Whats rustling your jimmies?


<Gold Donor>
Observation from the hospital:

(Note before, this is a bitch about something that recently happened with a patient being treated for a pulmonary embolism, which is a clot in their lungs. There's two approved treatments here, the first is to hospitalize the patient, overlap lovenox and coumadin until their coumadin levels become therapeutic, which can 4-7 days depending, and then discharge the patient home on coumadin with him getting his INR checked every week (then every 2 weeks, etc, depending on the stability of the drug level). Coumadin is a dirt cheap, $4 drug, but requires a longer hospital stay (our hospital is a minimum of >$4000/day), and requires outpatient monitoring of their INR which means the weekly lab draws, office visits, etc.

--- The second treatment is when you diagnose them with the PE, you start them on lovenox in the hospital, watch them overnight to make sure it doesn't worsen, and then start them on Xarelto and send them home. Xarelto is about $250/month, but you take 5 or so days off the hospital stay which saves you at least $20,000. And you don't have to perform any outpatient monitoring of the drug, you just take your dose daily and that's it. [There are risks/benefits of each drug but that's beyond my rustled jimmies.]) So obviously Xarelto is the preferred choice because you get the patient out of the hospital quicker and there's less room to fuck things up outpatient. [The longer you stay in a hospital the more likely you are to get a healthcare acquired infection, etc.])

Person A is a piece of shit alcoholic and drug user. Has diabetes, is given tax-payer funded health care, but does not actually take his diabetes medications. Loses both legs as complications, etc. Person is a huge drain on society, has never contributed even a dollar in tax funds, and costs us hundreds of thousands of dollars per year on ridiculous things you wouldn't believe. He develops a pulmonary embolism, is hospitalized, and needs medication for his embolism. We (waste) about 3 days getting him therapeutic on coumadin until we find out that he qualifies for some magical health card that can get him the $250 Xarelto for $4. You and I are funding this magical card, it's taxpayer money. So it's good on one hand because it saves money for the hospitalization, but you and I are still paying for his $250/month Xarelto for the next 6 months.

Person B is from the exact same background as Person A. He works his ass off 60-70 hours per week, drives dump trucks or something similar, but he elected to pay ~$280/month for blue cross blue shield insurance, which is a significant fraction of his hard earned income. Person B also develops a pulmonary embolism in the hospital, and the exact same treatments apply to him. However, his private insurance, that he pays $280/month for, does not approve Xarelto (because they would only approve a dose of it which does not exist), so this patient has to stay in the hospital for ~4 extra days trying to get him therapeutic on coumadin so that we can safely discharge him home. So here's a person who works hard, pays for their insurance, pays their taxes, and they can't even get the same good drugs that the piece of shit who has never contributed anything gets. And it's not just that. This prolonged hospitalization forces this unfortunate guy to miss 4 extra days of work, which he isn't getting paid for, which will give him less money to pay for his insurance with! And not only that, he's going to have to miss hours/days to get his INR blood draws to make sure he's therapeutic, etc.

The situation drives me insane. The whole system is a complete clusterfuck, and I'm not blaming the government, or insurance companies (well I'm blaming both actually), but just the fact that a hard working person gets fucked over while the piece of shit who has never done anything gets everything really, really, really fucking rustles my jimmies.
Put a black guy in charge of everything, and he is inevitably going to pander to broke pieces of shit.


My jobless, homeless sister who is living in my 75 year old dad's house with her jobless husband and 6 kids (5 of hers, 1 of his from a girl before her) is pregnant again.

Jesus fucking christ she is a god damned moron. She always has some bullshit excuse about not using birth control and just REALLY wants a baby girl.

She's never worked a day in her life and has no education. Her husband bounces from shitty job to shitty job and has no education. She's completely dependent on the government to support her brood.

And she votes Republican.

Jimmies hella rustled today.

Aychamo BanBan

My jobless, homeless sister who is living in my 75 year old dad's house with her jobless husband and 6 kids (5 of hers, 1 of his from a girl before her) is pregnant again.

Jesus fucking christ she is a god damned moron. She always has some bullshit excuse about not using birth control and just REALLY wants a baby girl.

