Weight Loss Thread


Lord Nagafen Raider
how do you go from being heavily active (not obese) to all of a sudden being obese to the point you need assistance from a cane to walk?

im curious how people start out as normal healthy babies then mutate into obese monsters.

you're basically saying you have always been a slob, but were active enough to not become obese yes? and for whatever reason you stopped being active and continued to eat like a slob and now you are here, needing a cane to walk yes?


i thought this was an interesting read about how our brain reacts to certain types of food. TLDR; eating super sugary and over processed foods in binges acts and effects the brain the same as heroin or cocaine, i think.
Because "active" is a subjective term. Some people would consider being able to walk a lap around wal-mart without a scooter as "active"... That's why objective terms like "not able to jog a 5k" or "can't lift 15lbs" are much better indicators about quality of health.

Chances are, he'd be happy with 25lbs of weight loss which is his stated goal. But to be considered healthy I'm guessing 25lbs wouldn't even be close to enough.

P.S. Took my shirt off after I was done with work today, was happy with what I saw. I never liked how I looked when I was in the air force, even if I could run 3 miles, do 50+ pushups or situps in a minute... Strength training is a million times better for looking good than 4-5 days a week of cardio. I've still got a gut, mostly because my diet still has a lot of crap in it, and I've been lax about calorie intake. But it looks like I actually have pecs instead of manboobs, not to mention my arms are bigger than they've ever been.


Molten Core Raider
im not a weight loss guy, i have crohn's so putting on weight is my problem, but i will say i had a buddy in highschool he was like 6'2 245-250 maybe his heaviest went on a retarded no food diet basically accompanied by 2 hours of cardio each day, yeah he lost his weight but now he needs major tummy tucks and all that shit to even remotely look good with his clothes off, hes about 190 now but flabby extra skin and he also has back problems from losing so much muscle, so yes strength training is the way to go for weight loss imo, people need to realize you work on all areas of your body it eventually all comes together and you end up seeing results.

example when i first started working out, i noticed my shoulders get wider, which in turn made my chest broader so i looked bigger/better.

loose a little belly fat? guess what chest looks bigger.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Ok then Mr. Nutritionist tell me a diet for a 10% BF that has 40% fat. If it sounds good I'll do it and post results.

edit: If you post a keto diet then forget it. Tried it once and it sucked ass. I've done better not being on it than when I was.
I'd imagine most people with 10% bodyfat probably eat 40% protein, 40% fats, and 20% carbs, actually. The problem with limiting your fats is it can fuck up your brain. Google low fat diet and depression and read up. Then go and look on bodybuilding websites, which is about the only place you'll find people consistently at or below 10% bodyfat since that's a really low number to maintain, and look at their diets. They all limit carbs to lose weight, not fat.

High protein to maintain muscle, fat to get the rest of your calories in and maintain your sanity, and limit carbs. The problem with severely limiting carbs, however, is you become very lethargic and miserable. The people who competitively body build at 4-6% end up fucking hating life for the 1-2 months prior to competition due to carb limitation.

It's not the 90's anymore. Fat isn't the devil.


But all I eat is large amounts protein and low amounts of carbs and fats and yet I'm still building noticeable muscle and losing fat. I'm not going for body building aesthetic or anything. Protein powder is a wonderful thing I've found out.


Ok then Mr. Nutritionist tell me a diet for a 10% BF that has 40% fat. If it sounds good I'll do it and post results.

edit: If you post a keto diet then forget it. Tried it once and it sucked ass. I've done better not being on it than when I was.
I'm not a nutritionist, but I'm also not so fucking stupid as to believe that eating a single gram of fat means that it is instantly placed on my stomach never to leave from there ever again.


Mr. Poopybutthole
But all I eat is large amounts protein and low amounts of carbs and fats and yet I'm still building noticeable muscle and losing fat. I'm not going for body building aesthetic or anything. Protein powder is a wonderful thing I've found out.
I have no idea of what your current body composition, experience, or goals are, but it's very possible you're experiencing newbie gains. With an inexperienced lifter, you could eat cake for every meal and still make progress.


A Mod Real Quick
If you can't give up Coke, at least try going to Diet Coke. It's still not good for you, but it's better than drinking a can of coke. That shit is bad for you in every sense of the word bad. 46g or whatever the fuck of sugar is ridiculous. I switched to Diet Mtn Dew because I typically run on low sleep, and I feel so much better not having all that sugar in me. What i'm drinking is still shitty, but it's a much better intermediate to drink one diet mtn dew a day than a mtn dew loaded with bullshit.

If you're really out of shape Tarrant and having trouble building up your running let me recommend a smartphone app called C25K. You can do it without the app, but if you have a smartphone it's really awesome. Basically it starts you out as if you were a fat couch-ridden slob (I was) and has you run intervals to eventually get up to running a 5K. You run 3x a week for roughly 30 minutes, and on week 9 you will be running a 5K in the 30 minutes (3.1/3.2ish miles?). At first I hated that shit, and it sucks ass. You feel like a loser when you can't even run for 60 seconds. At this point I can run for about 4-5 miles at a time and have moved onto the 10K program. It sounds stupid, but it's really motivating. The app gives you all of your queues on when to run/walk and keeps track of your progress.

