Whats rustling your jimmies?

Piece of shit parents...

20 years of trauma nursing/hospital administration work here. Today I had a 7 year old in a MVA with pelvic fractures, spinal cord injury, and subdural hematoma (blood in the head) from not being properly restrained. The mother who was driving tested positive for Opiates, Benzo's, THC (Marijuana), Cocaine, and Meth. Mother was issued a "summons" so she could be with her daughter in the hospital. Fuck that. Take her out back and put a bullet in her head. Consider my jimmies rustled.
Big fat dose of Insulin, no one will ever know ....


Maximum Derek
<Bronze Donator>
Well, at least she isn't an alcoholic. The world doesn't need another drunk driver!
People with a DWI. It seems like I cannot throw a rock in Austin without hitting someone with at least one DWI. I tell people to take cabs, they tell me it is too expensive. I tell them I spent $5,000 on cabs last year, then ask "How much did that DWI cost you? Twice that or more?"


The Big Mod
People with a DWI. It seems like I cannot throw a rock in Austin without hitting someone with at least one DWI. I tell people to take cabs, they tell me it is too expensive. I tell them I spent $5,000 on cabs last year, then ask "How much did that DWI cost you? Twice that or more?"
you sound like a colossal faggot.


Molten Core Raider

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
The inbred redneck who drove their piece of shit truck completely covered head to toe in mud into my apartment complex and parked next to me. Pile of dirt now where the mud fell off and dried up, hillbilly was also leaking oil too.

Though my jimmies did get unrustled a bit when I was leaving school. Some jiggaboo in a American Inventored out caprice broke down in the middle of a busy road, i lol'd.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
-people driving in general (for example:if you are slow,stay on the FUCKING RIGHT LANE of the highway)
-people who can't or wont control their children and when these little fucks do some shit,"oh so cute my little boy/girl)
-facebook in general (i don't have it because i think it's a useful tool but mostly people take that shit too serious)
-attention whores
-tv these days (only watch for sports,news)
-being forced to listen some moron's music because he doesn't know he can use HEADPHONES with the goddman phone.
-no or slow internet connection
-people eating with their mouths open (SERIOUSLY???),people who lick their fingers when eating something,people who lick their knives when eating


Why did this meme explode in the past couple weeks here? I looked it up and apparently it was on 4chan like a year ago, so why suddenly is it big now?
+1 for people who can't control their kids. Me and the girlfriend were in some shitty restaurant and this couple let their fucking kid wail and scream the entire time. We kept looking over wondering wtf was keeping them from, you know, being parents. When they left they confronted me saying "You dont know what its like!", and stormed off. Jimmies thoroughly rustled


<Silver Donator>
My biggest jimmy rustler is when someone is lucky enough to be born in a country where their rights are guarranteed to be protected from the govt. and they don't understand that those rights need to be protected for all. If you don't want to own or use a gun then don't, but don't shit on your Constitution and your fellow man by supporting removal of something so important. Keep each and every right and let your grand kids thank you for standing up for them, they will be better for it. In Canada we don't have gun rights and shooters who follow the laws and punished by the whims of beaurocrats at every turn.


Fox News talking point republicans. Just say you hate American Inventors and poor people. I don't need to hear a thirty minute diatribe if you can sum it up with those six words. Jimmies confirmed rustled when they sputter and change the subject when I pull up a dozen contrary statistics/articles on my tablet during said diatribe or I actually have an interest in the subject and ask for details.

Customer who "know everything" about the product they came to you to buy. Ex. gentleman wanting struts today. "Engine size doesn't matter. It's the rear struts, it doesn't matter if the front is coil or torsion bar, god it's a good thing the computers do your job". Actually motherfucker here are the 12 different struts it could be depending on how your vehicle is equipped and the intended use I can guess at random or you can answer a couple fucking questions. Jimmies Rustled. Jimmies slightly rustled when they walk in the door at this point but that just means if I have a polite, pleasant to deal with customer I will bend over so far my spine snaps.

People who look at me like I just fucked their dog when I tell them there's a charge to install batteries. Yes they do "install them for free at Autozone*" sir and or ma'am. Unfortunately I run a repair shop and not a parts store and if my mechanic installs your battery in my shop it costs me fucking money. Also yes it will indeed be a forty five minute wait. I'm aware it doesn't take that long to change a battery. As are the five people ahead of you waiting for service.

People who come in to a busy repair shop for air and will wait fifteen minutes to get it. It's not that I mind doing it, hell some people even tip for it but for fucks sake half the gas stations in town have free air. Why would you stand in line at a repair shop for it?

People who want their tires balanced at every rotate. What speed are you getting vibration at? "I'm not getting any vibration" Well we will be happy to balance your tires but if you aren't getting vibration it isn't needed and it will make your service take longer. "Just balance my tires it's free". No shit it's free and I don't give a shit one way or the other I'm not the one doing it and I'm not the one wasting my fucking time. I'm trying to save you time and not clog up my shop with work that serves no purpose, fuck me right?

People who "know what's wrong" with their car. "I need an alignment." What kind of issues are you having? "My car vibrates." Well that's not usually caused by the alignment, I'm more than happy to align your vehicle but I would suggest having us take a look at your vehicle and see if there might be something else going on. "Look, I'm not going to buy anything just align my car." Not a problem. Thirty minutes later... "I just had my car aligned and it's still vibrating." The best was the one day I had a customer who was adamant about having their rack and pinion replaced because their friend told them it was the problem. A good hour trying to talk them out of it, a signature on their work order next to a statement saying that the repair may or may not fix their problem, and $900 they left with the same issue they came in with.

People who are looking for tires but respond to the what size are your tires question with "well I have 265/70/17s right now but I want something that will fill my wheel well". It's not the question, it's the fact that less than 1% of the people who ask it will listen and have a somewhat reasonable reaction when I explain the myriad reasons why it's not a good idea to change the overall diameter of their tires and the problems that are likely to result from doing so as well as the fact that most of the time I'm unable to because it's against company policy to fuck up a customers vehicle. If you wanted a truck with huge mud tires you should have bought a truck with huge mud tires.

God I hate my job.