wellijustdontknow’s pretty, pretty, pretty gay AMA thread or wpppgAMAt for short


Log Wizard
You were born Trans, you were born gay, you were born this and that....
You cant just change you sexuality like you can your t-shirt.
Once gay always gay as they say.
but what you're saying now is that you are denying part of who your are (Your attraction to men). Isn't that why you transitioned so you wouldn't have to deny part of who you are?
Sounds kind of hypocritical to me.

And you keep trying to get me to admit I am old and fat...you have no knowledge of me except what I have posted here so if you have an image of me as old and fat then it must come from things I have personally said...so you want me to reiterate things I have already stated? Okay, I can do that....duh

As far as being a moron, eh that's not for me to say. If you see me as such, so be it. Literally could not care less.
LMAO, Manessa was once gay and now isn't? How does that work, exactly? That's like me going to bed as a hetero and waking up gay. Things don't work like that.

He's the last man to be calling anyone old and fat. He's both, on top of having laughably ridiculous bolt on udders and a closet full of cheap size 50 dresses.

Now, he's claiming to be straight? It was just a few months ago that he was foaming at the mouth over male posters in the IRL pic thread.

His actions are reliably 180° from whatever he says. I've never witnessed someone so out of tune with their own nature as he.
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WTT: nudez4Xboxz
Still want to, but I don't very often. I just have to be careful, and can't stand the thought of catching something. I used to have a friend who was married and didn't cruise, otherwise monogamous. Besides leting me blow him occasionally. I would drain his cock and slurp it down hungrily. I'm looking for that again, but it's hard to find. I would guzzle cum every day if I wasn't worried about the STDs.
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Toilet of the Mod Elect
Still want to, but I don't very often. I just have to be careful, and can't stand the thought of catching something. I used to have a friend who was married and didn't cruise, otherwise monogamous. Besides leting me blow him occasionally. I would drain his cock and slurp it down hungrily. I'm looking for that again, but it's hard to find. I would guzzle cum every day if I wasn't worried about the STDs.
Dental dams bro, yoh can suck black cock cum all day long and not get aids, Foler Foler knows it very well!


Toilet of the Mod Elect
How did you become an expert on 3 subjects such as dental dams, how one can suck black cock cum all day long and not get aids as well as how well Foler Foler knows this?
Youll have to sign up for the newsletter and patreon for futher information.


Uncle Tanya
I love the sensation of the blast of sweet sticky cum when I suck him to ecstasy.
...and this forum got 100 times more titled over me just transitioning to cure my Gender Dysphoria and answering questions about it while also sharing scientific research over the topic.

Priorities people... priorities.
  • 1Worf
  • 1Faggotry
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