Vicodin, Cigarettes, and My Fake Tits - from the diary of the Megan Fox of Ohio

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Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Yes I sent her money. No I don't remember how much. Yes I sent her pills. No I don't remember how many. This was over a year ago... I was going through a lot of shit back then. We started talking and she started calling me. we talked for hours at a time. She left Alex and moved out. She needed rent money and pills. I sent her both. We talked some more. She needed to get a dress for a new job. She tried on a few and I picked the one I liked and bought it for her. She then needed money for Gaige's birthday. She wanted to get him an xbox. I sent her the money for it. She then needed to get her car worked on. I sent her the money for it. She then needed food. I sent her money to buy it. She then needed something else and at the time I was going through some stuff and I didn't have the cash. She understood and we stopped talking as much.

There that's the whole story. She never offered me pictures or cyber or any of the other shit people keep claiming. I helped her because I wanted to. Same as I would any of my other friends. *shrugs*
Well thanks for that much.

After all is said and done though, I wish instead of sending her money, pills and items, someone had actually thought to send her a job

Aychamo BanBan

Yes I sent her money. No I don't remember how much.


There that's the whole story. She never offered me pictures or cyber or any of the other shit people keep claiming. I helped her because I wanted to. Same as I would any of my other friends. *shrugs*
Thank you for sharing this shit about Lori. Please check your PM I sent you something.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Req wants absolutely nothing to do with running or being active on a site that is the dregs of the net.
I wouldn't want to be associated with the site if one of my friends had managed to turn it into a virus infected, ad revenue scamming bot farm either.


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
I wouldn't want to be associated with the site if one of my friends had managed to turn it into a virus infected, ad revenue scamming bot farm either.
30 days out of 10 years? lol, k sure.

Whole reason it had the malware warning is because he didn't give a fuck.


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
Why don't you fuck off? Remember we were all "dorks tht you laughed at"?
After the lulz have died down I plan on fucking off being a cool motherfucker, since you know, the traffic on this site is beyond worthless.

Make a post and 300 people might see it, WOOOOOO!!!!!!!


Ssraeszha Raider
Yes I sent her money. No I don't remember how much. Yes I sent her pills. No I don't remember how many. This was over a year ago... I was going through a lot of shit back then. We started talking and she started calling me. we talked for hours at a time. She left Alex and moved out. She needed rent money and pills. I sent her both. We talked some more. She needed to get a dress for a new job. She tried on a few and I picked the one I liked and bought it for her. She then needed money for Gaige's birthday. She wanted to get him an xbox. I sent her the money for it. She then needed to get her car worked on. I sent her the money for it. She then needed food. I sent her money to buy it. She then needed something else and at the time I was going through some stuff and I didn't have the cash. She understood and we stopped talking as much.

There that's the whole story. She never offered me pictures or cyber or any of the other shit people keep claiming. I helped her because I wanted to. Same as I would any of my other friends. *shrugs*
Clime down off that cross and stop being the perpetual victim. There's no pride in it. You got fuckin' scammed and you should fucking hate whoever scammed you. If you don't, you're useless and deserve whatever happens to you. Crybaby bitch.


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
and thus it's his fault the site is gone, just like I said, why didn't you just agree with me in the first place?
Req doesn't give a fuck, you want me to rephrase or something since I've had to repeat myself?

Ya it's his fault he doesnt give a fuck.

I'm glad foh is dead
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