Whats rustling your jimmies?


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
prepare to be enlightened you cis scum

Cisgender - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thank you for explaining that for me Fedor. I don't have anything against the term "cis" per se. But it seems that everyone who actually uses it is fucking batshit insane and usually demands some fucked up privileges.


<Gold Donor>
Two things. First, this complete bullshit of a scare-tactic campaign. Which succeeded. Got into a huge FB fight when I asked why they weren't going after almost every single other company that uses bread/buns (McDonald's, Wonder, etc.) because unless you bought it at Whole Foods or baked it yourself, it is probably in those too. I even specifically said I'm not claiming it should be in there, because I don't know, but they are only targeting Subway because it makes good press.


Second, those EXACT SAME Facebook idiots (who also link shit like chemtrails, HAARP, shadow govt., etc.) link this picture:


I so much want to attach an Alannis Morissette "Ironic" picture, but we all know how that will end up.


Two things. First, this complete bullshit of a scare-tactic campaign. Which succeeded. Got into a huge FB fight when I asked why they weren't going after almost every single other company that uses bread/buns (McDonald's, Wonder, etc.) because unless you bought it at Whole Foods or baked it yourself, it is probably in those too. I even specifically said I'm not claiming it should be in there, because I don't know, but they are only targeting Subway because it makes good press.

Second, those EXACT SAME Facebook idiots (who also link shit like chemtrails, HAARP, shadow govt., etc.) link this picture:

I so much want to attach an Alannis Morissette "Ironic" picture, but we all know how that will end up.
Maybe just a little something like this?



<Gold Donor>
I'm really tempted, but I work with them too, so chances are that even if they don't get it right off, they'll ask me. I so much want to though!

This is definitely one of those situations where I know remaining silent is the best course of action, but the outrage pent up in me for this past year or so as they both went full-blown apeshit crazy is making it extremely difficult. I mean, I clearly know they won't change their minds, so I'd only be doing it for my own amusement.

You could say I'm torn!


Torn you say . . .

Although the issue you describe goes across many industries (i.e. EU being more strict yet the same manufacturer tweaks the US formulas because the FDA has some type of 10 year tech gap(or so it seems)).

Moglyzoke Moogleman

Stock Pals VP of Shit Stocks
<Gold Donor>
Guy about my age got shot to death a while ago where I grew up. Unsurprisingly, turns out it was a drug deal gone bad when the people he was selling his shit to decided to try to rob him. Anyway, a few of my old acquaintances (i.e. elementary school classmates) have been posting constant shit on Facebook about how great this guy was and how we all miss him. Fuck that. One more piece of shit drug dealer off the street, I'm glad he's dead.
Man some of your posts are normally on point and thoughtful, but this is full on verbal diarrhea.

Even if he was a total piece of shit drug dealer (nice generalization), there remains a dead human being. It really ought not to be celebrated in anything other than jest, unless you enjoy your own personal hell of taking joy in other's demise. I hope you one day come to terms with how stupid your comment was and the fact the situation even rustled you. I mean come on dude you should know enough people in life by your age that have wronged you /or/ that you wish death upon, rather than some guy from your past who's life didn't work out quite as well as yours.

My jimmies' are confirmed rustled.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Sorry, but I've known plenty of "good" (i.e. law-abiding citizens) who have been killed due to random murders, burglaries, accidents, and other bullshit that was completely out of their control. Their deaths were tragic and I feel sorry for them and everyone who loved them. However, I'm not going to shed a tear when someone dies doing something clearly illegal and clearly dangerous. Would you also be sad if the people who shot and robbed him happened to die while trying to resell the drugs? I wouldn't.

Anyway, this guy was far from some downtrodden, oppressed individual from the 'hood who had no choice but to turn to selling drugs. He was an average white dude who grew up in fucking middle class suburbia. He made shitty choices and they resulted in his death.
Man some of your posts are normally on point and thoughtful, but this is full on verbal diarrhea.

Even if he was a total piece of shit drug dealer (nice generalization), there remains a dead human being. It really ought not to be celebrated in anything other than jest, unless you enjoy your own personal hell of taking joy in other's demise. I hope you one day come to terms with how stupid your comment was and the fact the situation even rustled you. I mean come on dude you should know enough people in life by your age that have wronged you /or/ that you wish death upon, rather than some guy from your past who's life didn't work out quite as well as yours.

My jimmies' are confirmed rustled.
Instead of wasting your sympathy on that drug dealing meat sack. Use it on the lives of people he helped ruin by supplying them with drugs, the crime that follows drug dealers and how it ruins neighborhoods.

