Whats rustling your jimmies?


<Gold Donor>
Prompted by recent posts in the Fast Food thread, picky (adult) eaters rustle my jimmies. If you're a man, act like one and don't pick onions and mushrooms out of your food like a child!
I have the misfortune of being a picky adult eater. Believe me when I say I wish I weren't. It bothers me that I can't just order most things off the menu and enjoy it the way it comes out. Now, I'm not saying I'm allergic or will vomit all over the place if I'm served something I don't like, but I'm not going to enjoy it, and in certain cases I simply won't be able to eat it. If you put sour cream or mayonnaise, for example, on something I'm eating, I might as well just throw it away. Other things I might be able to live with, and in certain combinations I can ignore them, like say mushrooms on a pizza, but if you gave me a plate of pasta with mushroom sauce on it, I couldn't eat that either.

I'm sure that if I tried hard enough or I literally had nothing else to eat (zombie apocalypse), I could probably learn to eat some of it. But since I'm not wondering where my next meal will come from, certain foods just disgust me. I totally agree that it is completely un-manly to go on a date and ask for all kinds of special instructions on my order. I wish I could change. But I've tried to a limited extent (always knowing I could get something else), and I just can't with certain foods. I've improved on some things, but others...it just isn't going to happen.

If someone could tell me a sure-fire way to change (besides "Don't be a pussy" Big Phoenix!), I'd love to hear it.


It can be manly if you always fight anyone who laughs about it. Also beat your woman when she doesn't prepare dinner to your standards.


If someone could tell me a sure-fire way to change (besides "Don't be a pussy" Big Phoenix!), I'd love to hear it.
Doubt there's a surefire way, but I will mention what's worked for me (assuming you don't want to eat Fear Factor type foods). I was a picky childhood eater. A few things helped me:

1) You first have to actually want to change - Just like learning math, sometimes you just have to buckle down and do it. This does fall into the "don't be a pussy" area. If you can't find the resolve to change, then you might as well find other things to waste your time on.
2) Eat your challenge foods in situations that are realistic - Don't try to tackle your dislike of onions by trying to eat them like apples. At the same time, don't bother covering a mushroom in 1/2lb of cheese.
3) Start small - Focus on eating small amounts first. Somethings might actually make you feel queasy, and you don't want to any reason to reset any progress and dig in the negative feelings and reactions.
4) Put yourself in a situation where you don't have much choice - Whether it's hunger (you'll eat just about anything when you're hungry enough) or social pressure (regular dinners with coworkers did it for me), eliminating "safety" or "fallback options" helps significantly in committing to eating whatever it is.
5) You don't have to learn to love it, just tolerate it - As simple as that.

Still plenty of foods/ingredients I don't like, but I find I can/will eat most things either privately or in a social setting with little issue now.


Golden Squire
Doubt there's a surefire way, but I will mention what's worked for me (assuming you don't want to eat Fear Factor type foods). I was a picky childhood eater. A few things helped me:

1) You first have to actually want to change - Just like learning math, sometimes you just have to buckle down and do it. This does fall into the "don't be a pussy" area. If you can't find the resolve to change, then you might as well find other things to waste your time on.
2) Eat your challenge foods in situations that are realistic - Don't try to tackle your dislike of onions by trying to eat them like apples. At the same time, don't bother covering a mushroom in 1/2lb of cheese.
3) Start small - Focus on eating small amounts first. Somethings might actually make you feel queasy, and you don't want to any reason to reset any progress and dig in the negative feelings and reactions.
4) Put yourself in a situation where you don't have much choice - Whether it's hunger (you'll eat just about anything when you're hungry enough) or social pressure (regular dinners with coworkers did it for me), eliminating "safety" or "fallback options" helps significantly in committing to eating whatever it is.
5) You don't have to learn to love it, just tolerate it - As simple as that.

Still plenty of foods/ingredients I don't like, but I find I can/will eat most things either privately or in a social setting with little issue now.
I'll second this advice. I was a decently picky eater until I met my wife. All of the random shit she has fixed for dinner since we first met has all but completely killed that in me. I actually look forward to trying new foods now, whereas in the past I would just refuse to try anything.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
I have the misfortune of being a picky adult eater. Believe me when I say I wish I weren't. It bothers me that I can't just order most things off the menu and enjoy it the way it comes out. Now, I'm not saying I'm allergic or will vomit all over the place if I'm served something I don't like, but I'm not going to enjoy it, and in certain cases I simply won't be able to eat it. If you put sour cream or mayonnaise, for example, on something I'm eating, I might as well just throw it away. Other things I might be able to live with, and in certain combinations I can ignore them, like say mushrooms on a pizza, but if you gave me a plate of pasta with mushroom sauce on it, I couldn't eat that either.

I'm sure that if I tried hard enough or I literally had nothing else to eat (zombie apocalypse), I could probably learn to eat some of it. But since I'm not wondering where my next meal will come from, certain foods just disgust me. I totally agree that it is completely un-manly to go on a date and ask for all kinds of special instructions on my order. I wish I could change. But I've tried to a limited extent (always knowing I could get something else), and I just can't with certain foods. I've improved on some things, but others...it just isn't going to happen.

If someone could tell me a sure-fire way to change (besides "Don't be a pussy" Big Phoenix!), I'd love to hear it.
I wouldnt really say dont be a pussy in a situation like this, unless youre really uptight and so picky that you can only eat 1 or 2 things(and if thats the case you really shouldnt be having others cook for you). What food you enjoy is a personal preference. Would you look down upon someone who enjoys classical msuic but not dubstep?

