Whats rustling your jimmies?


<Silver Donator>
People these days ignore the 'express lane 10 or less items', because they know the clerk won't refuse even the fullest of carts. But those are still less annoying than dangerously slow highway merging idiots.
Hmm at my local supermarket if you enter with an obviously large cart, they'll tell you to go fuck off somewhere else. I had it happen once when I wasn't paying attention cause they moved which lane was the 10 articles or less. I mean they won't like count the items before you go so you can go with 15 or whatever but if you have the whole "3weeks worth of shit" mega cart, you're getting sent to another lane, at least in that super. Now the "pregnant/old people/handicapped" lane, that one is always filled with a ton of people who don't seem to have any reason to be there, and they don't seem to say anything.

On that note, pretty sure it was mentionned before, but old people who hold up the lanes because they're chatting with the cashier, probably cause they live alone and don't have anyone else to talk to. They also always pay in checks but then forget their ID at the bottom of their bags or in cash but want to pay the exact amount down to the last cent so they spend 5mins looking through their wallet for those last few coins.


I'm Amod too!
They also always pay in checks but then forget their ID at the bottom of their bags or in cash but want to pay the exact amount down to the last cent so they spend 5mins looking through their wallet for those last few coins.
My local supermarket just started using those chip card readers at checkout. Those damn things take nearly as long as checks. That's a jimmy rustler for me. ATM cards were suppose to be fast and convenient. Now you have to stand there for three minutes playing who gets to hit the buttons now with the checker.


Golden Knight of the Realm
My local supermarket just started using those chip card readers at checkout. Those damn things take nearly as long as checks.
I've yet to encounter one of the new chip readers taking more than 10-15 seconds; maybe it's the supermarket you're referring to?


2 Minutes Hate
Need to install Photoshop on my work laptop and I have a CC license. Can't install becauae of a firewall, was told most people take it home to do it.


I'm Amod too!
I've yet to encounter one of the new chip readers taking more than 10-15 seconds; maybe it's the supermarket you're referring to?
Possible. It routine is insert card and hit Yes/No for cash back. Wait for checker to punch buttons. Enter PIN and hit Yes/No to approve total. Wait for checker to punch more buttons. Wait for transaction approval and finally remove card.

When you have a checker who's multitasking or just not watching their screen like a hawk it can add quite a bit of time with all that back and forth crap. With the old card slide the checker only had to do things on their end once and your side of things were all in the same chunk instead of being divided like it is now.


<Silver Donator>
Possible. It routine is insert card and hit Yes/No for cash back. Wait for checker to punch buttons. Enter PIN and hit Yes/No to approve total. Wait for checker to punch more buttons. Wait for transaction approval and finally remove card.

When you have a checker who's multitasking or just not watching their screen like a hawk it can add quite a bit of time with all that back and forth crap. With the old card slide the checker only had to do things on their end once and your side of things were all in the same chunk instead of being divided like it is now.
Yeah I don't know, we've had chip cards since like forever, I honestly don't know since when cause as far as I remember my parents had one and I'm 34. Shit takes 10secs to pay with. They press a button to activate the thing, you put your card in it, wait a couple of second, it asks for your code, input code, press the green button, takes 3-10secs(generally 3 but can be longer at certain times or like during xmas and shit), take out the card, get the receipt from the cashier and done. Whole process is as fast as paying cash. The old sliding shit was faster I guess, but I've only ever seen it used when I travelled in other countries, never in France.


Trakanon Raider
Possible. It routine is insert card and hit Yes/No for cash back. Wait for checker to punch buttons. Enter PIN and hit Yes/No to approve total. Wait for checker to punch more buttons. Wait for transaction approval and finally remove card.

When you have a checker who's multitasking or just not watching their screen like a hawk it can add quite a bit of time with all that back and forth crap. With the old card slide the checker only had to do things on their end once and your side of things were all in the same chunk instead of being divided like it is now.
heh, it's highly amusing that this newfangled chip technology is only now coming to the US. We've had it for like 10+ years North of the border. Some machines are definitely faster/slower than others, I would imagine because some are still dial up, believe it or not. But in the past couple years, most retailers have been switching over to "tapping" (Tap Go | MasterCard Canada), so there's no fucking around with PINs and the like. It's pretty much instantaneous, now. Only problem is that most have a limit of like $100 for tapping.

I haven't signed a credit card receipt in 10+ years, except for when I'm in the US. Seems so antiquated, now. Not to mention, incredibly insecure.


I'm Amod too!
I had one of those tap cards once. My bank got rid of them really fast once people caught on that they could read card info from range.


Trakanon Raider
I had one of those tap cards once. My bank got rid of them really fast once people caught on that they could read card info from range.
Any form of electronic payment has some risk to it. Hell, so does carrying around wads of cash. In any case, banks and CC companies are liable for any security breaches, so I don't really give a fuck. That's their problem, not mine. And given that it's become nearly universal in the last year or two, it's safe to say the banks here are not overly concerned with security issues with contactless payment systems.


Silver Squire
If I make my bed in the morning my dumbass dog will at some point turn it into a mosh pit. When I'm home, he's good as gold and will not get on shit. As soon as I leave, he'll use his 9.5 hour reprieve to crown himself King of the Castle.


Avatar of War Slayer
Any form of electronic payment has some risk to it. Hell, so does carrying around wads of cash. In any case, banks and CC companies are liable for any security breaches, so I don't really give a fuck. That's their problem, not mine. And given that it's become nearly universal in the last year or two, it's safe to say the banks here are not overly concerned with security issues with contactless payment systems.
Not now, well at least in the US - with the new "chip-pin" change - any retail outlet or well, anyone that uses a credit card that only swipes and does not use the chip - the seller/store/person is responsible for any fraud, loss, etc. as resulting from that transaction - as before it was all, always on the bank/cc company. So if that little quikie mart or mom-n-pop place has not gotten or started to use the new chip-pin function/device and something happens to your card - the banks / cc company is going to try and pass the blame to them and they are not in a financial situation to support such things if its a wide spread or large cost issue.


<Gold Donor>
Learn to shit in the shower, fool! :p
Too bad the "heal and toe it down the drain" story is forever lost to future generations


Being legit "maybe I should have been taken to the ER" sick.

Went down for the count Sunday and took an early lunch today before I fainted and fell off a ladder on my first day back. Fuck me, I feel like I got worked over with baseball bats and I'm borderline disoriented. Fever finally broke late last night. I haven't been that sick since I was a teenager.

Side rustle, waking with my sheets and myself covered in blood while confused and disoriented whatever day that happened. Apparently I had a nose bleed at one point. My bedroom looks like I slaughtered a hog in there. Can't wait to clean that shit up when I get home tonight. At least I threw my linens in the corner and slept on clean towels I guess.
help me check my rustle privilege:
own sunglasses for about 10 years. nose pad breaks off. discover company has "lifetime warranty". $30 to send in, free replacement pair. pay to send in. pay to ship them. send on a friday. they receive them wednesday. e-mail from them telling me that they received them thursday. now friday again, a week without glasses, which i wear for EVERYTHING. call. "we take up to two to three weeks to inspect what you sent". me:'so i could be without them for like, a month?' her: 'well i guess if you wanna look at it that way, yeah'.

i'll say it. i'm rustled. should i be?


Blackwing Lair Raider
I can't stop watching that stupid USB gif and it's rustling my jimmies. Apple did it right with the reversible one, WTF can't they do that for usb ports?


Blackwing Lair Raider
When the right lane is empty and the eighteen wheeler in front of you still isn't getting over.