Why hide the screenshots and rickshaw forums?


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Back when there were 800+ people viewing fohss, how many were actual bots and how many were actual lurkers not logged in? Was it really that bad?
It was 90% bots and guests remotely linking to images. That being said, I think hiding the forums sucks, but we aren't riding for free like we were on Req's servers. There's gotta' be some concessions to keeping the community up. I'm sure we can come up with alternate ways of attracting new members other than "Hey, I found this site while searching for energy vampire pics on Google!"


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I'd just like to say that I found FoH SS after finding a link to an image posted there. I checked out the forum and though "holy shit this is awesome". I spent a good 4 years lurking on FoH without an account just reading the shit and looking at the purteh pictures. I finally caved in and paid $25 for posting rights 2 months before the apocalypse, but then moved here. The point is, I would never have found the site had the same restrictions been in place in FoH, and I'm sure there are many who can say the same thing.
Yeah, we'll definitely need to work on different ways of advertising.


When did I say I don't want input? If I didn't want input I wouldn't of wasted my time typing all those words to you.
It just sounded like your mind was made up, but kk then, I'll bite.

Affiliates and CPAs: That's what we are running now since google saw some titties. Revenue generated by those ads is at best 20-30% of google ads. If I wanted to maximize revenue, there are a ton of annoying things we can do. Giant popup ads that come up when you come to the site where you have to click "Continue to Rerolled.org". I can put advertisement after every 5 posts and if you don't want to see those you have to subscribe to Rerolled.org for $5/mo. I can shrink the forums to a certain width and put a nice siteskin on the forum too.
If all you're gonna do is toss up a banner at the top and bottom, then sure, but that's not the only option. (Also consider that having the forum default set at 40 posts per page REALLY minimizes the banner views. I had to actually give the site another look to see if there were actually ads here.)

I agree that interstitial are shitty for user experience, but a tasteful site skin has never bothered me. They can also be really targeted too. Why not have a different site skin on each main game thread advertising that game? Why not add affiliate links for those games in each of the posts? Why not make review posts for mmo's that aren't covered yet? If there was a quality review for a game that I hadn't tried, I wouldn't mind signing up though a link here. The product review thread could be filled with aff links too. If you're up front about it and not trying to be shady and shilling for shitty products, I don't think most people would mind. It's far less disruptive than some things.

Also, why not have some of the more annoying things, like the ads every 5 posts, appear for non-registered users? People get an incentive to register and you monetize those that don't.

I know some of you think that putting the porn behind a wall is all of the sudden going to kill the community because a few people that saw a picture of a unicorn fucking a vampire suddenly wanted to contribute won't stick around now. But it's really not. The majority of the people on this site read a lot of the other sections of this forum.
So a quick look at the views makes it look like the screenshot section is about 50% of the total views on this site. The FSR thread alone is probably 25-30% or more. That's some damned significant traffic to be walling off. Also consider the the old grizzled vets of the board aren't really the ad clicking type. I'd bet that new visitors are much more likely to click ads than the standard community member here. Are you tracking behavior by user segment to know which type of ad performs best for which users and what each segment's users are worth?

Regarding Porn sites: Most porn sites require a subscription to access content. Others just host videos ripped from the internet and allow users to upload content. They also have actual porn advertisement which probably makes more money than other affiliate programs. I do not want to put porn ads on Rerolled because then the whole site becomes NSFW and then no one can see it at work.
Shit, most porn sites are just glorified landing pages for other porn offers. Also, there's no reason not to have NSFW ads on the NSFW pages. Even if you don't want to go for straight porn, why not slap adult friend finder ads in the pgt? what about okcupid/eharmony ads in the gwbyht?

Ya, it might be a lot of work, but you can't tell me that doing all of that wouldn't be more effective than slapping a couple of google banners up and forgetting about them (while killing half your traffic).


2 Minutes Hate
Yes there are a ton of things we can do and some of the things you've posted we have plans for. However it's a balance between keeping things the same and not upsetting the applecart and also evolving as we go. Things will take time.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Don't know why people have such a difficult time contributing to the board. There are so many different topical threads (I would say even more then foh when we last left it) that you would be hard pressed not finding a thread or two that suit your interests. FFS there is even a thread about pocket pussies on here.


Golden Knight of the Realm
My point still stands that after a few weeks the people who would have gotten linked to SS will now not get linked - leading to lower traffic over time.
It's also not at all obvious to lurkers on this site that screenshots still exists. I know I thought it had disappeared until I googled it.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Also, 5 posts before I can access it? Are you shitting me?

EDIT: My contribution to the forums will be not reading threads before I comment, and anger.


Molten Core Raider
I've been lurking since sometime in 2003 but never posted anything. One of the reasons was because by the time I had read the MMORPG thread any information that I could offer was already posted by someone. That being said, I have learned alot about the games I was interested in from most of you guys from the "other" site so I would be glad to donate whenever I can. Be that in posts and cash.

Dr Neir

Trakanon Raider
*Will this post unlock me?
I am not ashamed, more posts coming if this doesnt unlock my achievement!


Potato del Grande
I agree. The Screenshots generates a LOT of traffic for this forum. Forcing people to go look for it will hurt, not help. Also, the images should be viewable when you're not logged in. As I lurked for a long time at FOH without a membership, and that's what brought me here, I can say, with 100% certainty, that if these same things had been true there, I would never have gone back to look, and I certainly wouldn't be here now.

Why rub our bad luck in our face?


There has to be a better way to go about this. I would be more than willing to donate whatever is required if I could just go back to lurking like I want to. Being forced to post is a total
turn off for me. I don't like posting unless I actually have something I want to say which isn't often. Fuck having to login just tell me how much money to give you.