She's never worked a day in her life and has no education. Her husband bounces from shitty job to shitty job and has no education. She's completely dependent on the government to support her brood.

And she votes Republican.

Jimmies hella rustled today.
Honestly those kinds of people should just be left to starve. Fuck them. Atlas shrugged.


God is dead
My jobless, homeless sister who is living in my 75 year old dad's house with her jobless husband and 6 kids (5 of hers, 1 of his from a girl before her) is pregnant again.

Jesus fucking christ she is a god damned moron. She always has some bullshit excuse about not using birth control and just REALLY wants a baby girl.

She's never worked a day in her life and has no education. Her husband bounces from shitty job to shitty job and has no education. She's completely dependent on the government to support her brood.

And she votes Republican.

Jimmies hella rustled today.
Pot meet Kettle?


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Corporate IT policies that force you to change your password every 5 weeks, can't be the last 300 passwords, must contain letters n numbers n hieroglyphs n sign language...

The worst part is that they use this policy even on the most shit systems. Really? You want me to consistently change my password on this timekeeping software? Is someone going to take my password and fill out my hours for the week?

All these systems have different usernames and password rules, too. RMJ


i, as well...hate changing my password...my password(s) have never failed me yet...so why change?

butt...butt...,...,,,....,...buuuuuuuuuuuttttttt.. ..

...yeah...wrong thread...,...but...,...,...butt...,...BUTT

you guys should be impressed that i could still image tag...and use real words...




Corporate IT policies that force you to change your password every 5 weeks, can't be the last 300 passwords, must contain letters n numbers n hieroglyphs n sign language...

The worst part is that they use this policy even on the most shit systems. Really? You want me to consistently change my password on this timekeeping software? Is someone going to take my password and fill out my hours for the week?

All these systems have different usernames and password rules, too. RMJ
How would you like to use a computer with a key stroke/screenshot logger installed and have to retype your password if your mouse stays still for more than five minutes (letters, caps, symbols). Not to mention having an IT manager peeking around corners and staring at reflections in glass doors looking for "suspicious activity", because "we are a terrorist target". Not to mention constantly whining about not having enough security cameras and the alerts he gets on his cell phone from "home land security". He will also get in somebody's face and start interrogating if he catches somebody walking across a parking lot next to a public street.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Corporate IT policies that force you to change your password every 5 weeks, can't be the last 300 passwords, must contain letters n numbers n hieroglyphs n sign language...

The worst part is that they use this policy even on the most shit systems. Really? You want me to consistently change my password on this timekeeping software? Is someone going to take my password and fill out my hours for the week?

All these systems have different usernames and password rules, too. RMJ
The different password rules are the best.


Vyemm Raider
Try the same strict policy, but add 50+ applications to admin all with their own login/pass and none of the passwords expire on the same schedule and keepass etc didn't exist yet and you'd have to submit a form with managers approval to get such a thing installed on your PC anyway without setting off alarms and getting your ass escorted out of the building by armed guards that dropped out of the ceiling like fucking ninjas. (we once got shut down for two weeks because a guy came up with the bright plan to come in a few hours early and play games from his external HD and count it as work hours. Except doing so required disabling the lockout on external devices. It never ceases to amaze how fucking stupid "smart" people can be.)

The rules varied too much to even use some kind of logical system - some were 6 maximum characters while others required a minimum of 10, for example. Some wouldn't recognize special characters while others required them.

(I put them in an excel file on my desktop)

(stop /facepalming, the file was encrypted with third party shit, which went a lot further than most bothered to do)

(the Dominican lady who typed with two fingers and couldn't spell IT had hers written down on a piece of paper on her desk. Whoops, I mean each one was on a different piece of paper in the mountain of dead trees that threatened to spill of her desk and bury her clueless worthless unfireable ass because she had to have the full documentation for each app to follow every single time or she'd fuck it up. The next slowest person did more in an hour than she did all day - and that guy probably spent half of that hour fucking around or sleeping. She was an in-house hire who made more money than all of us. And by 'hire' I mean she was almost certainly kicked out of her last department but Minority + Female + Immigrant is what HR calls "the trifeca")


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
My jimmies are rustled every time the 50-year-old head of HR at a multi-million dollar company sends out company wide emails with "pls", "thx" and "u" in them.