What Made EQ Great? Tell your stories to a filthy casual


Loot, adventure, chance(death, meet a friend/foe or just get by.)

Guess Eq really was just like salt, pepper or sugar, then other games came and were like: "let's add oregano, red crushed pepper? This and that and pretty soon they were adding Soy sauce, Spam, maybe some taco bell taco sauce!" And that shit made no sense.


Did anyone ever get screwed out of rare loot? I got kicked out of a lower guk group for jokingly saying female dwarves were ugly and a few seconds later the FBSS dropped. That was the only time I saw it drop and I nearly broke my computer out of rage.


All the time.

In Seb/Guk/Whatever farming place was around, there was so much loot I could have sold for cold hard cash I passed on, because I just wanted to have had a group there in the first place, fuck all the loot.

Then there was the time with guilds and they were like, you could have this shitty cloak, or this useless earring, or this piece of shit necklace, but fuck you, don't you dare get a sorta good breastplate, biatch!
Did anyone ever get screwed out of rare loot? I got kicked out of a lower guk group for jokingly saying female dwarves were ugly and a few seconds later the FBSS dropped. That was the only time I saw it drop and I nearly broke my computer out of rage.
i won an FBSS on a monday night with a cleric named Tanri in the group. After we disbanded he stayed behind, made a new FG group which i ended up joining about 15-16 hours later... where I won another FBSS in a /random. Tanri however claimed it was unfair, ninja looted, /q'd and everyone died.

Never saw or heard from him again.

Also anyone who played on Rodcet Nife should remember this name - NIZZMUND. Legit ninja looted the FIRST Cloak of Flames to ever drop on the server.


TLP Idealist
Did anyone ever get screwed out of rare loot? I got kicked out of a lower guk group for jokingly saying female dwarves were ugly and a few seconds later the FBSS dropped. That was the only time I saw it drop and I nearly broke my computer out of rage.
Early on Vulak we had some Euro Mage ninja loot an FBSS, I think it was the third one to drop on the server. He was in Dead Halfling Society at the time and got kicked out for it. Then he joined Runed Circle where he would go on to ninja loot Lady Vox on one of the early EoE kills. I wish I could remember his name... I think it started with an M.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The first kill of Cazic Thule (vanilla) worldwide was on our server (ironically, Cazic Thule). A pally ninja looted and ported out, then tried to sell it in Ecom. GM of the server got all the loot back so the raiders could figure out who got what.


Molten Core Raider

First robe drop off revamped CT in Velious on Druzzil Ro. My guild awards it to me, some dude loots it and does a /q before I can get it. (I two boxed)

Of course I was the one doing the news for my guild's website, so I made sure people knew this guy's name. GM gave it to me in a day or two.


Wasn't it against GM policy to award people loot that wasn't lost due to a bug?

Some dude dropped a Lodizal shell shield when trying to show it to me in the trade window and I picked it up because I really coveted that thing. The GM he complained to didn't seem to care but I felt bad and ended up giving it back.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Most GMs would own high profile ninja looters and return the items to the guilds.


NeoGaf Donator
We had some jackass rip off a RBB from a vox kill and gate/ld. GM had it back to us to roll on within like 2-3 days.

Fast forward 6 years later and my Buddy's Guild leader rips off a Cthun kill for the Axe. Emptys the guild Mule and transfers off server. GM response was /shrug "loldunno"

You're not going to see that kind of customer service again when related to "hey, we got ripped off because of YOUR game mechanics"

I've done some shifty things over the years but raid Ninja looting has always been such a bottom feeding activity. They're like the child predators of the MMO prison.


First game that taught me how to network to get into camp groups instead of sitting there for hours and hours doing nothing but waiting(the crystal spider camp was a big one for me). Communication was huge, you had to develop skills to speak correctly to become friends and get a spot. Static groups too, basically getting home and hoping the group saved that 1 spot for you before the 8-10 hour camp grind started. You really had to have a solid reputation at the endgame level or you wouldn't get invited to anything

Sullon Zek PVP w/ absentee GMs. Delegating where opposing factions could level up, drama was much crazier when theres no GM's. We used to buy opposing faction toons with guild plat to use for training other guilds that were trying to pull anything that would progress them. You can't kill your own faction so it was gg. Also the many 30's and 40's who would camp you as a level 10-20, then you find a way to grind w/o them seeing you. A month or two later your level 65 and they're still 40 and you get your revenge.

Best of the Best competitions were great as well.

Learning to do homework at school so you could just grind all day.


Silver Squire
Seared into my amygdala: My testicles don't even have hair on them in real life. I'm playing my necro, grouped with a mage at Najena entrance in LS. He has a Flowing Black Robe. It's so god damn sexy. I log off and log onto my high elf wizard, lvl 18. I run him through inky territory, my heart is pouding, palms are sweaty. I'm invised in lavastorm. I sneak up to the mage. He doesn't have see invis on. He pulls, I drop out of invis and cast firebolt, he's trying to run into Najena. Nope. 1hittered. I loot his robe, and gate to Sergeant Slate.


