What Made EQ Great? Tell your stories to a filthy casual


Lord Nagafen Raider
Running to safe spot and camping out clerics while everyone else got ravaged was the tried and true method of breaking the planes.


Bronze Knight of the Realm

lol, I can't believe you took the time to type that shit out. Assholes were everywhere, but at least the assholes could be quelled if they realized something was in it for them. Helldiver, you have described yourself as the fuck-tarded, incompetent type. The kind of level 50 that makes you go, "How the fuck? Gotta be an Ebay bot". Sounds like you have about a 7 year old's understanding of human behavior and run-ins with you would probably leave people punching their monitors most of the time.

And, you definitely got inadequacy issues bro.
Not sure if you read my post completely or missed the part that, it was back in 99, 2000.

If we're going to have a thread about the EQ shenanigans and crap we pulled, only to be hastily generalized, then I'm afraid you're not going to get many discussions other than flames.

The early pre-50 me (circa 2000 I think) was totally different than by the time I got to 60 in RoK and when Velious came out (I quit at SoL). I was very helpful and a trooper, but by then a lot of my friends and acquaintances had matured. The whole population in general had matured and I understood the game a lot better.

So you're saying that because of crap I pulled some 14 years ago (which by the way was mostly a misunderstanding do to people being frantic and myself not being fully informed of what was going on with both guilds) suddenly all my time with friends and guilds in Lineage 2, SWG, EQ2, WoW, SW:ToR, and Eve was in vain? EQ for a lot of us, was our first true experience with MMOs. I played over 2 years of UO, but it was EQ that taught me all about working with guilds, raiding, and the meta game outside the game.

My post was to highlight how someone's reputation and actions even on a single raid could have repercussions through out. As I said on an earlier post in this thread; you really can't do that now days. You or I act like an ass, and you probably won't care or see me again since we'll just hit the dungeon finder and move on.

It's kind of difficult to compare the 19-20 year old just out of the Army asshole me, with the 35 year old with family me. lol!


Trakanon Raider
That naked walk of shame to the bank to equip your last set of weapons/gear for the CR.


Trakanon Raider
I remember one guild on my old server would zone into the Temple of Veeshan, hit Autorun at a certain point and pull the plugs on their modems. Done correctly it would put them right in front of the Plane of Mischief castle clicky thing. I don't think anyone was banned but GMs did get involved.


Golden Knight of the Realm
The most memorable thing that ever happened to me was participating in the cleaning the karanas gm event. I was only level ~17 at the time leveling in there when I saw these server-wide announcements go out. I figured all the high levels would swarm it under, but no body over level 22 showed up. There was a GM as an npc having all the players put incense in braziers around the plains. There was one left over and a guy who had not gotten one of the shitty smokestick rewards from one yet so I offered to help track down the brazier for him (i was playing a ranger). I didn't know what was going on at the time, but in retrospect that small act of kindness clenched it for me receiving the Prime Healer's Bulwark.

It was kinda funny. Here I was; this level 17 ranger nobody who didn't even have a guild tag, and I had the best BP on the server (at the time: pre-luclin).

I remember later when they added the ability to link items in chat. I was in Velk's leveling, but way at the top a raiding guild was power leveling an alt, and linking all of their uber raid loots to all us peasants. I linked my BP and the entire zone went nuts. That was kinda cool too =)


TLP Idealist
I remember later when they added the ability to link items in chat. I was in Velk's leveling, but way at the top a raiding guild was power leveling an alt, and linking all of their uber raid loots to all us pleebs. I linked my BP and the entire zone went nuts. That was kinda cool too =)
Definitely Monk loot.

The Prime Healer's Bulwark
AC: 45
STR: +25 STA: +45 HP: +125
HP Regen +15
WT: 0.1 Size: MEDIUM
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 7 (General: Group)
first time i saw Mrylokar's Dagger of Vengeance hot linked I think i got a boner & shat myself at the same time.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
SHroud of Longevity or bust. Wtf is that piece of garbage.
I had the only one on the server, because we woke the sleeper after it dropped. They made me and Soel (in TR, our alliance partner) dice roll for it ;p

My monk is still wearing it, because I quit during PoP.


Life's a Dream
We killed the Longevity drop guy for the 1st time, which also woke the sleeper. We had 3 monks present on that clear. As some kind of freak accident, *3* fucking Shrouds dropped.

They were lucky. I just wanted the resistance stone on my Wizard.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
We killed the Longevity drop guy for the 1st time, which also woke the sleeper. We had 3 monks present on that clear. As some kind of freak accident, *3* fucking Shrouds dropped.

They were lucky. I just wanted the resistance stone on my Wizard.
Lol, we usually got lucky with monk drops. We used to half-joking call Vulak "Grand Master Vulak" because on 2 separate occasions, he dropped only the monk items in his item pool (nerf stick, helm, and gharn's rock). Needless to say, everyone else was pissed.


Agreed 100 fucking percent. I refused to do mine until they made Ragefire a triggered spawn. Luckily my guild was awesome and valued me as a player and not a walking rez stick so it wasn't a big issue. Besides we had a bunch of clerics that actually did the camp.

Ultimately it was the social aspects of EQ that made the game a hit. You were forced to group to do almost everything and there was tons of downtime so you got to know everyone really well. And those things will never be able to be recreated in a future MMO because people wouldn't stand for the crap we put up with to get our daily fix.
I was lucky, I found Ragefire up less than an hour till server down, but I was popular enough to pull a mixed FoH/Legion/misc group to help me squash him in time. Was very nice having people willing to do that, but as many have said, you cant really get that social bonding nowadays.


In the beginning, Norrath was there to explore and to meet other explorers. Starting in Qeynos as an ignorant noob made me feel like the other side of the world was....literally on the other side of the world. I had no idea how to get there. When I wanted to try, fear stopped me. I had heard of a forest where undead control the night, a mountain pass where bandits roamed, a maze of gnolls.. Someone told me some never make it and lose their corpses. Scared me to death to even try. I didn't know how to ask for tps or where boats were, the lay of the land. It was all a mystery. I didn't have any pressure to min/max, feel I need to grind to get x, or a be a part of big guild to pull weight in. I felt free.

My first raid was in TOV. Prior to this I had never seen or been a part of one. After that I became hardcore

I remember trying to join Harbringers of Despair who rejected me. I then applied to TMO and was accepted. The feeling of running around the HoD guild leader was so satisfying after being rejected from his guild and accepted by the top guild on the server.

On the lucy topic. A shaman in my guild during pop made a chat bot, can't remember his name. We could query it in the in-game chats to give us the entry for anything on lucy.