Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
There goes wildstar... seriously 1 weapon per class ?
Not anything new, quite a few games do it or have done it.

I would love to hear from a designer the reason for choosing 1 weapon per class. I would its not merely "loot" reasons.


Trakanon Raider
Not sure if I give a fuck about the 1 weapon thing or not. On one hand, less bitching how gear especially in the raid setting. Though I loved making uptight people upset when I took 2 good 2-hand weapons on my WoW warrior. Jimmies rustled.

On the other hand, if they don't make tanking/dps/healing stats important than each class will all be fighting for the same weapon with various stats unless it specifically looks like a tanking/healing/dps weapon.

Lastly, I'm surprised no one saw this coming before. I had my doubts because they never showed any different weapons, so I semi prepared myself just in case.


I felt like they were going for a "thing", 4 classes, 4 races, 4 career-things. Adding two new races and classes breaks the symmetry for me and enrages me!

Especially because they don't seem to need 2 more races and classes. *shrug*


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I don't see that happening. They haven't tried to make Anet do it for GW2 nor any of their games I know of. But hey I wont take you away from your "damning the man", people love to bash publishers.


Potato del Grande
One reason I will not play an Esper


Unicorns farting rainbows would not make me feel bad ass


Molten Core Raider
Not anything new, quite a few games do it or have done it.

I would love to hear from a designer the reason for choosing 1 weapon per class. I would its not merely "loot" reasons.
Its lame .... and yes not new... but lame... So every <insert class here> is the same ? no thanks.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Not anything new, quite a few games do it or have done it.

I would love to hear from a designer the reason for choosing 1 weapon per class. I would its not merely "loot" reasons.
It was answered in aReddit AMAA

CRB_Clynch 17 points 4 months ago
Yes, we have currently limited each class to one weapon type and that is how we expect to launch.
Some pros of this decision include:
The animators only have to focus on one weapon type per class which allows them to deliver unique high quality animations for each of the class' abilities.
Our classes work with a Limited Action Set system, and we felt that further restricting your abilities by weapon type would be a little bit too "restricting".


There was an interview with a designer/artist at one point, and he was asked about the whole 1 weapon per class thing.
His response was, that every race is animated by hand, meaning its not an automated process like some games do, so in order to preserve the uniqueness (is that a word?) of the races and their animations they had to make sacrifices somewhere.
The argument was we can automate the process and it would look the same swinging an axe and a sword, or do what they do and make the animations for 1 weapon 'awesome'.
Don't know if I buy it to be honest, but it's not a huge deal for me in the first place, so whatever. Most of the skills have fancy animations anyway, so I could care less about weapon variety, as long as the 'skins' for them are different enough.


Trump's Staff
I suppose. I guess I'm just put off because its such a 'last gen' thing to do. Ah well. Still stoked to try housing and design warplots.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
"One weapon type per class" is a production decision, it's not at all about how fancy these unique animations will be for the player, it's about "how much development time (money) we are NOT gonna waste spending weeks tweaking / fixing X weapon interactions with Y class and Z race" and "how much streamlined we want loot system to be because we then won't spend weeks sorting loots / classes and nitpicking item stats".

Cutting corners is MMO development 101 really, especially since Star Wars : The Old Republic huge failure and its silly cost caused by amateur game design decisions : spending millions on voice acting (over 900 gigs) then firing everyone 5 months after launch (even the Community Lead haha) because they were hemorraging money like a little bitch. As WoW goblins say : "time is money, my friend".


Tranny Chaser
How many weapons do you need? I'm pretty sure my characters in EQ/WoW/SWToR/etc have all used the same weapon type the entire run from 1-60+ with possibly some variation between 2h and a 1h with totem/shield.


Musty Nester
Sounds like it cuts out a lot of bullshit. How many swords of + "not as good as my hammer" do you need to put into the loot table before you realize that the animation for your sword of suck was a waste of time.

Whatever depth there was to that was artificial anyway. I'd rather they spend time on making beanie babies that I can collect and proudly display on a glass table in my space-yurt.


Musty Nester
But then again I played CoH a really long time. Everyone of the same class had the same weapon sets in that game... and no 2 people of the same class were alike.

There's lots of ways to customize a character beyond choosing which lackluster animation you prefer. Note: I'm not in the beta, so I don't know if they're using them. Just sayin, it doesn't sound like a big deal. Some system for Weapon mods... bam, there you go. Your lightsaber now does blunt damage. whee.


Wildstar seems pretty interesting. I really like their style and sense of humour that have been show in the videos / images so far.

I kinda like the 1 weapon per class idea.