Moglyzoke Moogleman

Stock Pals VP of Shit Stocks
<Gold Donor>
Sorry, but I've known plenty of "good" (i.e. law-abiding citizens) who have been killed due to random murders, burglaries, accidents, and other bullshit that was completely out of their control. Their deaths were tragic and I feel sorry for them and everyone who loved them. However, I'm not going to shed a tear when someone dies doing something clearly illegal and clearly dangerous. Would you also be sad if the people who shot and robbed him happened to die while trying to resell the drugs? I wouldn't.

Anyway, this guy was far from some downtrodden, oppressed individual from the 'hood who had no choice but to turn to selling drugs. He was an average white dude who grew up in fucking middle class suburbia. He made shitty choices and they resulted in his death.
I appreciate your non-troll response.

Neither of us are going to change each other's opinions on the matter, but I would just hope in the future you don't lump all drug dealers into some category of "total scumbag" cause that just isn't true. Are most of them probably not worthy of life? Yeah, probably. I can admit that because in a business where there are no regulations, is douche going to be king? Of course, look at the way plenty of legal businesses function.

If the people who robbed him were shot? No. Absolutely not. They are the ones who belong six feet under (which is most of my whole point) because robbing is entirely different than drug dealing... Even though robbery is a part of drug dealing. A good dealer may actually provide quality goods for a consistent market. A thief is a thief is a thief.

Moglyzoke Moogleman

Stock Pals VP of Shit Stocks
<Gold Donor>
Instead of wasting your sympathy on that drug dealing meat sack. Use it on the lives of people he helped ruin by supplying them with drugs, the crime that follows drug dealers and how it ruins neighborhoods.
We touch on another issue, what kinds of drugs was he dealing? Cause I think we all agree that a pot dealer is different than a heroin dealer.

Also if you say he's an opiate (Percaset, Oxy's, etc) dealer then we're on the same page. Fucking hate those fuckers.


Tranny Chaser
What if it was a 80-20 split with between weed an opiates? Would the dealer then have 80% of your sympathy? Is it more of sigmoid emotional dose response curve? How much do you credit him for being human? At what split would he be an overwhelming asshole (LD50)? How much does THC ruin lives anyway? Is it benign? Why do you think so? What does a physician prescribe and why is that?

Don't be shy, let's hear your how your prejudice came about.

Moglyzoke Moogleman

Stock Pals VP of Shit Stocks
<Gold Donor>
What if it was a 80-20 split with between weed an opiates? Would the dealer then have 80% of your sympathy? Is it more of sigmoid emotional dose response curve? How much do you credit him for being human? At what split would he be an overwhelming asshole (LD50)? How much does THC ruin lives anyway? Is it benign? Why do you think so? What does a physician prescribe and why is that?

Don't be shy, let's hear your how your prejudice came about.
Well there are a few fuck-up events I've seen from pills. The first was what would've / could've been a marriage of a relationship with one of my old roomies. He threw that away by dealing Percs and subsequently lying about it for a long time. The girl finally got fed up when a sketchy ass package arrived at the house for one of their mutual friend's non-profit, only to find it was full of those things. Needless to say she dumped his ass immediately following.

One of my good buddies from when I was younger is still struggling with opiate addiction, he went so low he was selling heroin for Puerto Rican gangs and ended up accosted by the Vice squad.

A girl I knew, who I would never even think to label as a junkie, died from heroin addiction about five years ago.

I mean, can't really think of other drugs that have caused that kind of havoc in life. I live in an area where Meth isn't popular so that life-ending choice isn't readily available.
We touch on another issue, what kinds of drugs was he dealing? Cause I think we all agree that a pot dealer is different than a heroin dealer.

Also if you say he's an opiate (Percaset, Oxy's, etc) dealer then we're on the same page. Fucking hate those fuckers.
The majority of marijuana sold in the US is controlled by the Cartels, and indirectly finances this activity...

Cartel hitman testifies to 800 murders, daily quotas at kingpins trial | Fox News


Blackwing Lair Raider
I can promise you middle class suburbia is not smoking mexican dirt weed so this guy would have been in the clear, had it not been for all the pharmaceuticals.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
A new jimmie rustler, which was prompted by a recent discussion in the Fast Food Thread:

I hate "fun size" candy bars, so the other day I grabbed a full size Snickers. I opened it up to find it was actually just two "fun size" bars next to each other in a full size package! What the fuck is that?! If I buy a candy BAR I want a fucking BAR, not two god damn chocolate nuggets disguised as a bar.