Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion


<Silver Donator>
I don't know what WoW is like now but when I played it the greatest thing it did was allow me to move whenever the fuck I wanted. When you were rooted in place you waited on a cast bar, not an animation.
That's the same thing? Or is the lack of a casting bar suddenly makes it an entirely different mechanic? Also not sure which spell you're talking about or if it's a different video, but all the skills where he "had to" stand around had a cast bar. He was also stopping a lot but you can see him not stop at times, so it's definitely not animation lock and just "I stand still so I can aim easier/there's no need to keep moving". Not that I think this looked fun, it looked tediously slow paced considering the mechanics, which I guess is fairly similar to GW2, which got boring after a while. Might just be class specific.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Without breaking NDA, I will say that if you have potentially terminal ass-cancer, spend your time doing something better than playing this.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
If i had terminal ass-cancer, I'd be going to teh bunny ranch soon. Not playing this WoW-clone.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I didn't get "action combat" from what I saw at all.
"Action combat" nowadays is a trend invented by some PR guy eagered to call "old-gen" MMO combat "tedious and too much complicated" where standing still doing your best skill rotation is "lame and not rewarding". That's why you have dodge, sprint, telegraphs and active positioning / aiming. It doesn't reinvent the wheel at all, it just add more wheels. In most of these new "action combat" MMO (TERA, Secret World, GW2, etc) they force you to be "more mobile and engaged", you have to aim you skills, dodge some, prevent the opponents' attacks and whatnot.

The pros are : gameplay feels much dynamic and engaging, rather than sitting on your ass rotating your flavor spells like a chain robot you have to move, dodge, aim and shit. You have to learn about what other classe can do.

The cons are : it doesn't reinvent anything and it limits choices, in WoW having a 20? skills action bar is okay because you have a lot of utility / class skills. On the other hand, in these "action combat" games your action bar skills setup is limited (most of the time 10- skills), they say you have to "choose what skills you're gonna play" on the fly and skills are class / faction shared to the bone. You lack diversity, classes are mirrored most of the time.

I'm not gonna say anything about Wildstar's current beta state for obvious reasons (you can check that on many other websites), but people need to know the game doesn't have a release date, so any attempt at defining how the game will be at launch is wild assumptions at best. A lot of MMO productions made critical changes before launch, and stating Wildstar won't is nothing but guessing.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I enjoyed TERA's combat quite a bit. Too bad the rest of the game had nothing to offer. The other attempts at "action combat" haven't done it for me. I'm all for making something better than the "old gen" provided it is actually better.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
"Action combat" nowadays is a trend invented by some PR guy eagered to call "old-gen" MMO combat "tedious and too much complicated" where standing still doing your best skill rotation is "lame and not rewarding". That's why you have dodge, sprint, telegraphs and active positioning / aiming. It doesn't reinvent the wheel at all, it just add more wheels. In most of these new "action combat" MMO (TERA, Secret World, GW2, etc) they force you to be "more mobile and engaged", you have to aim you skills, dodge some, prevent the opponents' attacks and whatnot.

The pros are : gameplay feels much dynamic and engaging, rather than sitting on your ass rotating your flavor spells like a chain robot you have to move, dodge, aim and shit. You have to learn about what other classe can do.

The cons are : it doesn't reinvent anything and it limits choices, in WoW having a 20? skills action bar is okay because you have a lot of utility / class skills. On the other hand, in these "action combat" games your action bar skills setup is limited (most of the time 10- skills), they say you have to "choose what skills you're gonna play" on the fly and skills are class / faction shared to the bone. You lack diversity, classes are mirrored most of the time.

I'm not gonna say anything about Wildstar's current beta state for obvious reasons (you can check that on many other websites), but people need to know the game doesn't have a release date, so any attempt at defining how the game will be at launch is wild assumptions at best. A lot of MMO productions made critical changes before launch, and stating Wildstar won't is nothing but guessing.
Tera is really the only one that belongs. It also has nothing like what you described about limited skills or mirroring.

TSW had no action combat what so ever.

Gw2 was like about 25% action combat the rest was typical combat. There were very few moves that could miss(that were not some AE type ability) and instead of just running out of AEs you "rolled". The roll also made you "invul" iirc while rolling.

