Whats rustling your jimmies?


What's wrong with stumpy women?
if you mean this...


than nothing...

but i'm talking more about this...



Retards like this rustle my jimmies.
Retards like you who think they know everything there is to know, doesn't really rustle my jimmies, actually amuses me. A hundred years from now we are going to look back on this time period where we treated symptoms rather than causes and wonder why we all went along with the notion that doctors were so smart. Y'all fuckin dumb.


<Prior Amod>
I bet you think putting onions throughout your home stops the spread of the flu too.

(My mother in law does this shit every time someone here is sick and it drive me up a fucking wall)


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Maybe they're just really big cloves of garlic and she thinks you're a vampire.


<Gold Donor>
Retards like you who think they know everything there is to know, doesn't really rustle my jimmies, actually amuses me. A hundred years from now we are going to look back on this time period where we treated symptoms rather than causes and wonder why we all went along with the notion that doctors were so smart. Y'all fuckin dumb.
So tell me, has acupuncture completely stopped your sweating? Or do you have to keep going back? What is the "cause" of your sweating that acupuncture has fixed? Is it an imbalance in your humors? An excess of toxins?

How about your shellfish allergic friend? What did acupuncture correct that modern medicine could not? What about the claims that a significant percentage of allergies are self-induced (mental), or can be overcome by gradual higher and higher exposure?

I don't disagree with your premise that we should be treating causes instead of symptoms, but until we can know EXACTLY what is causing the symptom, it isn't always possible to do that. But you are saying that the acupuncturist or the chiropractor know the root cause and medical doctors don't. People that have far less training and experience somehow have figured out this big secret? Why don't they share it? If a medical doctor could figure out the cause of a problem simply by training in acupuncture or chiropractic-y (I made that word up), don't you think they'd be required to do that?

It is all well and good to spout that those of us who rely on Western medicine are "fuckin dumb," but you've got to give a little more proof than two anecdotal stories. Tell me why I'm so dumb. Tell me why acupuncturists somehow know the cause of your sweat problem or the shellfish allergy, but doctors don't.

And if you really think that in a hundred years the majority of medical science is going to revolve around cracking backs or poking people with needles instead of some sort of advanced science like genetic therapy or even nanobots perhaps (might be a bit soon for that, but who knows?), then I daresay you might be the dumb one.

In case you couldn't tell, homeopathic/chiropractic/quack medicine people really rustle my jimmies too.

Aychamo BanBan

Retards like you who think they know everything there is to know, doesn't really rustle my jimmies, actually amuses me. A hundred years from now we are going to look back on this time period where we treated symptoms rather than causes and wonder why we all went along with the notion that doctors were so smart. Y'all fuckin dumb.


I bet you think putting onions throughout your home stops the spread of the flu too.

(My mother in law does this shit every time someone here is sick and it drive me up a fucking wall)
Ha ha: I knew somebody that went into another room and locked the door whenever the microwave beeped.(radiation)
yep a layer of cheap paneling is going to stop all dat harmful gamma radiation.


I bet you think putting onions throughout your home stops the spread of the flu too.

(My mother in law does this shit every time someone here is sick and it drive me up a fucking wall)
Nah I don't do that. I've heard of Asians boiling onions to fill their home with the aroma to help when people are sick. I don't think that does anything either. As a Vietnamese coworker explained "It's stupid but that's what they do. Cultural custom thing mang."

So tell me, has acupuncture completely stopped your sweating? Or do you have to keep going back? What is the "cause" of your sweating that acupuncture has fixed? Is it an imbalance in your humors? An excess of toxins?

How about your shellfish allergic friend? What did acupuncture correct that modern medicine could not? What about the claims that a significant percentage of allergies are self-induced (mental), or can be overcome by gradual higher and higher exposure?

I don't disagree with your premise that we should be treating causes instead of symptoms, but until we can know EXACTLY what is causing the symptom, it isn't always possible to do that. But you are saying that the acupuncturist or the chiropractor know the root cause and medical doctors don't. People that have far less training and experience somehow have figured out this big secret? Why don't they share it? If a medical doctor could figure out the cause of a problem simply by training in acupuncture or chiropractic-y (I made that word up), don't you think they'd be required to do that?

It is all well and good to spout that those of us who rely on Western medicine are "fuckin dumb," but you've got to give a little more proof than two anecdotal stories. Tell me why I'm so dumb. Tell me why acupuncturists somehow know the cause of your sweat problem or the shellfish allergy, but doctors don't.

And if you really think that in a hundred years the majority of medical science is going to revolve around cracking backs or poking people with needles instead of some sort of advanced science like genetic therapy or even nanobots perhaps (might be a bit soon for that, but who knows?), then I daresay you might be the dumb one.

In case you couldn't tell, homeopathic/chiropractic/quack medicine people really rustle my jimmies too.
I tend to sweat less than I used to, but it was essentially cured with regular acupuncture. Stopped going because it was too expensive and we (my wife and I) were going for fertility treatment anyway which didn't help with that. Ended up spending several thousands on legit fertility treatment that did work, too well, got us twin girls.

Regarding how acupuncture works, the concept is many ailments are a result of blocked energy flow (chi). The needles are inserted at specific points to remove the blockage and things start flowing right again. Sounds utterly fucking ridiculous but for some things it does work. Why? I guess there's just some things science hasn't yet explained. I went into it not expecting anything and was surprised with the results. I also felt rather well at the end of the treatments. That would last a few days, sometimes less if I got my jimmies all rustled.

My friend wasn't allergic to shellfish, just fish. Needed Benadryl kind of allergic. Doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong with him. He had all kinds of stomach issues and pains. Now he's fine. He's not even allergic to his dog anymore.

I'm not against science and medicine. I still think doctors are fucking dumb.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
I tried acupuncture once for my back, and it didn't do shit. But then again, I've been to plenty of doctors who's treatment didn't do shit either, so I'm not going to pass judgement. I just think, if it is legitimate, why can't they provide a better explanation than 'the needle un-clogs your mana'?


Irenicus did nothing wrong
I don't think doctors are really any dumber than other people, but the problem is that they're not any smarter either. We're imbued as kids with the idea that doctors are all incredibly smart and wise, that they're all experts who know exactly what they're doing, etc. So we get pissed off that like everyone else, a lot of them are stupid, or assholes, or ignorant, or just plain shittty at their job. It can also be hard to separate the good from the bad, since no doctor is going to admit that maybe they're wrong, or that they just don't know.