I got screwed out of some Naggy loot by my own guild. I had no way of proving it because back then, the game did not tell you what people had looted. But I am sure that when the guild leaders looted him, they pocketed a few of the items to give to people to butter them up or because they were high ups in the guild. I later saw one of them on their twink with some Naggy loot that I really needed on my main, and when I asked them about it, they said they traded for it. I didn't believe them. I quit the guild not long after that, and sadly, they didn't even care. If you were not a warrior, cleric, or chanter, they didn't give a shit about you and you were easily replaced.

That aside... it was still an amazing game.


Lord Nagafen Raider
It was back in 2000 when a guy I worked with at the time would not shut the fuck up about this game he was playing. Talking to me for hours about 'plat' and 'trains in Mistmoore' etc. Finally I grabbed the game off the shelf, and for $29 thought I'd give it a go.

I started on Morell Thule, same as the guy from work. I started off with a barbarian warrior and managed to walk out into Everfrost Peaks. I ran into a halfling not far from Halas that started talking to me. I didn't even know how to respond to him, via emote or chat. I worked my way back into Halas and fell into the well. I did not know how to swim, so there he remains in his watery grave.

Then I started an Erudite wizard. Erudin was cool, but holy fuck was making a character there a mistake. Tox forest was not forgiving. I remember turning the gamma all the way up and still not seeing shit out there, except right by the guards/torches. After not being able to see, I quickly ended his life as well.

Then I made a human wizard in Freeport. This was all right; I have a desert full of enemies and I can run chicken shit back to the gate pretty quick like. I leveled up to 5 or 6 there before the enemies greyed out, but I thought I could level all the way to 60 right there and wondered why anyone would leave such a safe spot.

Eventually I made it to East Commonlands. This is a bit too far from my safe spot, better turn back! I grouped at the orc camps and such, and even wandered into Neriak for a few moments. But that scared me too much and turned back. I leveled a bit more in EC, and the group wanted to go to North Ro. We ran the tunnel, which seemed like forever, and finally made it. I immediately asked where the safe spot was, and was informed it was the buried wizard spires. As we made it there I looked up and saw the huge pillars jutting out of the desert and that unforgettable North Ro music started playing. I just thought to myself this game must be immense and I was hooked for years.


Lord Nagafen Raider
And probably of everything I remember of EQ, nothing left its memory more than camping Pyzjn. The Glowing Black Stone was the stuff of legend, and seeing someone with a glowing red fist made me green with envy. I studied that camp routine for weeks, if not more. I would sit in class and surf Allakhazam for any notion on how to spawn her. Of the few times I did catch her, I always received a rusty dagger.

Then one fateful day, I remember we were soon leaving for a flight to Vegas, but damn if I wasn't sitting there camping Pyzjn. The ruins were empty, so I ran over the hill to see if she was pathing. Sure enough, there she is with her pet engaged with a druid. I started casting and helped kill her. But the druid didn't loot and continued fighting the pet. I checked the corpse and sure enough that black sphere of awesome was sitting there in the loot window. I grabbed it, and he asked what dropped. I said nothing but a dagger like usual and gated. I felt like a complete asshole for taking it, but that camp drove me insane.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Pyzjn to this day is still my EQ nemesis for the exact reasons you stated. That bitch just never gives up a GBS. I have camped her through many iterations of playing (live, emu, Mac server, etc) and despite killing her countless times, it was always a damn rusty dagger. I still find myself wandering over there, at max level, just to clear the ruins and hill a few times to try my luck. 14 years later.. still no GBS. I jokingly tell people that the day I actually loot one off her cold dead corpse is the day I "win" at Everquest. Seriously, I have been part of worldwide first kills and cutting edge raid guilds.. but Pyzjn is that elusive win I have never had!


Lord Nagafen Raider
Pyzjn to this day is still my EQ nemesis for the exact reasons you stated. That bitch just never gives up a GBS. I have camped her through many iterations of playing (live, emu, Mac server, etc) and despite killing her countless times, it was always a damn rusty dagger. I still find myself wandering over there, at max level, just to clear the ruins and hill a few times to try my luck. 14 years later.. still no GBS. I jokingly tell people that the day I actually loot one off her cold dead corpse is the day I "win" at Everquest. Seriously, I have been part of worldwide first kills and cutting edge raid guilds.. but Pyzjn is that elusive win I have never had!
That was the only time I've seen it drop. I did manage find myself at the ruins again during the fabled events, and she dropped the fabled GBS. Definitely the stuff of nightmares.