It will be interesting where this one falls. I am hoping for the Tera side, because that combat was very fun for the most part(the only complaints I heard were from animation lock, ie cant dodge mid skill animation). Unfortunately doesn't look like they are using fps style aiming by default(mouse does it all) with default L/R mouse click abilities(like a shooter). I am hopeful its at least close to tera in terms of action combat and not closer to gw2.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Animation lock in Tera killed it for me, couldn't stand that shit. Wish I could get a fucking beta invite already so I could find out for myself if the game is appealing enough or not.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Ditto. I just need to play it at least once to see if its worth the initial price(if there is one). If I have fun, its worth buying and anything after that will depend on the rest of the game and carbine.

Hopefully things start speeding along and they want to get in more testers. If their target is still this fall, should start getting more marketing and info.


2 Minutes Hate
I guess I have to keep saying this every once in a while that this game is going to be a modern vanilla WOW. If you are expecting anything different or exciting you're going to be fool. The only difference really is housing and their combat system.

Even the combat system isn't completely different. It's just like GW2's but with telegraphs. You're still dealing with random number generators, the holy trinity and quest grinds to max levl for raids and heroic dungeons.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Most likely me and my friends are sitting this one out. I'm semi-excited to get a more sci-fi mmo, though this one, with its lack of space travel, is really pushing the boundaries on that one, but none...NONE of my friends are remotely interested. And their wet blanket killed any enthusiasm I had. I do like the new seemingly evil race they showed and not talking about the rabbids.


Golden Knight of the Realm
If there is ever a next big hit in this stale genre it will be the game that figures out how to remove quest grinding without going back to 1999.

This game looks a thousand times better being presented by one of their devs (or a VO) instead of some random dude actually playing the game. Which would be great if I wasn't some random dude and if you didn't have to actually play it. The player housing/farmville features look cool for people who are into that.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Combat looks good in the videos, nice middle ground between WoW and GW2. Then again I think GW2 has great combat, just little reason to actually engage in it.


Molten Core Raider
Did you include "lol 10 fps and bluescreens" in your equation?

And it's kinda funny to see how worked up people got over the course of this thread. Back on FoH there was a small topic about the game, when it was in its very early stages, and everybody was laughing at the WoW clone with its red square instead of a circle.


Trump's Staff
The player housing/farmville features look cool for people who are into that.


Completely instanced housing is really disappointing. I much prefer AC how everything was in the world (except apartments) and there were little communities of houses

Why was a game from 1999 better than anything made in 2013


Trump's Staff
Did you include "lol 10 fps and bluescreens" in your equation?

And it's kinda funny to see how worked up people got over the course of this thread. Back on FoH there was a small topic about the game, when it was in its very early stages, and everybody was laughing at the WoW clone with its red square instead of a circle.
I just don't understand their business model here...

They are CLEARLY duplicating the WoW experience with sci-fi flavour... But then they are claiming difficulty will be 'hardcore' for raiders (40 man). Do they not understand hardcore raiders won't touch this with a ten foot pole if its anything even close to WoW? Why wold they? They could just play WoW... And if the difficulty is high, you risk alienating Timmy who you worked so hard to cater to with your art/ atmosphere/Leveling experience...

Then they put in sandbox style housing (obv so hawt rite now #yolo), twitchy combat, and esportsy pvp reminiscent of MOBAs...

When you try to be everything to everyone, you end up being nothing at all.


I just don't understand their business model here...

They are CLEARLY duplicating the WoW experience with sci-fi flavour... But then they are claiming difficulty will be 'hardcore' for raiders (40 man). Do they not understand hardcore raiders won't touch this with a ten foot pole if its anything even close to WoW? Why wold they? They could just play WoW... And if the difficulty is high, you risk alienating Timmy who you worked so hard to cater to with your art/ atmosphere/Leveling experience...

Then they put in sandbox style housing (obv so hawt rite now #yolo), twitchy combat, and esportsy pvp reminiscent of MOBAs...

When you try to be everything to everyone, you end up being nothing at all.
You played the BETA?