Whats rustling your jimmies?


For the barber thing, I just gave up a long time ago and made peace with the fact that after a hair cut I'm going to take a shower.

I don't get constantly having violently messy shits either, something isn't working right/agreeing with you.

Anyway...for me, when I have to go to Walmart to get dog food because I forgot Petsmart closes early on Sunday and have a family of Mexicans in front of me arguing that the 10 item limit for the checkout line is per person (and they brought the entire family).

Next time I'm just going to walk out with the dog food and throw 40 bucks on the ground as I leave.


For the barber thing, I just gave up a long time ago and made peace with the fact that after a hair cut I'm going to take a shower.

I don't get constantly having violently messy shits either, something isn't working right/agreeing with you.

Anyway...for me, when I have to go to Walmart to get dog food because I forgot Petsmart closes early on Sunday and have a family of Mexicans in front of me arguing that the 10 item limit for the checkout line is per person (and they brought the entire family).

Next time I'm just going to walk out with the dog food and throw 40 bucks on the ground as I leave.
The 10 items or less line is funny and stupid as fuck, people look at it like it's some magical superhighway that can't be beat for speed. I was in the supermarket the other day, 10 item line was about 6-7 people deep, each person obviously with just a couple items. No bullshit 3 regular lanes were open without a single customer in any of them, tellers looking bored as fuck and trying to wave people over, no one in the 10 item lane would move, they looked around nervous as fuck like it was a setup and just stayed where they were.

Baffled me to no end.


Ha ha, at my Tom Thumb it's the exact opposite. Especially with these older grannies, they will swtich lines like 3 times trying to get out faster.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The fact that my FIOS internet is considerably slower than my brother's shit cable from Comcast.


Blackwing Lair Raider
People who go through the 10 items or less lane, then pay with a fucking check.

Also, there is one cashier at my local grocery store that's super slow. If he's in the 10 items lane, I'll wait in a normal lane.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah, they only open all of them during holiday season. Like Christmas and shit. I used to work in the back room at Target. 25% Discount on top of clearance, hell yeah.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
The term "trigger warning". How come it only seems to be used by femenazi FB friends when they're about to talk about some bullcrap?


Trakanon Raider
Last week our recently hired (10 months ago) project manager called in sick on Tuesday. Well actually no, his wife called in sick, because apparently whenever he is sick he's too debilitated to make the call himself, so he has the wife do it. My jimmies were already pretty rustled with this guy, as he's missed over 20 days of work for illness and personal shit since he was hired, which to me is ridiculous (that doesn't count vacation time). So the wife called in Tuesday morning to say he wouldn't be in that day. The next day she calls back and says something about how he doesn't know who he is and he's acting weird and not himself etc., they're at a hospital emergency ward but he isn't physically ill. I tell her okay, please keep me updated, hope he gets better. I talk with my bro about it, and we decide that he's got one more chance in terms of missed time, otherwise we're letting him go. So he doesn't show up the rest of the week, and no one hears anything more from him.

This morning, his wife again calls in for him, saying that he has the flu and has the shits, so he won't be in again today. Well that's stupid, because if it was an actual flu, you don't get the shits from it. Flus affect your lungs and up, not your GI tract. But whatever, jackass isn't in for the fifth day in a row. Bro and I decide that we've had enough of this fucking guy, the stories as to why he has to miss work keep changing (one time he missed three days because his daughter was home sick. She's 16), and he made a bunch of other fuckups that came to a head this morning that were the icing on the cake. Fuckstick ordered a shitload of material to be shipped to a jobsite this morning, despite my brother specifically telling him not to because the building wasn't ready for it and it would just sit on site for 2-3 months before it was used, the owner would refuse to pay for it because we flooded the jobsite with material needlessly (and they'd be in the right to do so), leaving us to finance tens of thousands of dollars of material until we do get paid on it, and severely increasing the chances/risks of a large jobsite theft.

Long story short, I call his house, and his daughter answers the phone (school is in today, so I can only assume that she's stayed home with daddy). I ask to speak with him, and I can clearly hear her ask him "do you want to talk tothem?" Unless you are in the fucking ICU, you cannot possibly be so fucking sick that you are physically unable to even have a short phone conversation to explain your situation to your employer, jesus christ. Regardless, he does take the call (how gracious of him!). I cut straight to the chase and tell him that he's terminated as of last Friday, that we'll give him two weeks pay in lieu of notification despite the fact that the legislation only calls for one week in his case, and that we won't be docking him for all the missed time even though we probably should (he's salaried, normally we just clean up people's sick/personal/vacation time once a year on their anniversary date). He tells me he's coming to the office to get his personal belongings (what a miraculous recovery! One minute bed ridden, the next minute he's on the way to get his shit!). I tell him not to, that we will pack up his personal belongings and have them dropped off at his house. He insists on coming. I tell him not to set foot on my property, or I'll call the police. He says "yeah you do that" and hangs up the phone.

So I proceed to pack up his office and tell my receptionist to have a courier drop his shit off, and then I go for lunch. Upon my return from lunch there's a police car parked in front of my office. Jackass pre-empted me and called the cops so that he (with his wife in tow, of course, apparently the whole fucking family takes the day off when one of them is sick) could come and get his shit. Whatever, I guess if that's what he wants to do, that's fine. Two uniformed police officers wasting an hour and a half of their day to escort some fucking loser in and out of his office. Again, amazing how quickly he recovered from his debilitating illness that had him bedridden so he can come pick up a couple pictures of his fucking ugly wife and daughter. I'd like to think that's the last I'll have to deal with him, but I have no doubt that he's going to take this to Employment Standards, WCB, and god knows what else, because he's a fucking head case with nothing better to do.

