Whats rustling your jimmies?


Blackwing Lair Raider
at 1:30 on Christmas Eve, boss tells me to wash my dishes and then I'm through. He lets everybody else go. At 6pm not only have I washed all my dishes but everybody elses', I've taken out the trash, and mopped the floors - including under the areas where the others left food behind. I've broken down, cleaned, and put back just about everything that was left by the others. Single handedly. The boss stood over me and berated me the whole time, calling names at times. He said I still had an hour's worth left of work to do. (This wasn't punishment. It's how he works. He does it to others; I was just at the wrong place at the wrong time, singling me out.)
I told him that I've done more than enough. anything else can either be done on Friday when everybody else returns, or by him. He said, if you end your shift now, then that means you quit, do I need to call the owner and tell him you are quitting?
Fuck this job and this past two weeks of torture. I've worked past 9 days in a row, the shortest day being 10 hours.
I took off my shirt and hat and walked the fuck out.
4am to 6pm on Christmas Eve. one break. After I recover I'm going to search labor laws, because I felt violated.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Sounds like you were sexually harassed. Why else would you send everyone else home and watch 1 girl bust her ass to clean the place up while you loom over her? He was probably playing pocket pool the entire time.

I bet this is how cosby got started.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
You may have thought I was joking because of that cosby comment, but I was not. Assuming I remember correctly that you're a girl, I'm about 75% sure he was doing or planning something sexual there. Did he keep disappearing into his office for a minute or 2 at a time?


Blackwing Lair Raider
You may have thought I was joking because of that cosby comment, but I was not. Assuming I remember correctly that you're a girl, I'm about 75% sure he was doing or planning something sexual there. Did he keep disappearing into his office for a minute or 2 at a time?
I'm a dude. Technically, he was shitting on one other guy too, but that guy was hustling to clean the fryers and other random maintenance shit he didn't need to be doing as the chicken breader guy and I cleaned all his dishes and the rest I mentioned without his help.
He only gives one 30minute break. Even if you work 13hour shifts, like I did.

Bojangles was the company.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Are you sure you're a dude? I can see your avatar ya know.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
For reference:

Parking lot at work, we have these large grates covering telephone/electrical access. Same shit, the fuckers can't be arsed to put the grates back so that the painted lines line up correctly. Just when I think my day is going to be better, I have to walk over it reminding me of the state of society...
Pic and quote related:


Blackwing Lair Raider
Are you sure you're a dude? I can see your avatar ya know.
* My EverQuest character was Sacel, he had a handlebar mustache
* My avatar is an Umgah from the badass Star Control series, with a handlebar mustache
* The pink is easy to see when scrolling through posts.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
Having a video card that sounds like a fucking jet engine and is about to die and not being able to replace any time that could be remotely considered Soon*tm*. I am so fucking ripshit right now.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
And now I'm at MAXIMUM OVER-RUSTLE. I cleaned out all the dust on/in/around the video card and now the fucking thing is LOUDER!! Apparently the dust was acting as a fucking lubricant. No way it'll last long the way it sounds.


Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
Runs about as hot too! Already getting bluescreens.

Edit: and that is pretty god damn hilarious lol

Update Edit:

I either fixed the faulty fan like the god damn boss that I am orrrrrrrr I just hastened its demise like the god damn idiot that I am. Jury's still out but it's spinning and not making noise!

Took a knife and pried the fan apart just a little bit. No more Warthog doing a fly by in our office anymore!

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Has anyone else noticed an uptick is fucking spam? For the past month now ill get a random text from an email with a link to a obviously fishy website. Even on my gmail stupid spam is breaking through the spam filter with the same dumb shit. Samething with AIM now, at least once a day I get a text from a bot posing as a girl saying go view her profile.


<Gold Donor>
Yeah, definitely a lot more spam recently for me too.

It was fucking freezing this morning (for California) so I decided to get a hot chocolate from McDonald's on my way to work. I'm in the line and I see a cute blonde pull up behind me, so I'm checking her out. And thus I get to watch her look down and focus on something in her center console, which apparently was too much work for her brain because she had to take her foot off the brake to do it, and yep, she rolls right into me. Getting her information I determine that she's just a typical ditzy blonde, and there doesn't appear to be any damage to report, but just a shitty way to start off the new year right? And really, how fucking hard is it to keep your foot on the brake? I have never once just forgotten and taken my foot off and rolled into something. It is mind-bottling.

And the real rustler is that I'm probably old enough to be her dad, so not much chance they make a movie about our knee-slapping first meeting!


Pinning "Recycle Bin" to the Start Menu instead of emptying. I've done this repeatedly since switching to Windows 8 and I'm starting to get upset.