Wii U


So what are yalls opinion on the U? I originally had my heart set on a PS4 but recently, I find myself playing less and less video games. If I got a PS4 it would be for by daughter who's just now starting to game and my infant son who will eventually grow. I would also use it as a media appliance.

I always felt the U was underpowered and lacked game titles until recently, when a co-worker showed me the new Mario games coming up (3d world, kart and smash bros). These games look really fun. Thoughts?

How does the Wii U operating system compare to the PS3?


Blackwing Lair Raider
The game lineup still lacks greatly. The controller is neat, but needs good games. Games. No good games. Games.

If you want a good Nintendo product buy a 3DS and play the various awesome DS and 3DS RPG's. Oh and all the Castlevania games on DS are awesome as well.


Trakanon Raider
The games are coming and should be worth it. Especially if you find one of the many sales for the console.


Vyemm Raider
I still enjoy my WiiU, although I don't play it much these days. However Windwaker HD remake comes out Saturday.


Molten Core Raider
I'd say wait until next year, unless you can bag a good deal during Black Friday. By then, Mario, Zelda, etc, will be out, with Mario Kart and Donkey Kong around the corner.

The OS itself is okay, but it's still slow. Not as bad as it was, but still bad. It's main problem is that it desperately needs games.

Zombie Thorne_sl

I tried to get one for my 9 year old (so i could check it out!), but he wanted more Minecraft, COD and iTunes cash... Anecdotal evidence aside, i think Nintendo is in trouble of losing the young crowd this generation.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I tried to get one for my 9 year old (so i could check it out!), but he wanted more Minecraft, COD and iTunes cash... Anecdotal evidence aside, i think Nintendo is in trouble of losing the young crowd this generation.
I keep trying to find games for mine to play it myself. I always fall short. Paying 49 just to play an HD remake of a game I already played and beat doesn't make sense to me either. (Wind Waker HD) My 3DS is getting a LOT more use right now. I bought an XL version and there are a ton of great games. And honestly, I do not see the gameplay mechanics in any of them changing much for the Wii U releases which still are not out yet.

With that said, I also bought a Wii U deluxe with that Disney Infinity game for 4 little cousins. All under 10. This was just last week, and I am still getting instant messages from them on my phone telling me it is Boss (I guess that term is back now after 50 years) and I am the greatest cousin alive.

Edit: Also, for me anyway, I find the second screen on the Wii U controller gets in the way and disrupts my plat stayle. I just like to stare at a screen and get absorbed into a game. When I am checking my pad for inventory, map, puzzle solving, whatever the case may be, it gets annoying after a while.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Eh I can name 5 good games on the Wii U right now, Wonderful 101, Pikmin 3, Wind Waker, Super Mario Brothers Wii U and Monster Hunter 3.

The Super Mario World 3d or whatever coming in November looks amazingly good. Probably as good or better than the Galaxies.

Yes, its easy to complain about that line up (Wind Waker is a remake at 50 bucks a bit high I agree, Monster Hunter 3 was on Wii, but the Wii U version is so much better) Super Mario is Mario a lot of people are tired of Mario but if you want a classic Mario style game similar to the SNES Mario era, you can't go wrong there.

But, those are some solid, fun titles that, if you didn't play some of them in the past or just are looking for a relaxing, less "adult focused" (Not sure that's a good word for it but whatever) more leisurely games, the Wii U is a good option.

It needs a price drop to 200 bucks if it hasn't gotten it yet though. I definitely agree with that. But Target had a buy 2 get 1 free game deal last week I took advantage of to pick up ZombiU, Mario and Pikmin 3 and I'm not regretting it. I basically only bought a Wii U for MH3 anyway, so whatever. I like the system but its not going to win this console generation and they're definitely at risk of losing the younger crowd this gen. Definitely agree with that.


Trakanon Raider
So what are yalls opinion on the U?
The same things that have been said repeatedly. Nintendo fucked things up in multiple ways, by:
1) Releasing too close to the 3DS. Most of Nintendo's teams were still working on 3DS games when the Wii U came out. The end result is that the games were started late and far too often the result is too damn similar to the Wii/3DS versions (3D Land to World, NSMBWii to Wii U), because they simply didn't have time.
2) No innovation. Nintendo has largely bowed out of the raw horsepower race and chosen novelty instead (It's got a 3D screen! It's got motion controls! It's got two screens, one of which is a touch screen!).
So for the Wii U, they... turned your TV into the top half of a DS. Now they have to come up with novel experiences no one else has in the, what, eight years since the DS came out?
3) Too expensive. And the real cost of the non-innovation above is, if you believe Nintendo's PR, the GamePad bumps the cost of goods up to the point where they can't sell it for years as a cheapo second console (ala the Gamecube).