Severely rustled right now, gentlemen.

Oh and to paint a picture of the kind of person I'm dealing with here guys, I'll say this: dude uses a track ball.


Trakanon Raider
You don't have a limited amount of sick days?
Yes, we have a policy of 6 paid sick days, and 3 paid personal days (for doctors, lawyers etc) per year, after which point we would either dock pay or put vacation days towards it if they don't want to lose wages (and really, we've never docked anyone for going over. Our purchaser was over one year, but he has legit migraines so I told him not to worry about it. The policy is there mostly to prevent abuse, not necessarily to ding anyone who misses a bit more time than is codified in it). He was over double on both. So like I said, we could have docked his wages to balance those overages out, but I just want this shit over with, so I told my accountant not to bother. Yet when his wife was looking at his final check to pay out his remaining vacation and the two weeks' termination pay, she was (accordingly to my secretary) muttering under her breath about there not being enough pay on the check (he was already paid till the end of the month, deduct that week because he was fired, but then add one week back in for his remaining pro-rated vacation time, that's why his severance check is only the two weeks we generously gave him). She was also saying some stupid shit about how they got test results and he had H1N1 and now everyone in our office is exposed to it and blah blah blah.

Crazy people. Don't hire them.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
That guy is a jimmie rustling pro, because it takes a lot to rustle Canadian jimmies.

On a similar topic, my company recently informed us they'll no longer pay out extra PTO at the end of the year. I got a cool $700 from my banked PTO hours in 2013, but that's the end of it.


You don't have a limited amount of sick days?
Every place I've worked at has kind of a gray area where that's concerned depending on the severity of your illness/injury. If you're out of vacation time but shatter your back in a car accident, they'll usually work with you, more often then not by just letting you go on short term disability. The guy in Eomer's story wouldn't have been able to benefit from that, obviously, as a doctor has to confirm your shit is fucked up and is going to stay that way for a good chunk of time.

On that subject, short term disability and the ways it can be exploited rustle the shit out of jimmies. I moved into a roommate situation with a co-worker once that went on short term about 1 week after I moved in (yay for no fucking time alone at home, ever) and it was the shadiest, saddest shit ever. Now I know some people have a really legit reason for needing to go on disability, but she wasn't one of those cases. She was claiming to have MS and that she could barely walk around her house, let alone get to work. And fuck was she ever selling it, even to me. I'd come home and she'd been on the balcony, smoking and on her phone, walking around completely normal. She'd see me and immediately go into hunchback mode, holding her back, just actress of the year bullshit. I'd go grocery shopping with her sometimes and make some comment like "You're actually walking pretty well today" and she'd come back with "Yeah, I took 2 Tylenol, I feel pretty good". Bitch if 2 OTC Tylenol allow you to function, A: Get back to work, and B: You're obviously full of shit about MS.

I lived with her for about 4 months, and every 2-3 weeks she'd go to a new doctor that said it wasn't MS, it was illness X, Y, or Z, but not MS. Even her original doctor that diagnosed MS told her the newest testing results were telling him his original diagnosis wasn't correct and they needed keeping seeing her and running more tests. This whole time she's collecting disability checks for an illness that she probably doesn't even have, but no one is updating our employer or insurance companies.

She's just one of countless people I know found a great system to fuck over and exploit while collecting a check, and all it does it make it harder for the people that need it to get it, raise our insurance rates, and force good, dedicated workers like myself to have to go home to a whiny fucking drama queen every night that never gets her fat lazy ass off the computer.

That felt good, jimmies still rustled though.


That guy is a jimmie rustling pro, because it takes a lot to rustle Canadian jimmies.

On a similar topic, my company recently informed us they'll no longer pay out extra PTO at the end of the year. I got a cool $700 from my banked PTO hours in 2013, but that's the end of it.
Like a decade ago I worked at a place that would let your unused vacation/pto roll over to next year, never expired/went away. Had a guy there for like 25 years that hardly ever took time off. Then came the year where they decided to go to a use it now or get paid out in December. The guy had an unbelievable amount of time saved up, something like 18 months, as after being there so long he was getting like 6 weeks off per year towards the end, plus all the time saved before that. In April he basically told everyone "See you January 1st" and went home. 9 months off, then in December got the remaining 9 months paid out all at once. Must've been a damn nice Christmas.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
White trashy/trailer park people who like to claim they are 1/16th native american, usually "cherokee" or some shit. Motherfucker, you're white as the driven snow, fuck off. Its usually some fat bitch, but sometimes dudes too.


Log Wizard
White trashy/trailer park people who like to claim they are 1/16th native american, usually "cherokee" or some shit. Motherfucker, you're white as the driven snow, fuck off. Its usually some fat bitch, but sometimes dudes too.
Yeah, I hear this one a lot. 1/32 or 1/16 or the even better 1/64th. As soon as they say that I just say, "Yeahh...no you're not." And they know it's just family conjecture shit so they have nothing to back it up.

Now my great great grandmother being black? I got pictures o' dat shit!


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
She's just one of countless people I know found a great system to fuck over and exploit while collecting a check, and all it does it make it harder for the people that need it to get it, raise our insurance rates, and force good, dedicated workers like myself to have to go home to a whiny fucking drama queen every night that never gets her fat lazy ass off the computer.
Sounds like Sean. Was that her name?