Whats rustling your jimmies?

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Worthless multi-generational welfare scum like this;

Our family will lose $44 in food stamps - Nov. 1, 2013

The benefit -- totaling $800 for four adults -- never lasts Lewis and her family a full month.
She is also fighting the bank from foreclosing on her home.

And even though she doesn't smoke, Lewis suffers from emphysema, which prevents her from working.

Lewis attributes the emphysema to a lifetime of bartending in smoke-filled nonprofit social clubs, such as Elks and Moose lodges.

Her adult daughters who live with her aren't in a position to work -- one is a new mom, and another is due to give birth soon.
Worthless fucking oxygen thieves.


Trakanon Raider
Working in psychiatry has taught me that getting disability is the holy grail of white trash assholes. Its important to have as many children as possible in order to get more food stamps.
I have more respect for people who are honest with themselves. People who are fat, smoke and don't exercise who know it will kill them earlier and don't give a fuck because either they love living their life that way or want to have a short life are cool.

Lying to yourself and others rustles my jimmies. Be honest with yourselves for fucks sakes, the world would be a much better place.
Well said.


Tranny Chaser
Last summer when I was out driving around I saw this land whale dressed in an exercise suit huffing and puffing down the street. She was huge and it was July. I have no idea what it was in her life that made her get up and get dressed and go outside and brave all of the chuckles and sneers that morning as she jogged through a touristy lake town on a summer day and I don't know if she ever stuck with it but I've got endless respect for anyone like that.

At the other end of the scale I was at a Walmart where a scooter-bound snarg beast couldn't even wait to pay for the boneless barbeque chicken she picked up at the deli before scarfing them down and then actually held up the check out line while she sent her soon to be scooter riding daughter back for more. I long for a day when public scorn of people like that is both accepted and encouraged.

I'm still a little rustled over it.


Tranny Chaser
Things that rustle my jimmies -

When people post clips to episodes of shows that I then have to immediately go watch in their entirety.


Molten Core Raider
Logging into an MMO you haven't logged into in months and realizing you have no idea how to play anymore.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Daylight Savings Time...

Look this is purely from my biological makeup and not political. I understand the pros and cons from both sides but here is mine. I have one of the hardest biological clocks known to man. I fall asleep at exactly the same time every night whether you call it 10pm, 11 pm, or 5 in the morning. It doesn't matter, and I wake up almost exactly 7 hours later without fail. It takes me a month to get my body adjusted to the new times twice a year, and it sucks.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I would prefer it to always be daylight saving time, to be honest. The winter clock fucking sucks. Why do I want it to be dark earlier? Fuck you!


Blackwing Lair Raider
I 100% agree... I completely see the point of adding an hour of daylight to the evening at the cost of an hour in the morning to save energy... so lets keep it that way. When I first moved to Tennessee from Indiana (who didn't observe DST at the time I moved), that was the first thing I noticed. It got dark at friggin' 4:30 in the afternoon here in December! It was insane!


Trump's Staff
These people:

For the past year and a half I have had systematic candidiasis. Nobody believes that I have it either, they think I am going insane and the whole world is against me. I have tried EVERYTHING and I mean everything!!! I am so frustrated and tired and I'm only 20, I don't need all this in my life right now! Especially when I'm in college.


I tried 4 months of the candida diet with antifungals, natural antifungals and tons of probiotics such as Kefir and lactobacillius. I felt a little better but didn't cure.

Then I tried Dr. Whiting's Oxy Flush. Didn't work at all.

Then I tried balancing my pH by ingesting baking soda. Felt a little better but no fix.

I tried 2 months of fruit only diet. I felt a lot better but not cured.

Then I tried the master cleanse lemonade diet. I got a lot worse after this. So now, I am back at square one, if I eat anything that's not on the anti-candida diet I get so fatigued and drained, start having horrible incomplete bowel movements and gas/bloating and I just want to die. This disease has taken over my life so much that I just don't care anymore. Life isn't worth living and I just want to die already. I feel horrible because I can't make my girlfriend happy when she sees me. She sees I am constantly in pain, and I don't want her to feel like this. I seriously am just waiting until I wither away and die, I used to weigh 170, now I weigh almost 110.

Currently trying adding Irish Moss and Kangen water to all my meals and I paid a holistic therapist to do a family constellation on me. He said I had blocks of negative energy in my ancestral family that are creating energy blocks in my generation and I need to stick with the diet longer to get past them. But I need a cure now. I hate to sound so demanding but all these stupid websites that want to profit off of me being sick makes me so angry, I am dying here people.


Blackwing Lair Raider
When clicking "Forgot your password?" sends you to a question that you've never submitted the answer to so it will always fail - especially when your email address is clearly on their file - especially when Comcast was the one that set up your password and didn't write it down anywhere for you or tell you they were doing it.


When clicking "Forgot your password?" sends you to a question that you've never submitted the answer to so it will always fail - especially when your email address is clearly on their file - especially when Comcast was the one that set up your password and didn't write it down anywhere for you or tell you they were doing it.
At work when people forget their passwords, then claim they never set up their challenge questions, even thought it's some totally bizarre shit like "What was your 2nd grade teachers dog's name?". Motherfucker, like the system just randomly picked something that bizarre and specific. Or something like "What's your favorite song?". Yeah, because that's never going to change.


Trump's Staff
What bothers me is when they start using the challenge questions for things other than recovering the password.