Whats rustling your jimmies?


People that say"I'M A HARD WORKER"over and over.

You know the type of person that shoves large pallets around manually instead of using the charged up ready to go fort lift fifteen feet away.


I posted in the wrong thread
People who post in the wrong thread really jimmies my rustles


Tranny Chaser
I don't go to McDonalds very often but when I do, it's super annoying to get stuck in line and the person in front of you gets to the register and they are asked what they would like....and they look back and forth on the menu board going "ummmmm...hmmmm.....ummmmm....." for 2 minutes. Fuck those people. 1. It's McDoanlds, you know what they fucking have. 2. Look at the menu while waiting in line.

Also, old people who write checks in the grocery store line and must be using some sort of 10th century calligraphy to do so because it doesn't take 5 minutes to fill out a check.

The other day I was in line at the grocery store and a guy was arguing with a clerk that an item he got was supposed to be 10 cents cheaper and wanted someone called up front to go look at it. After almost 10 minutes I slammed down a quarter and told him to keep the fucking change and to move along. The couple behind me started clapping. -insert wegotabadassoverhere.jpeg-
Reminds me of John Pinette

'Get out of the line, get of the line'


People who chew like cows and when you say something they act like I'm the asshole. Makes me want to slam their head into the plate.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Some states require a certain percentage of minorities when a company gets to a certain size; what happens is, which ever white guy who happens to have the biggest retirement account/pension tostealgets replaced. So basically a black female without a criminal record writes her own ticket. I seen a black woman get fired for destroying several thousand dollars worth of product, she was back on the job next week, supervisor told us; "anybody that asked any questions gets instantly fired". Word got around, that she got the NAACP involved somehow.

Makes you wonder what god awful stench they are covering up.
I know in .gov contracting women/minority/disabled own businesses are given preference when it comes to contracts.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Fuckers at Chipotle who put their god damn nasty ass fucking arms over the fucking food guard and point at what they want. Even worse is when they lean over the damn thing, as if getting their eyes closer to it helps. I wanna beat some fucking sense and manners into people who think its ok to do that shit.

that rusltes a lot of jimmies;



Silver Baronet of the Realm
People that will cook ribeye or any decent steak cut beyond medium and then slather it with steak sauce. Fucking pisses me off. A1 is for burger assholes. My grandparents do this shit regularly, even with marinated steaks after they burn the marinade out of the meat. Fuck that. Always avoid taking them to mid to high range steakhouses.

I don't know why but this meme cracks me the fuck up.
idk if its all Walmarts, but the one by me occasionally has some asshat by the exit that does nothing but as every 10th person for their receipt. They then proceed to block the exit while attempting to count the items the person has for 5 god damn minutes. I just ignore them when they ask me for mine, but jimmies definitely rustled


Potato del Grande
When I take a piss making every effort to shake the last drip followed by a dab and squeeze with some TP only to have my penis resting against a wet spot on my boxers 3 minutes later.