Whats rustling your jimmies?


Vyemm Raider
Walking into the bank and having every last employee say "Welcome to Wells Fargo!" all at the same time. You don't mean, corporate told you to say it and it comes off as disingenuous.


Molten Core Raider
Walking into the bank and having every last employee say "Welcome to Wells Fargo!" all at the same time. You don't mean, corporate told you to say it and it comes off as disingenuous.
Count yourself lucky that they still have employees there. Bank of America is rapidly replacing tellers with video teller machines. You walk up, hit a button, and get someone on a video screen just teleconferencing in from who knows where. Any money/checks are then deposited into the attached machine just like an ATM.

Theres one Bank of America near me that literally has like 2 employees in it at some points, 1 in the drive through window and 1 in the lobby.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I've been using the same bank for all 44 years of my life. Same lady works in there I've known for those 44 years lol. Old school.


<Bronze Donator>
Daylight savings time is rustling me pretty hard right now. Well the lack of it.

I get the original concept of it was to save candles and lamp oil and then later electricity and shit, and yeah I get that in modern society it no longer actually saves shit for energy costs or anything. that's not what rustles me.

I've lived in america with daylight savings time all my life. Now i'm living in japan where they don't have it.

I don't give a shit about energy. It's about natural sleep cycles from a time before we had clocks. ya know, all cavemen and shit..

When it gets to that time of year when it's still dark outside when the alarm clock goes off, we as society collectively say in one voice, "fuck that shit, lets just change time so that the sun is coming up when our alarm clocks go off, as god intended" and we do it. we just say fuck time for a few months, let us awake when nature itself is waking up, the birds are chirping, the sun is rising, I gotta be at work at 7 and goddamn i'm not driving in the fucking dark so i say when 7 is.

I'm sure those of you from the north (or heaven forbid alaska and shit) have no idea how amazing daylight savings time is. You live too far from the glorious equator to understand how perfectly synced it is with the planet's natural orbit and tilt, you are probably always waking up in the dark. But those of us living where people are supposed to live, from around the 37th parallel and below, you know places where life sustaining water isn't frozen for months on end, for us Daylight savings time is the triumph of nature over the false man made construct of time.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Being sent a deed to sign with zero explanation or communication. Yeah Im really going to sign over a house to you for "love and consideration".


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Go green. Fuck those god damn assholes and the 28 different fucking numbers I have blocked so far over the last 6 months. FUCK YOU.


Vyemm Raider
Daylight savings sucks, we need to end that shit.
I thought so too until I lived in Arizona where they're all mavericky and don't play that game. It sucks being the lone ranger, too. The only thing worse than changing your clock is not changing your clock when everybody else does.


Molten Core Raider
Never had this issue in any relationship so far, tell them the gym you go to has a sign-up your partner promotion and ask if she'd be interested in 1 month free as something the two of you can do together (or at least, go to the gym together). Even if you're out $20, she either likes it enough to stick to it or she doesn't and you at least tried.

The real jimmies rustler, when she goes to the gym with you and is great for a few weeks, then ditches you for someone she met there. Fuck you Ex #4
I've never told a GF they were overweight, probably because I never lasted more than 2 weeks with one. I used to date based solely on boob size. Hey it works when you're younger =D

Wife on the other hand has been told. REPEATEDLY! Lost 20ish lbs so far since summer, hope she keeps on the right track. I just have less than 0 interest when above a certain weight.

And her jimmies are probably rustled that I can eat whatever I want and be normal weight :p /comfort
These aren't girls I'm dating I haven't had a gf since I was 12. Usually just girls I would want to have sex with


Night Janitor
<Nazi Janitors>
I thought so too until I lived in Arizona where they're all mavericky and don't play that game. It sucks being the lone ranger, too. The only thing worse than changing your clock is not changing your clock when everybody else does.
I've worked nights for almost 17 years now, so what time everyone else is on doesn't bother me. Making sure I'm paid correctly when the time changes, having to deal with coworkers showing up late the next morning and other little things associated with DST just rustle me. Hell, I'd be happy with getting rid of time zones and have one clock for the entire planet.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
On this shift yes, but I've definitely heard some stories from the day shift about the employees getting yelled at/abused. My co-workers and I don't really get subject to her ire because any mistakes we might make don't manifest themselves until the day shift when we're gone.
Years ago I had a bully director I did some work for. Me and this other guy were facilitating a training class, and she walked up to me during my prep time and started telling me the activity I was planning to do was stupid. I told her it was awesome, and too bad if she didn't like it because I'm going to facilitate it anyways. She never bothered me again, and would often come to me for help.

The other guy who was training with me had the same kind of encounter with her. She tested him and he folded. She stomped all over him from then on.

Alpha Dog.


Trump's Staff


<Silver Donator>
I've worked nights for almost 17 years now, so what time everyone else is on doesn't bother me. Making sure I'm paid correctly when the time changes, having to deal with coworkers showing up late the next morning and other little things associated with DST just rustle me. Hell, I'd be happy with getting rid of time zones and have one clock for the entire planet.
One clock would be the most confusing shit ever. "Morning" or "Night time" would be at different hours based on the country you live in. Like assuming UTC, morning would be at say 8AM in the UK but on the west coast morning would be 4PM and in hong kong morning would be midnight(which obviously wouldn't be a relevant term anymore outside of some of the timezones). No a huge issue if you don't travel much unless you live in a country with a bunch of different timezones, like say the US, where the west coast would get to work at 4PM but the same job would start at 7PM on the east coast and so on.

Also some of these numbers might be innacurate as the timezone conversion for that example was annoying due to how stupid the concept would be.

Daylight I can understand wanting to remove, but removing timezones would be straight up retarded. Consider my jimmies rustled for getting me to think about this idea.


Night Janitor
<Nazi Janitors>
One clock would be the most confusing shit ever. "Morning" or "Night time" would be at different hours based on the country you live in. Like assuming UTC, morning would be at say 8AM in the UK but on the west coast morning would be 4PM and in hong kong morning would be midnight(which obviously wouldn't be a relevant term anymore outside of some of the timezones). No a huge issue if you don't travel much unless you live in a country with a bunch of different timezones, like say the US, where the west coast would get to work at 4PM but the same job would start at 7PM on the east coast and so on.

Also some of these numbers might be innacurate as the timezone conversion for that example was annoying due to how stupid the concept would be.

Daylight I can understand wanting to remove, but removing timezones would be straight up retarded. Consider my jimmies rustled for getting me to think about this idea.
Oh I know getting rid of time zones would never happen, though I imagine they have to be a bit annoying for people who live on the edge of one. My perspective on it is a bit warped though, since I don't give a shit about what time the sun rises and sets.