Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Concerning the sci-fi angle of this game, are they actually going to push it or is that just the lore and the actual zones will be straight out of WoW? I know the setting is sci-fi but they seem to be doing their best to skin it as fantasy, down to the gunslinger being a mage. Buildings mostly look like they are goblin-build too (although I guess gnomes and goblins are sci-fi anyway).

I guess I would like it to go more borderlands and less warcraft.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I don't know if we'll see innovation again. I mean we've had stuff like EQ1, WoW, Eve, A tale in the desert, Ultima Online, Neverwinter, etc...a lot of different things from theme park to sandbox, and mixed of the two, and some with player generated content. I think we'll see more games using more of these different elements...but something truly innovative I don't think so.

I think the best we can hope for in terms of innovation will actually be a game tht uses these already established elements in way that's is new and changes the landscape somewhat. A bit like what WoW did, it didn't do anything truly innovative, but it used existing concepts and put them together in a new way that was really new at the time.

Wildstar at best is trying to do a bit of that, but still sticking very much to what they considered to be working.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Concerning the sci-fi angle of this game, are they actually going to push it or is that just the lore and the actual zones will be straight out of WoW? I know the setting is sci-fi but they seem to be doing their best to skin it as fantasy, down to the gunslinger being a mage. Buildings mostly look like they are goblin-build too (although I guess gnomes and goblins are sci-fi anyway).

I guess I would like it to go more borderlands and less warcraft.
We haven't seen much of the zones, what have they released so far 7 or so zones out of like 20-25 planned. It seems mostly to give me a feel of Firefly sci-fi rather the a Star Trek futuristic feel. Maybe they are keeping the cool stuff for later, we've seen a low gravity zone in one of the presentation that looks cool.


I'm hoping EQ Next proves you wrong, but history is definitely on your side.

Just out of curiousity, why are you excited? I'll buy and play the game and I get the feeling it'll be polished and fun, but is there anything particular that has you hyped? It has some neat features, but nothing that really blows me away at all.
I use the term excited loosely, but mostly because it seems like a casual friendly game and I don't want to be hardcore in an MMO again. Of course if I choose to do so, I hope that their options are superior to what is currently out but nobody can really say if they will be or not without playing it, including me. I'm just genuinely interested in exploring the world/lore and building up my house and if that only lasts a few months then so be it. I'm pretty used to MMOs only lasting a few weeks so maybe I'll get more out of this.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
My impression with their 40m angle is that they were aiming hardcore though. Could be wrong.


With raiding, yeah. I don't really care about raiding anymore. If I get into it and enjoy it then I hope it's awesome but overall I'm just looking at it like it's a game I'll occasionally log in, maybe daily, but I don't really give a shit about trying to be top anymore.

BUT I do hope that their 40mans are done up pretty well. I can't really say for sure as they haven't shown or said anything about raids at all yet. Maybe they'll change my mind and I'll end up playing like I played WoW during vanilla and BC


2 Minutes Hate
It's in a few random videos, it's really not worth digging up. It's like a half second and it doesn't look very impressive. It's very newbie zone ish.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I think the biggest deal breaker for me is 1 weapon type per class. There's no bigger bullshit than that in an mmo
And you're playing FFXIV?

Do we have confirmation its 1 weapon type per class? I swore I saw a warrior with shield/sword and 2h sword, though maybe it was a ability that gave a shield graphic, I dunno. I've played enough games that have 1 weapon per class that it doesn't bother me anymore.


30,000 stress test invites being sent!! Come on, damnit!!!
I hate being teased, since I never get in these things.


Would advise folks as always to check their spam folder , invite showed up tonight just an hour ago (guessing ok here to say invited) for stress test in gmail spam. Did sign up a few accounts , if get any extra's will pm anyone who wants , looks like they are still getting sent tonight in waves.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I know they're doing sockets similar to SWTOR too, which doesn't really excite me. I'm sure some liked it, but I found it to be cumbersome and kind of annoying having to upgrade parts of items rather than items themselves.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'll probably have to wait for the inevitable "pre-order and get beta access" to play :p

Edit: NVM! :p