Whats rustling your jimmies?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
lock settings...under security, you say?
I didn't associate the Screen options with security. There is no security, anyone can slide the little icon and be in the phone. And by the way, the lock is still there, even after selecting None.


It isn't as bad on my new phone. On my previous phone that stupid lock thing would come up in the middle of a call.


Shitty MMO sites that don't let you get to their main website to check out an MMO and instead direct you to a page that wants your email to automatically register for it.


Vyemm Raider
These faggoty racist privilege check images going around Facebook.

Yeah, a white male who isn't a faggot automatically has a fucking great life! And black people are all good at sports and asians are all good at math, too! Your stupid fucking chart isn't racist at all, yayyy! Hell, none of my traumas or fuckups even count so apparently, I'm better off than Jayden Smith! If he starts wearing his sister's clothes, whoa buddy, do I feel sorry for that them.

I checked my privilege, and I shoved it up zis ass! And ze probably liked it.

I'm so privileged I go around punching midget cops in the face and they thank me and send me on my way!

You know whose privilege is off the fucking chart? Bruce Wayne. He should get over that one little hangup of his, it's not even on the list.

EDIT: I thought of another one. Man, do I feel bad for fat ugly black lesbian midgets. Even the rich and happy ones are like, -300.


Unelected Mod
Normally a student coming to my office to ask questions about an upcoming course isn't jimmy-rustling.

However, having it done by a prospective student in full burkha, with a male relative doing all the questioning, really upset me. I wonder if he will attend classes with her in case she needs to ask a question heh.


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
Normally a student coming to my office to ask questions about an upcoming course isn't jimmy-rustling.

However, having it done by a prospective student in full burkha, with a male relative doing all the questioning, really upset me. I wonder if he will attend classes with her in case she needs to ask a question heh.
Ugh that rustles me, and I wasn't even there. "It's my freedom of religion to be subjugated and treated like a lesser human being, respect it!!!"


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
On a somewhat related note, it always tickles my pickle whenever there is an interview with a young western woman in full headscarf mode who recently converted to Islam because it's so feminist. I shit you not, just try Googling it, happens all the time. Feminism come full circle into retard land.

Found one:http://edition.cnn.com/2014/10/14/op...-convert-irpt/


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Normally a student coming to my office to ask questions about an upcoming course isn't jimmy-rustling.

However, having it done by a prospective student in full burkha, with a male relative doing all the questioning, really upset me. I wonder if he will attend classes with her in case she needs to ask a question heh.
Lol, I feel ya. I teach English as a second language and a lot of my students are Saudis. I've gotten the situation you've described before. Even more annoying, however, is trying to teach these women correct English pronunciation when you can't see their mouths under the burka/veil/whatever! It's so easy to correct common pronunciation mistakes when you can see how someone is positioning their lips/tongue etc. when speaking, but you can't do that with these women.


Got something right about marriage
A local grocery chain has the most annoying rewards program. Instead of just getting points for every dollar you spend like a normal points program they have this stupid "slot" machine at checkout. If you "win" when you play you get either a gold coin or silver coin. Not kidding, they actually give you a fake, store only currency. When shit is on sale you get a certain discount if you have gold coins, and a lesser discount if you have silver coins. So you have to carry around, and not lose these stupid coins. Not only is it annoying for the customer (me), it actually costs the store money to make and give away these stupid fucking coins. It's one of the dumbest things I've ever seen.


Got something right about marriage
How bad is the competition that you continue to shop there?
I don't actually shop there. Just happened to stop into one yesterday because my mortgage broker's office is right next to one and asked about their rewards program to see if it was worth it. Just rustles me that someone at corporate thought this was a smart move. I should be getting paid that kinda money if some knucklehead can get ideas like this greenlit.


Vyemm Raider
December traffic.

So yesterday I could have killed someone's grandma and gotten away with it. 4 way stop, my go, she rolls straight through the sign behind the car in front of her. A little bit of toe pressure and BAM, T-bone her brittle body into the sweet release of death. But man, airbags look like they hurt. And that would totally ruin christmas party photos.

So I didn't do it and now some poor kid will get a $10 check from grammy for christmas and she'll call some time in June asking why he hasn't cashed it yet and he'll feel bad all over again.


Blackwing Lair Raider
The Wild Krats - You boast of how awesomely adept animals are at doing what they do due to perfect biomechanics, so you copy their "creature" powers yet your design is nothing like theirs and thus undoing your argument of how awesomely adept they are, since clearly as a cheetah copy you are running on two feet and not 4. get it together television.


Avatar of War Slayer
The Wild Krats - You boast of how awesomely adept animals are at doing what they do due to perfect biomechanics, so you copy their "creature" powers yet your design is nothing like theirs and thus undoing your argument of how awesomely adept they are, since clearly as a cheetah copy you are running on two feet and not 4. get it together television.
Wild Krats is like 1% rustleage compared to RayRay the red panda...

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
This was actually more hilarious than jimmy rustling. Im sure the owners were the fat joe lookalikes inside Chipotle.


Trump's Staff
I don't actually shop there. Just happened to stop into one yesterday because my mortgage broker's office is right next to one and asked about their rewards program to see if it was worth it. Just rustles me that someone at corporate thought this was a smart move. I should be getting paid that kinda money if some knucklehead can get ideas like this greenlit.
It's called product sabotage and exists for the same reason coupons exist. It exists to identify the people with more disposable income that can afford to not have to fuck around with the coins so they can be charged extra for the same product.


2022 Asshat Award Winner
<Bronze Donator>
fuck imgur. fuck it with a mace covered in komodo dragons' saliva. why the fuck are album file names just random pile of shit