. But I can say that I promise it will increase your decide if it's worth the effort or not.

Hope you get out soon. Are you literally saying that you know not one single human who will take you in? How is that possible? Forgive me, but I can think of like 20 off the top of my head.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Fuck if you dont mind the fact that I live in the ghetto and somebody tried to break into my tiny ass house today, I'd put you up for awhile. I'm like 6 hours north though. If you need someone to provoke your brother into breaking the law so they finally haul him away, I bet I can get that done too.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
I'm going to emphasize something that others have not. good advice has been given in this thread so far but what people have failed to point out is that *you* have a disease. your behavior is typical of anyone who has cohabitated it with a drug user for a long time. despite the best advice of others you fail to do what is the only rational course (ie, remove yourself).

due to your lifelong exposure to your brothers drug use, you are incapable of behaving rationally with regard to this situation. you and your child are living in unsafe conditions and you fail to do anything about it time and time again. your fucked up sense of personal worth causes you to put concern for your brother ahead of your own concerns. this disease is known as codependency. you are not alone in your disease; there are resources available to you which you can take advantage of only once you accept that you have a problem.

Tldr: making this all about your brother's problems will never fix your shit.

Go to an alanon meeting.
Just gonna reemphasize that this guys issues go well beyond drug addiction. He was beating her and killing her pets when they were children. He's not a normal person who's turned into a psycho because of the drugs, he's a psycho who also happens to be an addict. Getting him to go to meetings isn't going to turn him around because he was a violent sociopath even before he first caught a buzz. Whatever is wrong with him is deeply ingrained, and the people around him shouldn't get the false idea that if they can just get him to sober up he'll suddenly turn into a kind, conscientious, caring individual.


I said it on page 1, the guy needs to be checked in to a proper mental hospital as an in-patient for probably a week or two to get cleaned out and diagnosed with 30+ years of mentall illness. Then needs to continue out-patient treatment for the rest of his life.

But I'm not sure how much you can do against his will. At best I think you can get him locked up for 72 hours... assuming there is a proper mental hospital facility anywhere nearby.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I mentioned the protective order and also having him kicked out assuming she is the homeowner now and he isn't on any lease or mortgage. No reply.


<Gold Donor>
Hire someone to kill him and move on. My best friend from high school had a brother just like this - he was a good friend of mine as well. He jumped off a 12 story parking garage last month, threatening his brother over the phone that if he didn't give him $4000 he was going to jump. The brother (finally having grown a dick), told him to fucking jump then - and the guy did it. Best thing that has ever happened to that family, as they finally got a chance to spend the holidays in peace. Some people aren't fit to live in this world, period.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I don't get how you move back into this situation without being damn sure of where the brother was living and where he was going to be, given the history.


I didn't speak to him and up until I got here, hadn't spoken to him in years. My mom was in the house, and was moving out two weeks before I was getting back in town. She told me that she thought he was at my former step-dads house or something, that she hasn't heard from him. She even pumped me up on how I'd have a long terrible drive and come home to fresh linens, a big garden tub with new bath bubbles she got for me, and all sorts of relaxing things. When I asked him, he said he's been staying here for years and mom moved out about 2 months prior, coming back now and then for some of her household items. I personally think she dumped him on me on purpose. Her new beau doesn't know about his past, he thinks my brother is this super nice dude. Then again, he thinks my mom isn't a sociopath, so yeah. I guess he's in for a rude awakening one of these days.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So your own mom lied to "your face" (phone) and manipulated you into taking over for her so she could go have good times with some guy?


Something she has obviously done before, right?
Heh. I'd end up writing a book if I got started on my mom. In regards to my brother, no, she hasn't dumped him on me before. Has she kept him as the families dirty little secret and forced me not to tell anyone the shit he did when we were kids, yeah. Image is everything to her, and I still think she has some form/variety of Munchausen Syndrome. I keep her at a distance and have done so since I was an adult and had my 'ah hah' moment in regards to who she really is. Some things seem totally OK when you're a kid because that is YOUR normal. It's not until you get to see everyone else's normal that you realize your shit was all kinds of fuckered up.

Anyway, I'm going to stay in a hotel for the week. Next week is up in the air, but it's my last week so yay!


The Scientific Shitlord
Random thought here, why not go to the DA about pressing fraud charges against your mom? Or endangerment charges given that she knowingly lured you and your son into contact with a known drug addict?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Random thought here, why not go to the DA about pressing fraud charges against your mom? Or endangerment charges given that she knowingly lured you and your son into contact with a known drug addict?
Don't make suggestions if you have no idea how the legal system works.


She told me that she thought he was at my former step-dads house or something, that she hasn't heard from him. She even pumped me up on how I'd have a long terrible drive and come home to fresh linens, a big garden tub with new bath bubbles she got for me, and all sorts of relaxing things. When I asked him, he said he's been staying here for years and mom moved out about 2 months prior, coming back now and then for some of her household items. I personally think she dumped him on me on purpose. .
Jesus christ that is fucked up


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Christ, why are you still even in contact with these people? You should have cut off the lot of them years ago.
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