The end result is that the Wii U doesn't offer new experiences, the games (at least for the first few years) are too damn similar in gameplay, and the system costs too much just to buy for those dozen system exclusives over its lifespan. It would take a major turnaround just to get to Gamecube-level also-ran status.


Molten Core Raider
I've got about 300 hours into Monster Hunter 3 (mostly playing on the gamepad while watching other stuff on TV, awesome feature).

I also bought the digital version of Windwaker HD and I'm blown away by the graphics. Easily the best "non-realistic" looking game I've ever played. Never had a Gamecube so Windwaker is totally new for me and I'm enjoying it much more than Twilight Princess or Skyward Sword.

Outside of that I mostly use it to watch illegal HTML5 anime streams (it's browser is really good) on my TV that I can't get through Crunchyroll or other avenues.

Really looking forward to online Mario Kart and the upcoming Monolith game, X.

2) No innovation. Nintendo has largely bowed out of the raw horsepower race and chosen novelty instead (It's got a 3D screen! It's got motion controls! It's got two screens, one of which is a touch screen!).
Totally disagree. The gamepad/tablet and Off TV play is the greatest feature to come to a console ever - the 2nd being being able to use the gamepad as a TV/DVR controller. It's only a gimmick until you actually try it and then realize you can't live without it again, especially if you have to share the livingroom TV with wife/husband/kids/etc.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm in the same boat, the PS4 and XboxOne don't really interest me; I realized haven't used either my PS3 or Xbox360 since 2012. I've been thinking I might wait for prices to drop a bit more, perhaps see bundles or whatever Nintendo calls the platinum (cheap) editions of a few interesting games.


Trakanon Raider
To mimic what Man0warr said, the feature of playing some games on the gamepad is amazing, basically having the option for a giant high powered Nintendo DS but you're able to switch it to the tv at any time.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Uh, yeah, nothing in the article I quoted even said there is a Metroid being worked on currently. Dude asked if it was a possibility in the future, I linked up an article saying it could be. That's literally all that happened here.


You do realize that if you take his statement as truth, the earliest you would get the game is Holiday 2016, right?

I'd call that little as well.
Yeah, god, and that's if we're lucky. That's so extremely disappointing. No Metroid, no Star Fox, no Pokemon, no new Zelda.

How is Nintendo just totally fucking this up so badly? The only game I'm looking forward to at all at this point is X.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
New Pokemons come out like next week, but Star Fox is the franchise I think they need to do something with the most.

A fully fleshed out, modernized pokemon on a core nintendo home console, rather than portable, is a dream I gave up long ago.

However, there is SMT 4 on the 3ds, which is basically Pokemon for adults, and is solid.


Well, I was specifically talking about the WiiU, not including the 3DS. The 3DS is good device that's in a really healthy place. It's stupid that Nintendo isn't giving the WiiU the same love and care when they *easily* could.

Fucking Iwata.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Nintendo needs new blood really badly. They don't even need fresh franchises necessarily, just someone who has the balls to fucking mix up the formulas some. A pokemon MMO aimed at twenty somethings, a Star Fox re invention that brings back the heart of the formula, while re imagining the entire franchise for a modern gamer, etc.

They make really really good games, even now, in terms of polished, playable, fun. Luigi's Mansion on the 3ds is a great example of Nintendo getting some innovation and making a great game. Its very Ghostbusters. Super fun.

I think the Wii really hurt them in the long run more than people realize. It got them stuck on this idea that they can de emphasize modern technology in terms of processing power and pushing graphics and the like (though the Wii U does have great graphics when you aren't playing Wii games on it) and instead focus on gimmicky controller bullshit. The thing that sucks most about it is that, as stated by others, the Wii U tablet device is actually a much more interesting controller gimmick than the Wii nunchuck, but they kinda blew their wad on being able to sell a console based solely on gimmick factor with the Wii (which is probably my least favorite nintendo system ever, which is weird I know).

They're a good company but another generation like they're going to have with this one and they'll be the next Sega, and that's what I fear most for them.

I'd hate to see them leave hardware behind because, one, there needs to be competition in the console market and two, their hardware and games saved the industry back in the 80s. Seeing that go the way of the dodo would be a sad day for the video game industry, in my opinion.