Virtual Reality


I'm Amod too!

just add a .gif to the end of the url.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I imagine this is Soyjen today

When instinct takes over - GIF on Imgur

I don't know how to embed this because I am a shitlord
Hah! That makes me really hesitant about letting my pussy-ass girlfriend try it. She is scared of the stupidest shit.

Anyway, not much to say that hasn't been said already. The Vive is awesome. Still waiting on my free games, but I bought Audioshield, Vanishing Realms, The Blu, Space Pirate Trainer and couple others. Vanishing Realms is probably my favorite. You literally feel like you're inside a Zelda dungeon. It's very cool.

A few complaints would be some wonky pairing issues with the controllers this morning. A hard reset and forced firmware re-install seems to have corrected it. The resolution is pretty weak if you're used to looking at a nice monitor. It's especially noticeable when you take the headset off and see the same game you were just playing, but on your main monitor. The sweet spot on the lenses seems to be very small and it takes a lot of adjusting to get it lined up with my eyes correctly and even then I'm having some issues with the straps really keeping it solidly in place. You kind of have to get used to looking around with your head, instead of your eyes, as the lenses are more blurred in your peripheral. I'll likely make some mods to the entire strap/headpiece. All that said, these are really minor gripes. Once you're in the games, almost none of these issues are noticeable.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
Got some cables in, so setting up room-space VR in the living room tonight. Office where my PC is right next to it, just wanted to extend the length of the cables connected to the breakout box and get a longer HDMI to feed the living room TV for spectators - having friends over tomorrow night. Anxious to try some of the other stuff I haven't really been able to get into yet standing-only and with a ceiling fan above me that I've smacked at least once per session, lol.


FPS noob
Soygen we need to know important stuff

is the porn worth it
I got my rift back today and tried some porn again with it, used Whirligig someone linked above ( and set it to Cinema mode and had to tweak the FOV, zoom, and stretch until it was basically a nice full screen in front of my head - not too big, not too small. Worked great for the 4k porn I had, quality was pretty good, could fast forward with the right thumbstick on my xbone controller, only bummer was sound was coming out of speakers instead of oculus headphones.

haven't tried the 3D porn yet over 18?will check that out tomorrow. Also played Lucky's Tale for ~1 hour and it was fun, but end of the day I'd still rather play Overwatch than any VR game so far really. Head still gets a little sweaty which sucks, but in week 2 I am getting more used to VR. Still not really blown away by it, and porn via Whirligig just feels like you are in a weird seedy theater ala Pee Wee Herman rather than a 19 year old chick really wants to fuck you. I don't feel any closer to sexbot waifu territory than a year ago.


Shit Gamer
Got the Vive yesterday. Fucking mind-blowing as hoped. The tracking is probably my favorite part, between Tilt Brush, and even just drawing with the markers on the whiteboard in the Lab, I couldn't believe how accurate it was. I felt like I was getting millimeter precision anywhere in the room - it seemed to perfectly track even the tiniest movements I could make, just like holding a real marker.

Girlfriend is addicted to Audioshield, I feel like the minor gripes people have had regarding comfort, resolution, etc. are true, but are utterly trivial relative to the scope of what an insanely amazing experience proper room scale VR is.

Can't wait to spend some more time properly trying things out this weekend.


Blackwing Lair Raider
only bummer was sound was coming out of speakers instead of oculus headphones.
Right click speaker icon in tray, select playback devices, scroll down until you find the rift, right click and set it to default and that should fix your audio issues.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
Having a hell of a time getting room-scale VR working well. Then when things get going OK for a bit the headset just decides to stop tracking (meanwhile you can see the controllers moving on the mirrored screen).

Frustrating, will do more troubleshooting tomorrow and rework how I've setup my lighthouses. A lot of it has to do with occluding one and then being near the edges of the other. Funny how easy that is to do depending on your space.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider

If that's to believed there should be a ton of Vive shipments going out now (the reddit shipping thread seems to confirm it) and the flow them should be increasing. Sounds like the HTC had a supply problem that was limiting how many they could build and they're in good shape now. I've seen people saying their mid-April orders are shipping now. I'll be super happy if my Apr 27th order ships in the next week or so.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Yeah, teleporting really is lame, but for now it seems to be the only feasible solution in these first person VR games. BeinginsideMinecraft is an experience, though. Everything is HUGE. Definitely one of my favorite Vive experiences so far.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider


Trakanon Raider
haven't tried the 3D porn yet over 18?will check that out tomorrow. Also played Lucky's Tale for ~1 hour and it was fun, but end of the day I'd still rather play Overwatch than any VR game so far really. Head still gets a little sweaty which sucks, but in week 2 I am getting more used to VR. Still not really blown away by it, and porn via Whirligig just feels like you are in a weird seedy theater ala Pee Wee Herman rather than a 19 year old chick really wants to fuck you. I don't feel any closer to sexbot waifu territory than a year ago.
Overall I was sort of disappointed in the rift, but porn was actually one of the high points, though there were a lot of frustrations getting it going - there's no standards that I've seen, so there's a bunch of random players, some of which work with some stuff, some of which work with other stuff, some of which are abandoned, some of which need a bunch of esoteric settings in french.

There's also a lot of shitty vr porn out there, wrong aspects, wrong scale ( giant women etc ), but give something from virtualrealporn a try - they seem to have all their shit sorted out, and the effect is very impressive. ( You can use either their player or virtual desktop, sbs 180 mode ).

On the non-porn front, I was annoyed that stuff like virtual desktop and other non-vr focused things are almost entirely useless due to the low resolution - text on the screens is all but unreadable, and the screendoor effect is pronounced and horrible.

The game situation is better though - Luckey's Tale and Blazerush were good fun, and the 3d effect adds a lot more than you'd think. Eve valkyrie is graphically super impressive but I didn't get much out of it - it might be because I suck horribly at it, but endless random multiplayer deathmatches aren't really my thing. Elite I liked a lot more, although I am even more terrible at that than Eve. I don't know what they think a tutorial is, but I spent the first 10 minutes of the 'introduction to vr' tutorial trying to work out how the fuck to take off, and then immediately spun out of control and crashed into several other ships and the dock. Things didn't really improve from there ;p I think it's safe to say it has a somewhat steep learning curve.

Don't know that I'd recommend rift as a whole to anyone who didn't have cash to throw away though. I'll see how the vive goes, showing up next week ( yes, I am an idiot and wasting money ;p )