Wii U


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
If you have a WiiU and didn't buy Wonderful 101, shame on you.

Just throwing that out there, not directing that at anyone in particular.

I liked Viewtiful Joe, and this completely reminded me of that franchise (same guy made both games of course Kamiya the Bayonetta guy I think) and its a really ridiculously cool title with some minor camera and control issues that don't hamper the gameplay past the first little bit.

I haven't had time to dig deep into it yet, but I have it and have played it some and its ridiculously fun.

GTA 5 of course superceded it. That was a shame on their part to launch those titles head to head.


Molten Core Raider
What really bugs me about the Wii U is... what comes out in 2015?

2014: A decent lineup of Donkey Kong, Kart, Yarn Yoshi, Smash, probably X and Bayonetta 2.

2016: Zelda, maybe Metroid. Probably a 3D Mario game, partly farmed out to Brownie Brown while Tokyo works on the 4DS Mario.

But 2015? Slim pickings. X or Bayo2 if they get delayed, Software 4 could put out another 2D NSMBU, Software 2 with Animal Crossing U (in Japan, at least). Maybe Software 2 also puts out some minigame compilation. But nothing else jumps out at me.
Let's worry about 2014 first before 2015. Pretty sure Zelda is going to come out late 2015 anyways.

There is already a 3D Mario game coming out in November and it looks pretty awesome, the trailer is posted above. It will most likely get a sequel to refine it just like Galaxy did around 2015 too.

If Retro doesn't start work on a new Metroid series when the new Donkey Kong is released that would be crazy.


Trakanon Raider
Just for you crazies who own a Wii U and not MH3U yet, MH3U has a 50% sale on the Wii U shop until tomorrow at noon EST. Just make sure you have enough HDD space and enjoy spending at least a hundred hours of your life playing it. 3DS as well.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Seriously though, if you've got a Wii U and don't have Wonderful 101, you pretty much suck at life and you can correct this by simply getting this amazing game.

You want fun, mature but doesn't take itself too seriously and challenging. This is it. This is the game you buy consoles for. I can't comprehend why its only sold like 30k copies in the US.

It is fucking amazing.


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
Thanks for the recommended games, I would've missed it otherwise. I took advantage of the MH3 sale. Ends on the 4th! (I have no idea what time zone, I literally bought it 10 min ago).

If you already have a WiiU, and liked the original Resident Evil, I had a fun time with Zombie-U. It's got plenty of flaws, but I haven't had a game this tense in quite some time. The controller setup helps 'immerse' you too.


Seriously though, if you've got a Wii U and don't have Wonderful 101, you pretty much suck at life and you can correct this by simply getting this amazing game.

You want fun, mature but doesn't take itself too seriously and challenging. This is it. This is the game you buy consoles for. I can't comprehend why its only sold like 30k copies in the US.

It is fucking amazing.
One of my best mates is a huge Platinum Games fan. He buys all their games day one and plays the absolute shit out of them. He found the Wonderful 101 to be rather disappointing, and he called it, and I quote, "probably the worst Platinum game".

It seems to be an incredibly divisive title. People either love it or hate it, and it seems the people who hate it vastly outnumber those who love it.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
One of my best mates is a huge Platinum Games fan. He buys all their games day one and plays the absolute shit out of them. He found the Wonderful 101 to be rather disappointing, and he called it, and I quote, "probably the worst Platinum game".

It seems to be an incredibly divisive title. People either love it or hate it, and it seems the people who hate it vastly outnumber those who love it.
Eh, if your friend's favorite Platinum titles are MGSR and Bayonetta, might go pretty far to explain why he doesn't like Wonderful 101.

Before Bayonetta and MGSR, Kamiya made Viewtiful Joe for Capcom, and Wonderful 101 is absolutely in that vein of games.

The thing about Wonderful 101 is that its different and challenging, and those two things combined will often turn people off to a game. I can assure you, in time, people will look back on Wonderful 101 as one of those quirky, under appreciated titles that never really got its due. I really feel that its one of the best reasons to own a Wii U right now.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
One of my best mates is a huge Platinum Games fan. He buys all their games day one and plays the absolute shit out of them. He found the Wonderful 101 to be rather disappointing, and he called it, and I quote, "probably the worst Platinum game".

