Virtual Reality


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
I'll be surprised if any of these initial devices like the Vive and Morpheus are below $399.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I think the $350 was an honest figure produced based on the thought of, "If we can rip apart consumer electronics and shove them together to make a best-in-class VR system for $350, surely scaling up to 1million+ units will allow us to do the same with a much improved system."

However as we explore VR we're finding that there is an uncanny-valley like increase in difficulty where continuously improving the experience to a product that will achieve good market penetration results in much higher costs. And instead of riding the wave of consumer mobile device electronics research, VR has broken off onto a parallel but related path for VR-specific feature sets. After the VIVE, CV1 and other entrants come to market there will be an arms race to retina-level displays (8k? 16k?), perfect head tracking (We're pretty much there) and perfect eye tracking (not even attempted in this generation but it'll be the thing that enables rendering to retina-level displays). Only after we get to that point is it likely that the price of top-of-the-line VR will drop to $350. It'll be similar to how SSDs kept to enthusiast prices until they saturated the SATA3 bandwidth and began competing on price.

It would be interesting to hear the internal debates taking place to choose the right price point for each of the individual components and see that number keep increasing as they err on the side of better quality vs lower cost. From the lens to the accelerometers to the foam to the specific production tech for the display everything probably crept the cost of the display beyond that $350 target. I say let it, the CV1 is an enthusiast piece of hardware. Better the release story be, "VR is expensive" rather than "VR is not good.".

Let the CV1.5 approach the $350 target price, or let the CV1-ex version be the cheaper version. But the CV1 should be a flagship entry at an enthusiast cost.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Component prices may have dropped but they have put in time on their software and I'm sure tons of R&D into not only the Rift but all their side projects like the Touch. Then there's the whole Facebook looking to make all that money they spent back. The real question is how much over $350 are we talking. Also how does it compare to similar products like Valve's offering.
I think this is pretty specious. Facebook's motivations are unclear but it's likely they want to branch out from social media technology and want to keep relevant in the upcoming meta-verse social media. Short term gaps from their 2billion investment not being recouped in the initial VR release shouldn't impact these goals.

Your point about Valve is poignant though, OVR has reason to want to compete with Valve. Valve is not even considering a $350 pricepoint, but OVR can't just beat them on price, they want to offer a platform that competes on quality. So they will want to minimize the number of arguable advantages the VIVE has even if it increases the cost.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I dropped $800 on a video card to support VR, I'm sure you guys are all running on several thousand dollar PC platforms. $350 is still cheap to most everybody who cares at this point.


The Big Mod
I dropped $800 on a video card to support VR, I'm sure you guys are all running on several thousand dollar PC platforms. $350 is still cheap to most everybody who cares at this point.
right, but the early adopter hobbyists aren't nearly enough to push the technology into mainstream. in order to obtain widespread use, it will have to compete at a price point that the general population is comfortable with.


The Big Mod
Which is impossible to achieve with the needs of VR(both in terms of the headset and PC power). This is why I keep saying consumer ready VR is still 5yrs away or more. The power required doesn't even currently exist. 4 980Tis can't keep up with what you'd actually want from VR(4k+ @ 90-120FPS), so Occulus has the problem of needing multiple streams of innovation.

The fastest route would be for occulus to actually develop their own ASICs to act as VR GPUs essentially, but then you have a compatibility problem because no game companies will support it for the most part. VR currently benefits strongly from using consumer grade software and hardware, soon as they veer off course it'll be the same problem any peripheral has, if it doesn't have total market dominance then it's not worth supporting.
yep. it will be a cool hobby for early adopters for a while which is good because it'll put in place the groundwork for the industry, but it will be 5-10 until we start seeing things like "VR Facebook" and what not.


Avatar of War Slayer
They could make their own processors specific to the task like Itanium processors where made for database stuff... because that worked



marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Damn, I knew they were saying not cheap for hololens but 3k seems a bit more than not cheap. Wonder what all that includes


Mr. Poopybutthole
A couple of questions:

1- Is the DK2 not available to buy on official channels? I tried to buy one and it wouldn't let me.

2- Has anyone had any problems with motion sickness? I get motion sick on some FPS's, but the seaband thingies from Wal Green make about 80% of it go away.


I'm Amod too!
A couple of questions:

1- Is the DK2 not available to buy on official channels? I tried to buy one and it wouldn't let me.

2- Has anyone had any problems with motion sickness? I get motion sick on some FPS's, but the seaband thingies from Wal Green make about 80% of it go away.
1 - I still advise waiting though, the CV1 is just around the corner.

2 - Tuco, I think, has had problems? There are people who get motion sickness from using a Rift.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I agree with Skanda on #1.

Regarding motion sickness, it's not a binary thing like driving, boating or even roller coasters where someone 'gets sick when I sit in a car and read', it's a continuous spectrum of sickness that depends on what you're doing in the game and whether everything is working properly. I can go into more detail if you'd like, but bottom line is that very few people get motion sickness from the more gentle demonstrations, and almost everyone gets motion sickness from the more aggressive demonstrations / unworking demonstrations.

People also have different tolerances. I'm probably somewhere in the middle of the pack. I can play pretty much anything but if the game stutters or has latency I feel sick.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I agree with Skanda on #1.

Regarding motion sickness, it's not a binary thing like driving, boating or even roller coasters where someone 'gets sick when I sit in a car and read', it's a continuous spectrum of sickness that depends on what you're doing in the game and whether everything is working properly. I can go into more detail if you'd like, but bottom line is that very few people get motion sickness from the more gentle demonstrations, and almost everyone gets motion sickness from the more aggressive demonstrations / unworking demonstrations.
I get motion sick sometimes, and other times not so much with gaming. Those wristbands help, but only after about 30 minutes. Need for Speed for PS4 used to make me motion sick, but I feel as though I got my "sea legs" after awhile.

One thing that makes me leery about this, is that I've never played VR and NOT gotten sick. Those old VR simulators in the Arcade from 20 years ago? Puky. I demoed the Nintendo VR Boy and immediately felt a strong wave of nausea, almost puking in the store.

While I am excited for the tech, I wonder if maybe the Hololens will be easier on me.


I'm Amod too!
But hasn't this been around the corner for the last five years?
No? They've only really been talking about the CV1 since June-ish. Preorders sometime before the end of this year and release supposedly in Q1 of next.


Molten Core Raider
All these stories about getting motion sickness and all I dream about is getting high as fuck and play shit in VR. Guess I'll have to skip the first few generations.


Registered Hutt
I've never been nauseous from anything ever. Boats, cars, coasters, planes, 3D movies, etc. even at a young age (navy brat). I think I'm good to go. Would love to try one out though. Think they'll have any retail presence with a preview?


Blackwing Lair Raider
What causes the sickness? Is it cuz of things being slightly imperfect with regards to the motion sensing and positioning? I assume it's something that can be technically overcome then.