Whats rustling your jimmies?


Power Supply randomly dies, half of my work is done from my laptop. Boss refuses to give me money to fix it or a work laptop to use.

Status: extremely rustled


a work laptop to use.
I had an IT psycho follow me into the bathroom, demanding to know where I hide the laptop at night, because he couldn't find it during a random "safety search"; he was standing there flapping his arms like he was trying to fly bitching about "possible security violations".
He snatches the thing off the shelf where it's stored after having to point it out and he literally runs off with it, an hour later he comes back for the power supply.
Seven weeks later the laptop shows back up overnight without the power supply. I still don't know what that crazy motherfucker was doing.
At the gym:

If you are relaxed enough to read your book or talk/text on your iphone for 30 minutes, then you should just go home.
Put your weights away after you use them, and put them away properly, are you a 2-year-old?
Obnoxious grunting, when not warranted by heavy weight or extreme exertion (and even in those cases, most of the time), make me want to jump-rope with your spine.
Do not drop or throw the weights, unless they are olympic weights or you are using a rubber platform. Be respectful of the equipment.
Don't hock a fucking nasty loogie of phlegm into the water fountain, you sick bastards.
Don't jack machines or weights from people until they are done, learn to work-in like an adult. Sharing is caring.
If you smell like a Wildebeast in heat, go home and take a shower plleeeeaaaase.
Girl in the very nice yoga pants, you rustle my jimmies in a very different way, please proceed...


Mr. Poopybutthole
The food industries need to apply mayo or some type of special sauce to every single sandwich


Power Supply randomly dies, half of my work is done from my laptop. Boss refuses to give me money to fix it or a work laptop to use.

Status: extremely rustled
Your work should provide you everything you need if it's shit you need to do your job. I run into this bullshit all the time at work. Some asshole calls me because he bought something like a printer with his own money and wants me to hook it up for him. Sorry bro, not doing it, especially over the phone, because your dumb ass will find a way to burn down your house plugging a USB cable in, then you'll want us to reimburse you.

I'll tell you the same thing I tell them: Tell your boss to stop being such a cheap piece of shit and give you the tools needed to handle your job.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I buy my own hardware and software and then turn around and lease it to the company I work for while I'm there.


Royale with cheese?
was going to order a beer too, but couldn't find it on the menu...and i only speak 'merican

what they came in...

edit:...paris...paris rustles my jimmies


Molten Core Raider
Mega-company I've been working at for half a decade decides "we're stupidly profitable, but we still think our costs are too high, so we're going to cut everything to the bone". As part of this cost cutting, at the beginning of the year when bonuses and raises are announced, the company says "everyone's salary is frozen, no raises. Oh, and bonuses are cut too. We know you're pissed, but this is EVERYONE - no one is getting a raise, and everyone's bonuses are cut". (This is a "total comp" place, and as such the "bonuses" are a sizable portion of the employee's compensation that is necessary to have competitive pay).

End of March rolls around, and executive compensation is publicly released as required: CEO gets an enormous pay hike, as well as the rest of the executive board. (Apparently "everyone" doesn't include executives).



Are they like American versions of their double cheeseburgers where in 2 hours you'll be destroying your toilet?
that's just the boxes...they were actually the quarter pounder with cheese...i think...but about the toilet thing...can't really say...the whole time i was over there, i was destroying toilets...

Straight up Pulp Fiction shit up in hurrr
and yes...that is the only reason why i ordered those...that...and because it was cheap eats...