Also check out an app called myfitnesspal (on ios anyways). You give it your weight, lifestyle, and then track all food you eat everyday. It sets a goal, which i believe is a 500cal deficit daily, so that you lose weight. If you do it correctly and don't cheat, there's basically no way you can not lose weight. You'll start to hate that one can of coke when it fucks with your goals daily.


Blackwing Lair Raider
If you're really out of shape Tarrant and having trouble building up your running let me recommend a smartphone app called C25K. You can do it without the app, but if you have a smartphone it's really awesome. Basically it starts you out as if you were a fat couch-ridden slob (I was) and has you run intervals to eventually get up to running a 5K. You run 3x a week for roughly 30 minutes, and on week 9 you will be running a 5K in the 30 minutes (3.1/3.2ish miles?). At first I hated that shit, and it sucks ass. You feel like a loser when you can't even run for 60 seconds. At this point I can run for about 4-5 miles at a time and have moved onto the 10K program. It sounds stupid, but it's really motivating. The app gives you all of your queues on when to run/walk and keeps track of your progress.
Seconding this program and thanking Noodle for posting it earlier in this thread. My girlfriend and I have been doing it in May after barely being able to go a mile when I started trying to get into shape back in December. If you dedicate yourself to doing it you'll really be surprised by how well you do.

I didn't use the c25k app, I got an interval timer instead and made my own intervals from the schedule online. The GF just times it using the treadmill clock.


Tranny Chaser
When I was starting no carb/low carb I found the best way to ease into it and satisfy the cravings for something sweet was to drink flavoured vitamin water.http://www.vitaminwater.comNot sure if the US version is the same nutrition as the UK version but it's lower calories/carbs but still sweet enough to satisfy the sweet tooth. However, this should still only be a temporary fix in order to make the transition to water easier.

If you really need an injection of flavour add lemon/lime slices to bottled water.


A Mod Real Quick
Be careful what Vitamin water you get, some of the flavors have almost as much sugar as soda, although not all of them.


Be careful what Vitamin water you get, some of the flavors have almost as much sugar as soda, although not all of them.
They do have an explicit, 0 calories variety with a limited variety of flavors. As does SoBe and Gatorade. I do worry about overdosing on superfluous vitamins, but the sweetness, flavor, and lack of calories outweighs my concerns.


Molten Core Raider
It just depends on which artificial sweetener is used. Some can cause insulin to spike for instance. It's also possible that the insulin stuff has been debunked by now. I don't really keep up on it. That's just a possible negative effect.
It just depends on which artificial sweetener is used. Some can cause insulin to spike for instance. It's also possible that the insulin stuff has been debunked by now. I don't really keep up on it. That's just a possible negative effect.
I've heard the paleo crowd push the insulin spike shit, and people who don't have a vested interest laugh at how ridiculous the claim is, so who knows. It's such a minor detail though.


A Mod Real Quick
Mainly the acids and the artificial sweeteners are questionable. You could google that shit and find 8000 different arguments for and against diet soda. When stuff like that happens I generally say "fuck it" and avoid it.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I go by the rule of thumb that the fewer chemicals/artificial shit in things the better. That's not to say that I don't enjoy diet sodas and other processed, manufactured garbage, but it's probably a good idea to limit it rather than let it be the bulk of your food/liquid intake.

P.S. I just noticed that Noodleface's noodle face has become a sad, crying face. I don't know why but that makes me feel sad in my soul. Cheer up, friend.


<Prior Amod>
how do you go from being heavily active (not obese) to all of a sudden being obese to the point you need assistance from a cane to walk?

im curious how people start out as normal healthy babies then mutate into obese monsters.

you're basically saying you have always been a slob, but were active enough to not become obese yes? and for whatever reason you stopped being active and continued to eat like a slob and now you are here, needing a cane to walk yes?
No that's not what I said at all. Between the post you quoted and the previous I said I was heavily active and due to medical reasons I became inactive, during that period I put on weight. Around 25lbs.

Here since you only want to read and take from things what you feel like apparently, here was a previous post I made to the one you quoted.

My weight gain isn't something I've had all my life, it happened after multiple surgeries I had and a bunch of medical issues over the past 3 - 4 years. Up until a few months ago I was physically unable to run let alone walk at a decent pace. Now that things are in the clear and I only have work and my family time to contend with, things will go back to how they were before all that.
For fucks sake, read.


<Prior Amod>
Chances are, he'd be happy with 25lbs of weight loss which is his stated goal. But to be considered healthy I'm guessing 25lbs wouldn't even be close to enough.
Considering I don't want to weigh less then 175, I'll be fine with 25lbs lost. Fuck, you people are what's wrong with the weight loss community. (If you weren't trying to be a dick then I apologize.)


<Prior Amod>
I've heard the paleo crowd push the insulin spike shit, and people who don't have a vested interest laugh at how ridiculous the claim is, so who knows. It's such a minor detail though.
I've heard this same thing, in the end much like McCheese said, the less unnatural stuff that goes in is probably the best route to go.

day 3 of no soda, I doubt I'll go back to it now. may as well not and haven't really wanted one.