Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion


Trump's Staff
Cool. Couple more of those and it may rekindle my interest in checking my spam folder

Lost Ranger_sl

I'll use a old FoH method.

If I was beta testing this game I would say that I enjoyed myself tonight and I would be looking forward to seeing some more tomorrow.

(testing window is very short, hard to give any real review of substance even if we were allowed)


Trakanon Raider
So I thought I would go check betacake to see whats being said there, but apparently in the last couple of months of not checking, I've forgotten what the password into the Wildstar section was. Thought it was just betacake, or cake, but neither work, and I deleted that email forever ago. Would someone mind posting or pming me that please?

So I thought I would go check betacake to see whats being said there, but apparently in the last couple of months of not checking, I've forgotten what the password into the Wildstar section was. Thought it was just betacake, or cake, but neither work, and I deleted that email forever ago. Would someone mind posting or pming me that please?

I am confused what forums are you talking about the official Closed beta Wildstar forums the official stress test forums?


FoH nuclear response team
betacake is a website that specializes in "leaks" for games, apparently there was an all access email/password and he lost it.


Trakanon Raider
I learned it from you dad, I LEARNED IT FROM WATCHING YOU!

But yeah, what Hekotat said. People being bad and breaking NDA so that us unwashed masses can stay in the loop. Hooray internets!

(It's not a super secret password or anything, you sign up for the forums, they email you the password. Worst case scenario I can just go get another one, but since I learned about those forums earlier in this thread, I assume there are dozens of others here with it who can save me the trouble.)


FoH nuclear response team
I was wondering why there were zero updates on their page lately, makes more sense to do it that way though.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm quite amused when I see people here breaching NDA by making not so subtle implications about them being in the beta or their beta experience. Oh, I don't give a damn about NDA, therefore you know why I'm amused ? Because some of them are using the same forum name here and on beta forums. The same forum fucking name both on rerolled and on official Closed Beta Wildstar forums. Which means if any single fuck is given by anyone, you'll lose your beta account just because some low level rat reported you out of jealousy, anger, or for the lulz with a nice screenshot and link.

You're trying to be smart by saying-or-not-saying-you're-in-the-beta-or-not like you're in some wiseguys movie, well then it's time to act wise : change your fucking forum name. I generally don't give a fuck about NDA, but we were asked here to not produce NDA content for obvious reasons and some people are trying to get around by acting like criminal masterminds. If you're too dumb to understand simple rules like forum names, I'd suggest you refrain from breaching NDA and stop acting like you're an Original Villain.


Potato del Grande
I'm quite amused when I see people here breaching NDA by making not so subtle implications about them being in the beta or their beta experience. Oh, I don't give a damn about NDA, therefore you know why I'm amused ? Because some of them are using the same forum name here and on beta forums. The same forum fucking name both on rerolled and on official Closed Beta Wildstar forums. Which means if any single fuck is given by anyone, you'll lose your beta account just because some low level rat reported you out of jealousy, anger, or for the lulz with a nice screenshot and link.

You're trying to be smart by saying-or-not-saying-you're-in-the-beta-or-not like you're in some wiseguys movie, well then it's time to act wise : change your fucking forum name. I generally don't give a fuck about NDA, but we were asked here to not produce NDA content for obvious reasons and some people are trying to get around by acting like criminal masterminds. If you're too dumb to understand simple rules like forum names, I'd suggest you refrain from breaching NDA and stop acting like you're an Original Villain.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I would imagine if you're making comments here under the same name you have there, you probably don't really care if you lose beta access or not.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
What's hilarious to me about MMORPGs(this whole one-weapon thing is an extension of my point, as minor as it is), is that they keep eroding and stripping away player choice. Meanwhile, single-player RPGs are starting to offer almost absurd levels of "choice", to the point of excess. Linearity amongst single-player games is almost refreshing, at this point. Yet the genre that was built on choice, player created content/drama, etc., keeps seeing it taken away in favor of "design" reasons. Boss X must be defeated by Y mechanics. Class Y must use Z weapon. Race X must be Y class and Z faction. It's ridiculous that the genre all about "free will" and "choice", is getting less and less of it.