It seems to be an incredibly divisive title. People either love it or hate it, and it seems the people who hate it vastly outnumber those who love it.
Yeah I would agree. I played the demo and hated this game. I would most definitely not shell out any substantial amount of money. Completely overhyped in my opinion, confusing, and I would venture probably looks more attractive because there is literally nothing out for the Wii U at this time worth playing.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Yeah, okay, I don't get why people are turned off by it.

Confusing? You have a leader who leads a team of super heroes who morph their bodies into weapons and objects to interact with the environment. Its Viewtiful Joe meets Pikmin, basically. You draw on the gamepad to tell the pikmin how you want them to form up.

I just don't get why this game isn't meshing for people. Its unique, thats all I can think of. Care to explain why you find it confusing?

How could a game that sold 30k copies be overhyped? Its more completely ignored by the masses and has a tiny cult following that recognizes it for a completely unique and interesting experience in an ocean of mediocrity and sequelitis.

I dunno. I guess I'm the odd man out on this one, but I think its a great game. Way better game to have on the Wii than another fucking Call of Duty, at least.

It probably could have been polished a little more, but it seemed like a labor of love from Kamiya, rather than a big blockbuster title.


Toe Sucker
When I played Wonderful 101 at PAX i didn't find it amazing, or awful. It just wasn't my kind of game *shrug*


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>

Warning, its in spanish, but its got gameplay. I dunno. Looks like Sega trying to copy Mario Galaxy. At the same time, kinda looks fun. I dunno.

Never been a huge Sonic fan, personally. Just thought someone might find it interesting.

The Muze_sl

It is a sad commentary on perception of the Wii U that two legit GOTY contenders don't even get their own threads on this board.

Pikmin 3- Looks amazing. Fun strategy and game play. If you liked the orginals, you will really like Pikmin. It definitely adds too and perfects the formula. If you didn't like the old ones, you probably won't like this one that much more.

Wonderful 101- BUY THIS GAME. Seriously, I don't even like action games but I was instantly sucked in by it's unique combat system, distinct challenge and campy humor. Sales seem to be picking up slightly based on word of mouth, but it is still on a dark horse console. It's probably going to be one of those games years from now people try to find and/or sells for $100 on ebay. It is my personal GOTY.

Wind Waker HD- The best looking game I have ever seen on a console. If you never played it on Gamecube, you owe it to yourself to try it out. My personal favorite in the Zelda series.

Local multiplayer- It already has Nintendoland. Mario World 3D next month. Mario Kart and Smash Brothers next year. I'm sure a Mario Party incoming soon. I already bring my Wii U to parties with 30 somethings and everyone has a blast. It is only going to get better.

Wii U game pad- I love the game pad. Especially when they don't try to force a gimmick onto it. Put UI, maps, and inventory management on the second screen for quick access and I'm fine.

I can't be the only person who finds modern "AAA" titles totally uninspiring. I was thinking about the amount of Wii U exclusives I'm going to buy over the system's life and it is going to approach my 360 and PS3 collections. I'm going to stick with Steam and my PC for the few AAA game that everyone says you have to play. I'm going to have Steam and my PC for the hardcore strategy and more cerebral games and with that I think I'll be just fine. I probably won't jump on a PS4 until much later in the cycle for the Sony exclusives. Microsoft can suck a flying dick. I play NHL 14 every other night with friends, but I still haven't forgot about the RRoD.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Wonderful 101- BUY THIS GAME. Seriously, I don't even like action games but I was instantly sucked in by it's unique combat system, distinct challenge and campy humor. Sales seem to be picking up slightly based on word of mouth, but it is still on a dark horse console. It's probably going to be one of those games years from now people try to find and/or sells for $100 on ebay. It is my personal GOTY.
I said the same thing, bro. They won't listen.

It'll be a 700 dollar game on Ebay one day.


You will notice that when games reach such an extravagant price on eBay it has to do with rarity and not quality. Great games hardly get above 2 times their original value.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I dunno I heard Suikoden 2 is like 700 dollars on ebay (or maybe it was amazon)

Suikoden 2 is one of the greatest games ever made.