Though if you are trying to expand your tastes, finding new food that is used/cooked the right way is key imo.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'll second this advice. I was a decently picky eater until I met my wife. All of the random shit she has fixed for dinner since we first met has all but completely killed that in me. I actually look forward to trying new foods now, whereas in the past I would just refuse to try anything.
Same. I like trying new things now, for the most part. For 30 years I hated fish, hated the smell, wouldn't eat it. Now, sushi is my #1 favorite food - not talking bullshit California rolls, I mean just the fish; sashimi. Tastes change as you age and wanting to try new things is going to be the best way to actually do it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Oh, and now my rustler: Car makers producing almost zero manual transmission options for fast/sporty cars. Now that I'm grown up and can afford them, it's all fucking dual-clutch, automated manuals (first world problems, QQ)


Toilet of the Mod Elect
Viewing websites on my phone and turning it so I can get a wide angle shot of whatever boob im trying to see a nipple of and the phone moves the viewing area down/up half a page.

Reddit: clicking on a link and pressing the return/back button and my phone brings me back to the top of the fucking page no where near what I was looking at. First world galaxy 3 problems. Wife has the s4 and I swear it doesnt do this shit even with the same os.


Viewing websites on my phone and turning it so I can get a wide angle shot of whatever boob im trying to see a nipple of and the phone moves the viewing area down/up half a page.

Reddit: clicking on a link and pressing the return/back button and my phone brings me back to the top of the fucking page no where near what I was looking at. First world galaxy 3 problems. Wife has the s4 and I swear it doesnt do this shit even with the same os.
I've got an S3 as well, and it does the same for me. Are you using the built in browser? Have you tried a different browser like Fire Fox Android or Chrome? I just deal with it, but if it's a big enough annoyance for you, try one of the other browsers as the S3's built in is ~6 months out of date and won't be receiving any more updates as far as I know.


Toilet of the Mod Elect
I've got an S3 as well, and it does the same for me. Are you using the built in browser? Have you tried a different browser like Fire Fox Android or Chrome? I just deal with it, but if it's a big enough annoyance for you, try one of the other browsers as the S3's built in is ~6 months out of date and won't be receiving any more updates as far as I know.
Chrome since day 1, i forgot about firefox. Will try that out


<Gold Donor>
Doubt there's a surefire way, but I will mention what's worked for me (assuming you don't want to eat Fear Factor type foods). I was a picky childhood eater. A few things helped me:

1) You first have to actually want to change - Just like learning math, sometimes you just have to buckle down and do it. This does fall into the "don't be a pussy" area. If you can't find the resolve to change, then you might as well find other things to waste your time on.
2) Eat your challenge foods in situations that are realistic - Don't try to tackle your dislike of onions by trying to eat them like apples. At the same time, don't bother covering a mushroom in 1/2lb of cheese.
3) Start small - Focus on eating small amounts first. Somethings might actually make you feel queasy, and you don't want to any reason to reset any progress and dig in the negative feelings and reactions.
4) Put yourself in a situation where you don't have much choice - Whether it's hunger (you'll eat just about anything when you're hungry enough) or social pressure (regular dinners with coworkers did it for me), eliminating "safety" or "fallback options" helps significantly in committing to eating whatever it is.
5) You don't have to learn to love it, just tolerate it - As simple as that.

Still plenty of foods/ingredients I don't like, but I find I can/will eat most things either privately or in a social setting with little issue now.
That's some good advice, thank you.

I wouldnt really say dont be a pussy in a situation like this, unless youre really uptight and so picky that you can only eat 1 or 2 things(and if thats the case you really shouldnt be having others cook for you). What food you enjoy is a personal preference. Would you look down upon someone who enjoys classical msuic but not dubstep?

Though if you are trying to expand your tastes, finding new food that is used/cooked the right way is key imo.
Actually, I look down on anyone that enjoys dubstep!

In all seriousness though, I did some thinking about it after I posted and reading what people said, and I realized that most of it really is convenience, as in, if I go to lunch with my coworkers, they already know that I eat that way, so it doesn't matter, and I enjoy it more the way I order it. I can, and have eaten a lot of different foods that I normally ask for it without, like say onions or tomatoes. If those were on something that was being served pre-made, and that was all I could eat, I'd be able to do it. But the two big ones I mentioned, sour cream and mayonnaise, are the tough ones for me. And it ends up being on TONS of stuff. Like, order a combo plate of sandwiches for a business meeting. 9 times out of 10 they'll slap mayo all over each one of them. If you're lucky they'll send mayo packets and just make them dry, but almost every time I can't have one of the sandwiches because they are covered in mayo. Or some mexican food comes slathered in sour cream. If you gave me a dry sandwich covered in onions, tomatoes, jalapenos, pickles, etc. I could eat that as long as it didn't have mayo. I'd prefer it without the majority of those things, so when I order one myself I get it without, but pre-made I suppose I could handle it.

I just don't know that I'll ever be able to get past the sour cream and mayo thing. I've tried, and they both just disgust me so much. But as we've said, first world problems means I can always get it without, so I am sure I haven't *really* tried. I just don't want to make myself do it I guess. And since they are on so many different foods, it comes across as me hating everything. Which sucks.


Potato del Grande
People that walk up to me and ask me what time it is when they have a phone in their fucking hands. Jimmies = rustled.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
SharePoint. Everything about it (including the fact that I'm forced to us it) rustles my jimmies.
God I hate SharePoint.

We moved to a slightly less annoying social platform by Jivesoftware. Jive is good as long as you have some kind of moderation. Don't let your director buy the "the community takes care of the content" bullshit from Jive's marketing. You need fulltime moderation. Like a Tuco or, if you can't afford it, a Tarrent.


Unelected Mod
People that think that because they like some food, everyone else should like it and if they don't, they should have to take some stupid training regime to learn to like it.

I mean, wtf?